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ISI chief cancels UK visit

Please don't peddle Altaf as any better here, he should leave the UK renounce his nationality if he cares about Pakistan so much. Only then he can talk.

How can he do that. Look how happy he is with the British passport. :lol:

I salute ISI chief for his daring action.

Such kind of people should lead Pakistani Nation.
Pakistan is acting silly..If Britain shows such arrogance Pakistan will be more at loss

And why is ISI Chief so Hyper Sensitive :lol:

This is called SELF RESPECT that you Indians never understand bcz you people don't have one
Sorry for the intrusion, -

All the points you have given are the moral responsibility of the army during National crisis, army is not trained just to fight.
Army is under the command of the Chief, but the working of army and where to use it is under the Civil Govt.
If army becomes autonomous, then its a Uganda like scene under IdI Amin, or covert dictatorship.

There is a difference between moral and professional obligations.

I feel morally obligated for babri Masjid; does that imply I shall make it my professional obligation to avenge it ?

that question I wanted to raise was if an institution like PA is being payed to do N number of jobs, then why shall money be wasted to
nimrods like zardari and other political / civilian governments ?

Eventually the business of governance has to be merited with cost, quality of service and efficiency.
There is absolutely no way parliamentary democracy will ever be viable.

Take your time and think about it before replying.
There is a difference between moral and professional obligations.

I feel morally obligated for babri Masjid; does that imply I shall make it my professional obligation to avenge it ?
Off Topic

that question I wanted to raise was if an institution like PA is being payed to do N number of jobs, then why shall money be wasted to
nimrods like zardari and other political / civilian governments ?

Eventually the business of governance has to be merited with cost, quality of service and efficiency.
There is absolutely no way parliamentary democracy will ever be viable.

Take your time and think about it before replying.

I don't want to take any time in deciding, its your thoughts you are the best judge about your self and your country.
DG being a member of the visit was already rebuffed many days ago. Very good PR effort then.

No high profile ISI visit to UK was scheduled: PM
Friday, August 06, 2010
Bad weather hampers Gilani’s visit to flood-hit Swat

By Asim Yasin

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani on Thursday revealed that there was no high profile visit of the ISI to the United Kingdom that was reportedly called-off.

“There was no such high profile visit of the ISI delegation to the UK and if there was any, then it would have been in my knowledge,” he said while talking to a group of journalists at the Prime Minister’s House here on Thursday.

The prime minister’s remarks came in response to a question about the two issues of cancellation of the ISI visit and the president’s visit to the UK despite the outburst of British prime minister
No high profile ISI visit to UK was scheduled: PM
This is kinda stupid really, Its Pakistan that needs the UK not the other way around. If Pakistan gets increasingly hostile to the UK, they will loose out of precious foreign investment. The UK has no major trade ties with Pakistan any ways. Half of your politicians including Nawaz Sharif will also loose out as they are the ones that spend more time in London than karachi. Maybe thats why Mr.Zardari and Sharif have been very quite about all this lol. In terms of intel, there is no major loss as the MI6 is quite capable of getting that intel from someone else. David Cameron has just won himself a huge vote bank of Indian's in the UK which is probably one of the most major minority vote banks in the country. Not only that but by his comments he has probably impressed many anti-terrorist lobbies as well as the support of India, thats called killing multiple birds with one arrow :P Well done Mr.Cameron, looks like seasoned politician to me.
In terms of intel, there is no major loss as the MI6 is quite capable of getting that intel from someone else.

The British intelligence community has failed to address its own local problems. They've got locally bred extremists and they export terror themselves, Hizb ut Tehrir being a prime example whose radical militant-coup-for-khilafa preachers come to Pakistan to radicalize urban upper middle classes here. Then their local terrorists come to Waziristan for training as well. If you don't know the volume of HT hate-preachers and militant preachers that come to Pakistan monthly, then don't state anything in this regard.

MI6 needs ISI's help to find its own locals that come here for training. I hope ISI makes them cough the names of all HT members so that we can detain those assholes as soon as they land here.
Date Posted: 06-Aug-2010

Jane's Defence Weekly

Pakistan cancels high-level intelligence talks with UK

Farhan Bokhari JDW Correspondent - Islamabad

Pakistan has cancelled high-level intelligence talks with the UK scheduled to begin on 3 August in protest at British Prime Minister David Cameron's remarks during a visit to India last week in which he publicly criticised Pakistan for retaining links to Islamic militants.

While President Asif Ali Zardari arrived in the UK on 3 August for a five-day visit, Lieutenant General Ahmed Shuja Pasha, director general of the army-run Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency, cancelled his visit to London on 2 August - a day ahead of scheduled meetings.

An ISI spokesman told Jane's the cancelled visit was in response to the "unwarranted" and "uncalled for" remarks by Cameron. The move marks an immediate setback in Pakistan's co-operation with the UK through the regular exchange of information on Afghanistan, which helps to protect British forces deployed to the central Asian country, as well as exchanges on tracking terror networks among the radicalised members of UK citizens of Pakistani origin.

However, opinion remains divided over the extent to which the ISI's gesture marks a long-term break in its ties to British Army and intelligence services. A senior Pakistani government official told Jane's : "The British prime minister ended up crossing the red line. Unless Prime Minister Cameron clearly steps back from the position he has taken, the situation cannot be easily normalised."

A Western defence official based in Islamabad told Jane's : "The ISI's reaction puts across the anger within the army. We have to see how far they [the Pakistan Army] will remain lukewarm."

For the moment, there appear to be few signs of Cameron retreating from his position in a way that will overcome the division.

However, retired Major General Mehmood Durrani, a former national security adviser to Pakistan's prime minister, told Jane's that he did not expect the discord to continue for the long haul. "Pakistan's civil and military establishments are very aware of the need to retain their links to the global audience. After all, Pakistan continues to be commended for the good work it has done in fighting the Taliban and that's a reality which people still accept. Pakistan has paid a heavy price in human and material terms by fighting the Taliban," he said.
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