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Is Modern Europe Enduring The Same Scourge As Ancient India?

Kashmiri Pandit

Oct 12, 2015
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Europe is rediscovering terror. Paris, Brussels, Nice, Cologne and Munich. In all of this, one discerns a faint sense of history repeating itself, but under a different sky.

Think about this. You're back a thousand years or so in time, in India.

Life's good. There's fertile land, there is abundance. There are cultured people well versed in the arts; there is music, dance, philosophy, literature, learning, architecture and openness towards life. Civilization is at its zenith. It's a golden age in many ways.

There's the Kama Sutra. People don't shy away from enjoying the pleasures of life. Sexual mores aren't too strict. Women aren't sequestered away under the veil and enjoy plenty of freedom. They participate equally in various aspects of life.

Certain conditions of India a thousand years ago could very well describe today's Europe. History tends to repeat itself if its lessons are not learned.

There's war every now and then, but there are some rules, some honour even. Some major wars from the past have left scars on the people's psyche and made everyone wary of the misery that battle brings. Peace and humanity are the major driving forces, not hunger for territory.

And there's wealth, an immense amount of it. All this has made you a little soft. You've forgotten that while you espouse elevated philosophies of living, there are others who don't think like you; they believe in a very different system. You've neglected the need to defend yourself.

You're living and enjoying life, oblivious to the ominous clouds gathering over the horizon that will change your land's destiny forever.

And then you experience terror. The terror that comes from facing a ferocious foe, determined to sack, loot, rape, pillage and destroy.

You witness the slaughter and the carnage. Your compatriots killed, taken captive, enslaved. Your homes, universities, institutions and places of worship destroyed, your wealth plundered.

Women turned into commodities. You're helpless and unable to comprehend, let alone counter, the onslaught.

At first these are terrifying raids. The raiders come, loot and go away. Then they realize that you are unable and unwilling to fight back and they can rule over you. So they return, to stay and impose their beliefs.

History shows us that terrorism is not a new phenomenon. Just the methods of inflicting it have changed. India has faced it squarely and suffered from it immensely for more than a millennium.

Certain conditions of India a thousand years ago could very well describe today's Europe. History tends to repeat itself if its lessons are not learned.

Human nature is such that one can never neglect one's defences. The survival of a civilization requires strength and if it cannot protect itself, there will be predators -- lurking, waiting to violently impose their ways. Ancient India experienced this and paid a heavy price, and now modern Europe may just be getting a sense of it.

Having fostered and enjoyed a vibrant liberalism, it seems today that Europe may have failed to anticipate the clear and present threats to its values and way of life.

Written by another chutiya.. Who doesn't know that 1000 years ago a united India didn't exist.. And those evil Muslim created empires .. Gave a society that was taxing low castes for covering their breasts and whatnot dignity .. Gave them things like the grand trunk road,tak mahal and whatnot..
So what's the lesson ? That all prosperous liberal societies are doomed to fail? Like Rome?

That humans have to always remain a martial society?
India before the scourge ----> caste system, sati , infanticide etc
India after the scourge----->caste system abolished, sati banned, infanticide banned. (mostly thanks to 'evil' AURANGZEB).

It seems the scourge was good for dalits , infant girls but bad for brahmins
and other 'high' castes.:P
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Written by another chutiya.. Who doesn't know that 1000 years ago a united India didn't exist.. And those evil Muslim created empires .. Gave a society that was taxing low castes for covering their breasts and whatnot dignity .. Gave them things like the grand trunk road,tak mahal and whatnot..

I think you anger just took over your wisdom . He compares Ancient India with Europe and not Republic of India with Europe . You are pretty much part of that history but if you consider yourself a ME , then that's that .

I am currently reading History and Yes , there were great rulers like Akbar but there were also people like Bin Quasim , Ghori , Ghaznavi ..........
So what's the lesson ? That all prosperous liberal societies are doomed to fail? Like Rome?

That humans have to always remain a martial society?

War and peace are two sides of the same coin; without one, the other will have no meaning.

There has to be a balance.


Now for over a 1000 years, there has been religious wars waged on eastern countries slowly and increasingly.

Wars will likely consume all those who yearn to impose it on others.

And then peace will start.

It sounds philosophical but if you see the cycle of history it always is that way.
India before the scourge : caste system, sati , infanticide etc
India after the scourge: caste system abolished, sati banned, infanticide banned.

All these practices gained upper hand in medieval period , Muslim Rulers did nothing to create change ( except for few ) .
British kept looting but atleast their coming brought a sense of sanity back into the knowledge hungry minds of South Asia .
Written by another chutiya.. Who doesn't know that 1000 years ago a united India didn't exist.. And those evil Muslim created empires .. Gave a society that was taxing low castes for covering their breasts and whatnot dignity .. Gave them things like the grand trunk road,tak mahal and whatnot..

You really deserved a -ve on that.
So in a nutshell the Europeans face an invading army that will destroy everything and that's what happened in India, but the Europeans invited them in, they are tiny in numbers, have no military strength and can be removed quite easily.
Amit Nangia sure doesn't let facts get in the way of his articles......o_O
So in a nutshell the Europeans face an invading army that will destroy everything and that's what happened in India, but the Europeans invited them in, they are tiny in numbers, have no military strength and can be removed quite easily.
Amit Nangia sure doesn't let facts get in the way of his articles......o_O

You are half right .
Its not an army like the ancient time .
With time warfare has changed . To destroy powerful countries , you eat them from within not outside .
Ancient India
Do you mean Ancient Pakistan? And if you blabber something like "Oh there was no Ancient Pakistan" well there was no Ancient India other than inside your head. If it was please cite me one primary source before 500BC that mentions India".

No translations, no transfers but actual use of "India" as in "INDIA" in a primary source?
Written by another chutiya.. Who doesn't know that 1000 years ago a united India didn't exist.. And those evil Muslim created empires .. Gave a society that was taxing low castes for covering their breasts and whatnot dignity .. Gave them things like the grand trunk road,tak mahal and whatnot..
Very well said I support your opinion.
War and peace are two sides of the same coin; without one, the other will have no meaning.

There has to be a balance.


Now for over a 1000 years, there has been religious wars waged on eastern countries slowly and increasingly.

Wars will likely consume all those who yearn to impose it on others.

And then peace will start.

It sounds philosophical but if you see the cycle of history it always is that way.
Very beautiful thought.

Actually when you think about it everything that human beings have attained, this place of enlightenment that so many people on this planet are now in, prosperous, scientifically literate, socially free....this is very easy for a group either from outside or from within their own societies to topple.

It has happened so many times in history before. Maybe in a few hundred years we will be back in the dark ages again!
You are half right .
Its not an army like the ancient time .
With time warfare has changed . To destroy powerful countries , you eat them from within not outside .

Asymmetric warfare still requires some logistical set-up, that can provide men, arms, training, equipment, intelligence etc. These people do not have anything approaching that. Even eating them from "within" you would need numbers far greater than what has entered Europe.
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