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Iran's Infrastructure projects...

South Pars Phase 14 refinery goes operational:cheers:

  • “Phase 14 refinery is the last refinery of the South Pars
  • Out of 13 South Pars refineries, 12 refineries have gone operational so far and phase 14 refinery is the last onshore processing facility belonging to the massive joint gas field
  • South Pars is the largest gas field in the world shared by Iran and Qatar.
Very good and important news to finish the year.. last time around Iran was producing close to 6 million barrels of oil was 1974..better news is that most will be turned into Oil products rather than just crude exports. One reason they can do it is because 85% of oil production equipment is produced in-house..see the report attached.

Iran to boost Oil production to 5.7 million barrels per day

تولید نفت را نیز در قالب حفظ و نگهداشت تولید و توسعه معادین نفتی با اولویت معادین مشترک در دستور کار داریم. با برنامه ریزی هایی که انجام داده ایم ظرفیت تولید نفت کشور را به ۵ میلیون و ۷۰۰ هزار بشکه می رسانیم .
lots of good info about oil if you are interested in this interview.
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Iran pumping oil from places not known for oil.Fars province:undecided::undecided:.


2nd oil field in Iran’s Fars Province goes on stream
  • The operation to build the necessary infrastructure to make the oil field operational, was carried out by one of the capable domestic companies
  • all the equipment used to develop the oil field has been designed and developed in Iran
  • out of the five oil wells drilled in the Kesht oil field, three are now on stream with a flow rate of 9,000 barrels daily, while the work on the other two are in the final stages.
At $80 to $100 per barrel this field can generate more than $1 billion dollars annual income for the country:woot:
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Iran pumping oil from places not known for oil.Fars province:undecided::undecided:.

View attachment 826119

2nd oil field in Iran’s Fars Province goes on stream
  • The operation to build the necessary infrastructure to make the oil field operational, was carried out by one of the capable domestic companies
  • all the equipment used to develop the oil field has been designed and developed in Iran
  • out of the five oil wells drilled in the Kesht oil field, three are now on stream with a flow rate of 9,000 barrels daily, while the work on the other two are in the final stages.
At $80 to $100 per barrel this field can generate more than $1 billion dollars annual income for the country:woot:
Billions of dollars of income will enter Iran in the event that sanctions are removed. No surprise how everyone still wants them forever.
Iran's natural gas exports revealed

  • At $4.8 billion dollars this is the first time I see an actual $$$ figure for Iran's gas exports...Iran is third largest producer of natural gas but most is used internally.
  • Further exports are coming but are not made public for now (sanctions related)

صادرات گاز طبیعی ایران در سال 1400 دو برابر شد​

طبق آمار رسمی گمرک ایران، میزان صادرات گاز طبیعی ایران در 11 ماه نخست سال 1400 بیش از 4.8 میلیارد دلار بوده است که از نظر حجم و ارزش صادرات نسبت به سال گذشته تقریبا دو برابر شده است.
صادرات گاز طبیعی ایران در سال 1400 دو برابر شد

به گزارش خبرنگار اقتصادی خبرگزاری فارس، طبق آمار رسمی گمرک ایران، در 11 ماه نخست سال 1400 میزان صادرات گاز طبیعی ایران بیش از 4.8 میلیارد دلار بوده است.
همچنین وزن گاز طبیعی صادراتی از ایران نیز بیش از 23 میلیون تن بوده است.
جدول 1- گاز صادراتی در 11 ماه نخست 1400 و مقایسه با مدت مشابه 99 (واحد: میلیون دلار، هزار تن)

طبق آمار ارائه شده توسط گمرک ایران در جدول 1، ارزش گاز صادراتی ایران 84 درصد نسبت به مدت مشابه افزایش یافته است و حجم گاز صادراتی نیز 91 درصد افزایش یافته است.
چندی پیش‌ جواد اوجی وزیر نفت پیش‌تر در گفتگو با خبرگزاری فارس درباره افزایش حجم و درآمدهای صادراتی گاز ایران عنوان کرده بود که تمامی درآمدهای صادرات گاز ایران در دولت سیزدهم وصول شده است و میزان وصول درآمدهای صادرات گاز نسبت به سال گذشته 4 برابر شده است.
وزیر نفت در این باره گفت: نه تنها در حوزه نفت بلکه در حوزه صادرات گاز نیز اوضاع بهتر شده است، سال قبل ایران در مجموع یک میلیارد و 27 میلیون دلار گاز فروخته بود، ولی امسال بیشتر از 4.6 میلیارد دلار گاز صادر کرده و درآمدهایش را نیز کاملا وصول کرده است.
اوجی در ادامه اظهار داشت: ضمن اینکه حجم صادرات گاز ایران نیز در سال جاری افزایش یافته است. در حوزه صادرات گاز ترفندهایی را وزارت نفت اجرا کرده است که اجازه بدهید در فضای رسانه‌ای مطرح نکنیم، ولی این افزایش حجم صادرات گاز نیز چشمگیر بوده است.
$700 million dollars underground Gas storage facility
  • Stored gas to be used in high demand winter moths and back filled in the summer time
  • 3 years to complete the project
  • Doubles the underground storage capacity of Gas in Iran
  • Require development and build of 350 BAR (5000 PSI) gas compressor in the country.



Photos are from the existing facility in Khorasan..the project will double the capacity of the above facility.
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I decided to put this item in the infrastructure section..A country that looks after national/historical monuments is indeed restoring old infrastructure of the nation for all to see and wonder.

BAM Citadel (a Unesco world heritage site)
90% destroyed in 2003 earthquake..coming back to life with a meticulous restoration work...well done so far

19 years later the site looks so different (many more years of work left to do)








I decided to put this item in the infrastructure section..A country that looks after national/historical monuments is indeed restoring old infrastructure of the nation for all to see and wonder.

BAM Citadel (a Unesco world heritage site)
90% destroyed in 2003 earthquake..coming back to life with a meticulous restoration work...well done so far
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19 years later the site looks so different (many more years of work left to do)
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only the citadel and the buildings around it get fixed , the rest is still....
I decided to put this item in the infrastructure section..A country that looks after national/historical monuments is indeed restoring old infrastructure of the nation for all to see and wonder.

BAM Citadel (a Unesco world heritage site)
90% destroyed in 2003 earthquake..coming back to life with a meticulous restoration work...well done so far
View attachment 829361

19 years later the site looks so different (many more years of work left to do)
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What is the history of this city ...according to locals? ...any myth related to that ..
What is the history of this city ...according to locals? ...any myth related to that ..
The citadel goes back 2000 years ..the old city of Bam was mostly destroyed and had to be rebuilt after earthquake..that is as far as I know.

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