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Iranian Supremacy in Scientific R&D in the Islamic world

This rise is translating into military R&D too namely Missile/Space program, Air defence and Radar tech, cyber warfare, UCAVs, navy, ground forces etc
And this being done by a 10th rate poverty-stricken nation like India lol

Why do you hate us ? Did we do anything to you wanted to find out about scientific journals of Iran got hate instead ?
Which one of us said anything against Indians?
Read the comment
Which one of us said anything against Indians?
But the list is extremely intresting ahead of turkey and saudi very intresting even though both of them are extremely rich
How does Islam influence Persian culture now
Bcs previously Persia was a great progenitor of science
Does it still have effects ?

Also this ahead of South Korea even though they make kfx ? Good
Read the comment

One of the trolls, because of his illiteracy was equating impact factors of Journals of a country to its count of nonself cited SJR recognized publications. He came to troll and was blasted off. I see no harm done to India/UK? am I missing something

It's like saying one country has a high no. of nonself citations in SJR-recognized journals and we make a thread about it, but someone feels insecure and starts derailing the thread by saying the same country's own journals do not have a higher Impact factor compared to let's say some western country. What ridiculous logic.

Also this ahead of South Korea even though they make kfx ? Good

Lets start with simple things

One of the trolls, because of his illiteracy was equating impact factors of Journals of a country to its count of nonself cited SJR recognized publications. He came to troll and was blasted off. I see no harm done to India/UK? am I missing something

It's like saying one country has a high no. of nonself citations in SJR-recognized journals and we make a thread about it, but someone feels insecure and starts derailing the thread by saying the same country's own journals do not have a higher Impact factor compared to let's say some western country. What ridiculous logic.

Lets start with simple things

What's the patent count of Iran in science?
Only scientist patents trully matter bcs they are IP

I was angry bcs he is calling us 10th rate
I understand your logic one Chinese with Indian flags was once claiming india stole Chinese invention due to 8000 Chinese expat 1417 actually working in India while mostly they work in consultancy and e commerce
Thier is no shortage of false flaggers and trolls on this website

This thread is informatic to me bcs i never knew iran published so many scientific journals in biotech research

Anyway what's the patent count of Iran .
I have never seen much journals in my field from Iran
Is it mainly bcs you guys don't speak English
Are these journals written in the language of Iran ?
What's the patent count ?
What's the patent count of Iran in science?
Only scientist patents trully matter bcs they are IP

No, they dont. The thickest majority of the scientists work in academics where they do not have the time to fill out patent forms. They just publish work in SJR-registered journals and move on to derivative research ideas. Patents are filed yes but their value is not great in academia.

Patents are a thing of the commercial world where research arms are becoming smaller and smaller since the advent of the Industrial-Academic research consortium ages. No giant research funding is exclusive to one research domain anymore. You have to bring in industrial partners. So commercial research world is small and even there, patents are dying because of the information age. Not many companies waste their time and resources filing patents when they know the rivals will get the same formulations one way or other. Patents used to matter a lot in the previous era when information was not available. Now a researcher can grab the idea of his peers just by looking at their RG or Google scholar profiles.

The single biggest marker for the quality of a researcher is how many times his/her work is published in SJR registered journals work has been cited by others (not him/herself) in SJR registered journals. Offcourse ppl will cite it if its important, if its validating their own work why would otherwise anyone would cite ? Iran leads the Islamic world this way.

I was angry bcs he is calling us 10th rate
I understand your logic one Chinese with Indian flags was once claiming india stole Chinese invention due to 8000 Chinese expat 1417 actually working in India while mostly they work in consultancy and e commerce
Thier is no shortage of false flaggers and trolls on this website

No. of mods are less so they cant control everyone, best way is to report the trolls and they deal with them when they get time.

This thread is informatic to me bcs i never knew iran published so many scientific journals in biotech research

Anyway what's the patent count of Iran .
I have never seen much journals in my field from Iran
Is it mainly bcs you guys don't speak English
Are these journals written in the language of Iran ?
What's the patent count ?

SJR website is a goldmine of info. I have posted link in OP
What language do you commonly speak in Iran ?

If i want to visit can i just use English ?

No, thick majority will not understand it. Youngsters in urban centers can but not alot of them.
View attachment 883196

No, thick majority will not understand it. Youngsters in urban centers can but not alot of them.
How do you even know English then ?

This is probably the reason I did not see any paper from Iran in my field 🤔
Would have probably been written in an Iranian language that I can t understand thanks bro 🙏 informative
How do you even know English then ?

I have lived in west for a long long time.

This is probably the reason I did not see any paper from Iran in my field 🤔
Would have probably been written in an Iranian language that I can t understand thanks bro 🙏 informative

They are not all written in Farsi. Use google scholar and search for Iranian universities, you will find plenty of publications in English in high-impact factor journals.
I have lived in west for a long long time.

They are not all written in Farsi. Use google scholar and search for Iranian universities, you will find plenty of publications in English in high-impact factor journals.
I was searching about patent statistics of Iran pretty good

I have lived in west for a long long time.

They are not all written in Farsi. Use google scholar and search for Iranian universities, you will find plenty of publications in English in high-impact factor journals.
Greater than both saudi and Turkey

I know you happen to work for RAW or something. Regardless, I want you to unfollow me because I have no wish to interact with you or be on your list (or have you on mine, for that matter).
I work for raw ???,,🤣🤣🤣🤣 I wish I did
Yeah unfollowed i only followed you bcs i saw your comments on the library thread were intresting 🤔 goodbye
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