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Iranian Backed Hazara Militia Shoots Down an Afghan Military Helicopter in Maidan Wardak Province

Seems too close to be a manpad which need probably a few hundred meters (also “super elevation” to arc and come back down on the target) to arm (remember hearing this from some TV documentary), probably a laser or IR guided ATGM. But if they say they recovered manpad fragments, then I guess it doesn’t need a few hundred meters, or I’m just misjudging the distance of that shot.

Also did you notice the shooter fired from just along the fence line; ambush by an insider or weak base security?

Either way if the Iranians are introducing these kinds of sophisticated weapons and tactics to the battlefield, it could become a lot more deadly from now on.

p.s. some people are saying it was a Blackhawk, but the outline look like a Mi-17. Was it a Blackhawk or a Mi-17?
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I'm not familiar with the ongoing war in Afghanistan. But who is this Alipoor guy? And why would he want to fight with the Afghan army?
Last time I checked Hazaras do not like the Taliban. So, why are they against the Afghan government?
Looks to be a Mi-17.
Just tragic

p.s. the PA should make sure our Mi-17 have the right defensive systems, because with Afghanistan going back to the warlords, these kinds of weapons could end up anywhere. All the more reason we need that border fencing done soon (Afghan and Iranian borders)
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Looks like they are pinning this on the Hazara warlord Abdul Ghani Alipur. This could also mean Iran is claiming “Hazarajat” as their protectorate in the aftermath of whatever happens.

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I'm not familiar with the ongoing war in Afghanistan. But who is this Alipoor guy? And why would he want to fight with the Afghan army?
Last time I checked Hazaras do not like the Taliban. So, why are they against the Afghan government?

This is Afghanistan.

Problem lies with the OP. As a takfiri, he hates every Shia indovidual hence trying to portray hazara Shias as Iranian proxies in Afghanistan. This was new to me also, Iran has always supported the national Army and government of Afghanistan.

A sensationalist title indeed
I don't know honestly. Iran has a long history of supporting Hazaras for good reasons, mostly against sectarian attacks on them by the likes of the Taliban.
However, I have never heard about the guy. He seems to be a warlord or something. If they used Misagh (which hasn't been officially confirmed yet), then Iran is supporting him. Otherwise I cannot see how he could acquire them.

Also, we don't know yet who has done the attack. Has this Alipoor guy accepted responsibility for it? If yes, what is his motivation for this attack on ANA?
Problem lies with the OP. As a takfiri, he hates every Shia indovidual hence trying to portray hazara Shias as Iranian proxies in Afghanistan. This was new to me also, Iran has always supported the national Army and government of Afghanistan.

A sensationalist title indeed
You're the one being sensationalist. The OP seems to be stating facts.

Afghanistan is a mess. That multiple disparate groups loosely seem to oppose the Taliban doesn't imply that those groups will all align in totality. A wise person once opined that the ANA is simply another armed gang in a perpetual drug-charged turf war between multiple armed gangs. Syria provides an extreme example of what Afghanistan is inching towards.
That's most likely not an Iranian MANPAD. It's probably an ATGM but I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Seems too close to be a manpad which need probably a few hundred meters to arm (remember hearing this from some TV documentary), probably a laser or IR guided ATGM. But if they say they recovered manpad fragments, then I guess it doesn’t need a few hundred meters, or I’m just misjudging the distance of that shot.

Also did you notice the shooter fired from just along the fence line; ambush by an insider or weak base security?

Either way if the Iranians are introducing these kinds of sophisticated weapons and tactics to the battlefield, it could become a lot more deadly from now on.

p.s. some people are saying it was a Blackhawk, but the outline look like a Mi-17. Was it a Blackhawk or a Mi-17?
why would Iran sell - give weapons to target Afghanistan army they are not Iran or IRGC enemies Iran has given sophisticated weapons to its friends before but not an Iranian made weapon that can be track back to Iran, weapons almost every time have completely new looks just like missile 358, I can't blame Iran as of now, there is little to no evidence at this point
I'm not familiar with the ongoing war in Afghanistan. But who is this Alipoor guy? And why would he want to fight with the Afghan army?
Last time I checked Hazaras do not like the Taliban. So, why are they against the Afghan government?
our intelligence agency say Alipoor is a well trained and respected and popular Shia commander also known as Sword Commander with alot of followers that in recent days has joined Taliban in fight against Afghanistan government and there establishment, his true reason to join Taliban is yet to be known.
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