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Iran nuclear deal reached

Saudis are nervous about a possible deal.

Han! Honey don't believe everything you get to hear or read :lol:

It is to the best interest of ours that Iran makes no deal and purse the nuclear bomb for two main reasons. :azn:
Over 90% of Jewish population is brunett.

That's simply jewish genes , they can't reach blonde no matter how much they mix with Europeans , Why do you think hitler wanted the Aryan race to be all blond ? it was simply a cruel joke.
Today Jews are not all white either. Over 90% of Jewish population is brunett. reddish white is more white than most of the Jews :) .

It's already been scientifically proven that the so called "Jews" are not middle eastern , infact majority of your DNA is Eastern European.

Source:.Study traces Ashkenazi roots to European women who probably converted to Judaism - Jewish World News Israel News | Haaretz

Don't take this personally, but I'm afraid everything you've been told about being God's "chosen people" is a lie.

You must be overwhelmed by emotions knowing your whole life is a lie, but I can assure you being part of the "Gentile Race" is not so bad. Welcome to your new life. :)
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No I don't want Israel to give up anything, that was just a counter argument.
Here's the thing. Israel wants to impose its will on my country and force it to give up its LEGAL right under a treaty that Iran has signed voluntarily.
My argument is that, will Israel give up its nukes? Of course not. Then it should shut up and stop 'ordering' Iran to do it or that, it should stop the big mouthing. I think you have followed the negotiants and you witnessed who is bi**hing around screaming against a peace deal. You know who is ruining the negotiations, take the latest one in last few days as example.
The problem of Israel with Iran is that Iran started and still leading a terror war against us. Every year Iran spends billions on terrorist groups who attack Israelis. Hundreds Israelis were killed thanks to Iranian sponsoring.

Similarly Iran is trying to export its Islamic revolution into other Muslim countries.

Iranian terrorist groups attacks embassies, diplomats, peacekeepers and military targets of America, France.

So everything is simple here: if you dont want other countries to stop meddle with your business stop doing it urself first. You started with that, not us. Invest billions in ur poors instead of Hamas and Hezbollah and then build as much nukes as u like.

It's already been scientifically proven that the so called "Jews" are not middle eastern , infact majority of your DNA is Eastern European.

Source:.Study traces Ashkenazi roots to European women who probably converted to Judaism - Jewish World News Israel News | Haaretz

Don't take this personally, but I'm afraid everything you've been told about being God's "chosen people" is a lie.

You must be overwhelmed by emotions knowing your whole life is a lie, but I can assure you being part of the "Gentile Race" is not so bad. Welcome to your new life. :)
Meow kitty, I already answerd that . It only shows that Jews took the European wifes. So what? Arabs also do that they are not Arabs now? King Abdullah should be expelled to Europe because his mom is British? :cheesy:
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It's already been scientifically proven that the so called "Jews" are not middle eastern , infact majority of your DNA is Eastern European.

Source:.Study traces Ashkenazi roots to European women who probably converted to Judaism - Jewish World News Israel News | Haaretz

Don't take this personally, but I'm afraid everything you've been told about being God's "chosen people" is a lie.

You must be overwhelmed by emotions knowing your whole life is a lie, but I can assure you being part of the "Gentile Race" is not so bad. Welcome to your new life. :)

That's why she is on this forum , she 's avenging her gentile mother.
Iran, world powers reach historic nuclear deal with Iran - The Washington Post

Breaking update: A historic agreement has been reached between Iran and six world powers on limits to Iran’s nuclear program, a European Union official confirmed Sunday.

“We have reached agreement between E3+3 and Iran,” an EU spokesman said in Twitter posting.

In a bid to bridge gaps, the U.S. State Department announced Friday that Secretary of State John Kerry would join Iran nuclear talks in Geneva.

Best news photos of the week
flew to Geneva for the second time in two weeks to try to break the impasse. The Obama administration has been seeking to quickly finalize an agreement in the face of threats by Congress to impose additional economic sanctions on Iran.

The marathon discussions with Iran, which extended into an unscheduled fourth day, were described by Western diplomats as “very difficult” and “intense.” Several officials sought to lower expectations that a resolution could be reached before Sunday, when Kerry and the other foreign ministers were due to depart.


Omg, this is true, Iran may be the second Muslim nuclear nation in the world. Takbeer!

@ResurgentIran, @haman10 , @Serpentine
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Iran, World Powers Reach Deal - Middle East - News - Israel National News

Iran and six world powers have reached a deal regarding Iran’s nuclear program, after hours of talks in Geneva.

The European Union’s Foreign Policy Chief, Catherine Ashton, announced early Sunday morning that an agreement has been reached between Iran and the group known as the P5+1.

France's Foreign Minister, Laurent Fabius, confirmed as well that a deal has been reached. Iran's Foreign Minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, tweeted as well that "we have reached an agreement."

Details of the agreement have not yet been made public.

The deal comes after an earlier report that it may not happen due to Tehran's continued insistence that it retain the ability to enrich uranium.

Emerging after day-long talks in Geneva on Saturday, Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi told reporters that the talks had achieved “98 percent progress,” but that Tehran would not accept any agreement that does not recognize what it considers its right to enrich uranium, a demand the United States and its European allies have repeatedly rejected.

and the reaction of Saudi Arabia and Israel --> :(

world's reaction --> :o:

My reaction ---> :enjoy:

Congratz to Iranian brothers :yay:

I'm waiting for Israel's reaction. As for Saudi Arabia I don't think it's that bad with them.

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