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Iran and Turkey become drone powers.

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This guy philipospers suffers from some mental disorder.

Insulting does not add strength to an argument.

People asked you for combat capabilities? You keep spamming about a low-tech oil restorage fire which was done by low-tech suicide drone by a none-state actors.

This is a simple matter of putting 2+2 together. Like I stated already, that facility is one of the most important facilities in the whole of Saudi Arabia, a country with a large air defence network. So if that attack was indeed done by "low tech" suicide UAVs, it highlights the ability of the Iranian UAV systems to deliver, which is what matters. The point is the context, which you seem to miss. Turkish UAVs have not been used in an environment of that Iranian attack. These Turkish UAVs have been destroyed in large numbers and most of theatre they are used in involved sides with relatively antiquated air defence.

Iran doesn't have drone capabilities to change any reality on the ground this is a fact that everyone knows and is the public census.

The Experts beg to differ:

1. Iran was handily beaten by the Rebels in Syria and since Iran couldn't project anything they had to given to Russia in 2015 and handover everything.

Iran stopped the march of the terrorists for years before Russia even entered the scene. Russia's involvement was only in airpower, which helped but as we can see from the war in Yemen, airpower is not everything.

Iran has low-tech drone capabilities

It's all relative, Iran is less than advanced then the US but more advanced than the likes of Turkey. Nobody questions Iran's UAV capability, online trolls do not count, we're talking about actual defence experts.

and not something showchased at all. spamming the Oil incident will not change the narrative.

On the contrary, your inability to see the significance of that attack will not change the narrative.

We are talking about conventional military reality on the ground. The saudis have shout down over 5000 drones by now.

Sure, except they could not shoot down a single UAV when it mattered, i.e when Abqiaq went up in flames.

The drone capabilities is to prove in a conventional war to change realities such as the TB2 series or CH4 but for godsake stop spamming just for the sake of it.

We have already done a UAV-UAV comparison, the likes of TB2 are lower tier systems of which Iran is producing multiple types of. Unless you have anything of substance to deliver, then kindly cut down on the petulant moaning.

We are not children or born yesterday

In the context of military knowledge, I would question that.
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I don't know if you're sleeping under a rock or something.

Where do you think Yemeni drones targeting Riyadh come from? Saudi and US have openly admitted that Iranian drones attacked Aramco facilities. Iranian drones are battle tested, not under Iranian flag but they are made in Iran.
LEave that man alone, he hates on Iran but he cant Hate on Iran's real capabilities.
From experience, those that tend to resort to such insults are projecting.

I take it you're struggling to put 2+2 together. Like I stated already, that facility is one of the most important facilities in the whole of Saudi Arabia, a country with a large air defence network. So if that attack was indeed done by "low tech" suicide UAVs, it highlights the ability of the Iranian UAV systems to deliver, which is what matters. The point is the context, which you seem to miss. Turkish UAVs have not been used in an environment of that Iranian attack. These Turkish UAVs have been destroyed in large numbers and most of theatre they are used in involved sides with relatively antiquated air defence,

The Experts beg to differ:

Iran stopped the march of the terrorists for years before Russia even entered the scene. Russia's involvement was only in airpower, which helped but as we can see from the war in Yemen, airpower is not everything.

It's all relative, Iran is less than advanced then the US but more advanced than the likes of Turkey. Nobody questions Iran's UAV capability, online trolls do not count, we're talking about actual defence experts.

On the contrary, your inability to see the significance of that attack will not change the narrative.

Sure, expect they could not shoot down a single UAV when it mattered, i.e when Abqiaq went up in flames.

We have already done a UAV-UAV comparison, the likes of TB2 are lower tier systems of which Iran is producing multiple types of. Unless you have anything of substance to deliver, then kindly cut down on the petulant moaning.

In the context of military knowledge, I would question that.

Russia has military police in all Syrian held area junction borders protecting Assad from assaults and separating borders with SDF-USA to TURKEY+Rebels to ISIS. etc etc. There is borderlines in inside syria between Russia, Turkey, US and Israel while Iran has no involvement in this.

Even in Daraa there is Russian military police in between the rebels and SAA who signed a co-existing deal truce with russian support.

Even Yesterday SDF held SAA supporters hostage and shoot at civilians it was Russia that did the negotiation with them and to lift the blockage on these people since they were starved by SDF.

No one travels on the Homs-Deirezzor road without Russian air-surveilance. Russia controlls solid everything. Iran has completely lost influence and merely a puppet. They call no shoots since they handed over everything back in 2015.

As far as drones go. There is just nothing Iran has proven that is of good. The Rebels could match Iran in drones since they make good homemade drones. We really don't know as in conventional military conflict as there is no evidence whatsoever? Some suicide drones that went into a oil field doesn't count at all but conventional military conflict?
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which war(s) please??

In Syria, Iraq, Libya, Nagorno-Karabakh..

Turkey controlls 10-15% of Syria by force literally. Holds around 10% of Iraq by force? Helped Azerbaijan to reclaim it's territory and lift these Armenians by FORCE! Holds half of Libya by FORCE!

Turkey has beaten everyone militarily on the ground and held tight to whatever it took.

There you have it 4 wars and they handle them quickly without hassle.

No compromises but fists
Russia has military police in all Syrian held area junction borders protecting Assad from assaults and separating borders with SDF-USA to TURKEY+Rebels to ISIS. etc etc. There is borderlines in inside syria between Russia, Turkey, US and Israel while Iran has no involvement in this.

If you think Russia has more involvement on the ground than Iran, then your geopolitical understanding is lacking to say the least. Who do you think is controlling the 1000's of Iran backed fighters? Russia?

Even in Daraa there is Russian military police in between the rebels and SAA who signed a co-existing deal truce with russian support.

Even Yesterday SDF held SAA supporters hostage and shoot at civilians it was Russia that did the negotiation with them and to lift the blockage on these people since they were starved by SDF.

Your logic is basically this:

1- Here are some instances of Russian involvement in Syria
2- Therefore Iran no longer has any influence

Topsy turvy logic.

No one travels on the Homs-Deirezzor road without Russian air-surveilance. Russia controlls solid everything.

Russia works in tandem with Iran and Syria, not outside of them.

Iran has completely lost influence and merely a puppet.

I don't think people like you truly comprehend what the word puppet means. Iran is too big to ever be a puppet of any country and/or group. Such servitude mentality belong to your type.

They call no shoots since they handed over everything back in 2015.

Iran's strategy is to quietly build up in Syria, you can ask the Israelis about that. Listen to their General Y. Amidror talking about Iran building a ring of fire around Israel:

If the Russians had even a fraction of the control you're fantasising about, such a thing would not be occurring. The reality is, Iran and Russia are at worse competitors in Syria:

Russia and Iran Are Increasingly Competitive in Syria

As far as drones go. There is just nothing Iran has proven that is of good.

The Saudis disagree with you, why don't you listen to their colonel:

Wake up and smell the coffee.

The Rebels could match Iran in drones since they make good homemade drones.

"The rebels" have whatever technology Iran gives them. Moreover, the attack came from Iran, and not from Iranian backed groups:

"The United States has concluded the weekend attack on Saudi oil facilities was launched from Iranian soil "

We really don't know as in conventional military conflict as there is no evidence whatsoever?
Some suicide drones that went into a oil field doesn't count at all but conventional military conflict?

Last I checked, there is a war going on between Saudis and the Yemenis. Your criteria is that UAVs cannot be considered effective after they temporarily dismantle one of the most important facilities in a country filled with highly advanced air defence network, but instead we should wait for much less impressive feats such as UAVs being shot down in large numbers and destroying ground assets of nations with very low level air defence capability. Like I alluded to earlier, you have a topsy turvy "logic". It seems to me you're trying very hard with your mental gymnastic to defend a position that cannot be defended.
If you think Russia has more involvement on the ground than Iran, then your geopolitical understanding is lacking to say the least. Who do you think is controlling the 1000's of Iran backed fighters? Russia?

Your logic is basically this:

1- Here are some instances of Russian involvement in Syria
2- Therefore Iran no longer has any influence

Topsy turvy logic.

Russia works in tandem with Iran and Syria, not outside of them.

I don't think people like you truly comprehend what the word puppet means. Iran is too big to ever be a puppet of any country and/or group. Such servitude mentality belong to your type.

Iran's strategy is to quietly build up in Syria, you can ask the Israelis about that. Listen to their General Y. Amidror talking about Iran building a ring of fire around Israel:

If the Russians had even a fraction of the control you're fantasising about, such a thing would not be occurring. The reality is, Iran and Russia are at worse competitors in Syria:

Russia and Iran Are Increasingly Competitive in Syria

The Saudis disagree with you, why don't you listen to their colonel:

Wake up and smell the coffee.

"The rebels" have whatever technology Iran gives them. Moreover, the attack came from Iran, and not from Iranian backed groups:

"The United States has concluded the weekend attack on Saudi oil facilities was launched from Iranian soil "

Last I checked, there is a war going on between Saudis and the Yemenis. Your criteria is that UAVs cannot be considered effective after they temporarily dismantle one of the most important facilities in a country filled with highly advanced air defence network, but instead we should wait for much less impressive feats such as UAVs being shot down in large numbers and destroying ground assets of nations with very low level air defence capability. Like I alluded to earlier, you have a topsy turvy "logic". It seems to me you're trying very hard with your mental gymnastic to defend a position that cannot be defended.

What are they included in?

“Soleimani put the map of Syria on the table. The Russians were very alarmed, and felt matters were in steep decline and that there were real dangers to the regime.

Khamenei also sent a senior envoy to Moscow to meet President Vladimir Putin, another senior regional official said. “Putin told him ‘Okay we will intervene. Send Qassem Soleimani’. He went to explain the map of the theater.”

Build what is the question?

50% is outside of the government and I previously thought it was 40% but it appears that the daraa area is still outside due to Israel's request.

There is no political involvement of Iran between Russia, Turkey, USA deconfliction lines hence why they get bombardment everyday.

Russia has secured all the energy rights to the Assad held areas? Where is Iran! oh getting bombed by Israel on daily basis.

There is no competition between Putin and Iran they have surrendered everything to him already. Assad is his puppet not Iran's whom the Russians have given the go ahead to Israel to bomb them daily and target them. They have no geopolitical weight in that arena except serve putin's interest since 2015
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We should really be comparing iranian drone technology more against advanced drone countries such as China and US. RQ 170 capture advanced iranian tech by at least a decade...so comparing this with countries that are in this field for few years is just waste of time....thank you US of A.
What are included in?

“Soleimani put the map of Syria on the table. The Russians were very alarmed, and felt matters were in steep decline and that there were real dangers to the regime.

Khamenei also sent a senior envoy to Moscow to meet President Vladimir Putin, another senior regional official said. “Putin told him ‘Okay we will intervene. Send Qassem Soleimani’. He went to explain the map of the theater.”

Build what is the question?

50% is outside of the government and I previously thought it was 40% but it appears that the daraa area is still outside due to Israel's request.

There is no political involvement of Iran between Russia, Turkey, USA deconfliction lines hence why they get bombardment everyday

Imagine being gullible enough to actually take these Reuters stories seriously. Out of interest, do you actually take them seriously or do you pretend to just because they help your fantasies?
Imagine being gullible enough to actually take these Reuters stories seriously. Out of interest, do you actually take them seriously or do you pretend to just because they help your fantasies?

These are real stories my Friend and Russia has approx 50-60k Wagner groups + Russian military police and their equipment on land this is just the reality on the ground.
Do not compare us with Turkey. They are one of the American puppets in the region. and We are not in the same league really...


Someone remembers this photo. After arrest of this spy, they said we will imprison him and so on. They released him immediately after Trump's first threat!. We officially fa@ing bomb US base. This is unprecedented in current history...


about drone you dont know what you talking about. These drones are not at turkey level.

and Of course, you guys can imagine your junk propeller drone is the best .which is fine who care...
These are real stories my Friend and Russia has approx 50-60k Wagner groups + Russian military police and their equipment on land this is just the reality on the ground.

Nobody denies Russia has presence there, however these number you're inventing out of thin air only work to destroy any credibility you have. Furthermore, you have an extremely shallow geopolitical understanding regarding Syria and why Iran is there in the first place. You talk about "energy rights" as if Iran is there for that. Try to see reality for what it is rather than inserting your own fantasies into it.

I never get tired of seeing this magnificent image!
Nobody denies Russia has presence there, however these number you're inventing out of thin air only work to destroy any credibility you have. Furthermore, you have an extremely shallow geopolitical understanding regarding Syria and why Iran is there in the first place. You talk about "energy rights" as if Iran is there for that. Try to see reality for what it is rather than inserting your own fantasies into it.

Russia is there for the energy rights and Iran has been sidelined they are not running this show since 2015. This is just a fact the numbers I gave you are just low estimations and conservative. If you invite an imperialist whos after economical gain you will bear it's burnt ultimately.

The Americans control Iraq or majority of it and thats about it. If Iran was being truthful they should fight the Americans in Iraq. releasing a priest due to diplomatic reasons is hardly anything significiant to mention in this contest. All of these countries the US have relations with are independent sovereign states with their own grand interests I am talking about countries like South Korea, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Turkey, Israel etc etc the list goes on. You just gotta learn how to use the Americans to your benefit but never invite an invasion into yourself or allies that is just no-no.

This reminds me about what happened to India pre-islam back in the 11-century one family member to the hindu empire in north India invited Mohamed of Ghor the rest is history what happened to India was being under invasion since then until just 70 years ago
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Russia is there for the energy rights and Iran has been sidelined they are not running this show since 2015. This is just a fact the numbers I gave you are just low estimations and conservative. If you invite an imperialist whos after economical gain you will bear it's burnt ultimately

Feel free to keep believing these stories you're creating for yourself as if they make any difference to the real world. Moreover, this thread is not specifically about Syria, so if you want to discuss that tag me in the Iranian chill thread with specific questions.
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