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Indian PM in Australia

No, it's the other way round. The visiting dignitaries make at least a superficial attempt to follow that place's culture. You won't see Obama wearing a Dhoti when Modi visits - but you will and did see Modi dressed in western attire. When the Clintons visited India, Hillary and Chelsea wore Indian attires when they visited the Somnath temple - the priests there or the acompanying Indian dignitaries did not wear tank tops.

BTW Rahul Gandhi is always addressed as Rahul, even by his supporterss and worshippers. At his rallies the crowds shout "Rahul", not "Gandhi, Gandhi". So even in India, using a first name is not as bad as you are making it sound.

Now since you are the only person on the planet who seems to have a problem with this, I don't really see the point in discussing it.

Rahul Gandhi is called "Pappu" and generally is a subject of ridicule (even among congress supporters) ..... so if the crowd chants Rahul (I have never seen this happen, EVER) its a step up :disagree: He commands no love or respect, Modi commands both.

Of course the Guest is expected to respect the culture of the host. The Host in exchange is expected to extend all respect to the Guest. Affection cannot supersede Respect. EVER.
How Narendra Modi turned Parliament House into a rock star's stage

Read more: How Narendra Modi turned Parliament House into a rock star's stage

You got the sense there was something about Modi when world leaders had their official handshakes with Tony Abbott at the G20 summit.

If Madam Speaker had let them, they would have whistled, whooped and charged the stage

While the other leaders offered brief handshakes and stiff smiles, India's Prime Minister strode out of the wings to greet his Australian counterpart with an exuberant hug.


Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Prime Minister Tony Abbott depart the House of Representatives after his address. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

You got the same sense about Narendra Modi when he was later mobbed by chanting fans at the unveiling of a statue in Brisbane and then tweeted about how touched he was. And again when thousands of Indian Australians spent a day dancing, drumming and partying in anticipation of his speech in Sydney.

But when Modi began to address the parliament in Canberra on Tuesday, we knew for sure there was something about the Indian Prime Minister.

It wasn't just that he acknowledged Indigenous Australians when Mr Abbott did not.


Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the Australian Parliament on Tuesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

Or that he wondered how MPs were surviving a third address to parliament by a world leader in as many days.

"Maybe this is Prime Minister Abbott's way of shirtfronting you," he suggested with the hint of a wink.

It wasn't even the fact that – although he had an autocue – he appeared not to be speaking from prepared notes. He was eyes up all the way through.

It was because as soon as Modi got stuck into the substance of his address, he had the normally rowdy House of Representatives hypnotised.

"I come to you with the greetings of 1.25 billion people … and today I have come to unite in spirit, as we once were in geography," he declared.

In cadences befitting of someone who is a published poet as well as a politician, Modi spoke of how democracy offers "the best opportunity for the human spirit to flourish" and loaded praise on Australia, whose cities are "alive with [the] richness of this world's diversity".

But his stylish words also carried a serious message: India is open for business.

There are 800 million Indians under the age of 35, "eager for change, willing to work for it because, now they believe that it is possible".

Young Indians want energy that "does not cause our glaciers to melt," cities that are "smart, sustainable and liveable" and villages that "offer opportunity". And they want Australia's help to get there.

"India will be the answer to your search for new economic opportunities … your source for world class skills at home or for a manufacturing location abroad," he said with all the polish and confidence of a new car salesman.

As he concluded with a simple "thanks a lot," the chamber rose in a standing ovation.

They were not just being polite. If Madam Speaker had let them, they would have whistled, whooped and charged the stage.

That's what you do when you see a rock star perform.

Tony abbott more like Tony about to get a boot :D he is down in rating cuz his unpopular decisions regarding renewable energy and favouring companies for coal. Still there are 2 more years for that guy.
I was kind of pissed off when Tony Abbot called modiji "Narender" in the joint press conference. What an @ss.

Abrahamic cultures & White-men in particular are yet to be civilized.

Just 100 years ago, women had no Election voting rights in West. In Britain, women were declared witches & jailed. In Australia, incest & polygamy is rampant. Also, australians don't see anything wrong in torturing animals for fun.

In comparison, India & China have always been top 2 developed economies, cultures on Earth since last 2400 years(read Angus Madison OECD World Economic history report, released few years back). India was rich & developed(except Delhi & few districts around it which were under Mughals) till year 1750. A huge amount of wealth, richness, nutrition was lost in 200 years of British Colonization & de-industralization. Europe industralized in exact same period(by moving industries, skilled men, academics from India to Europe, this is how suddenly Newton, Edison & lot of scientists popped up out of nowhere).

So, don't be pissed off. Just buy Rajiv Malhotra's books and read them. We have lot of learning to do & catch up work.
In Australia, incest & polygamy is rampant. Also, australians don't see anything wrong in torturing animals for fun.[/QUOTE

Lol what? Nice bullshit you are talking there. Incest and polygamy is illegal in Australia and isn't rampant. Torturing animals is also illegal.

If you don't know what you are talking about, don't speak.
Canada shirtfronted Putin. And now Modi used that word in his speech in Aussie parliament.

Looks intentional.
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