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Indian Origin US Lawmakers and Diplomats are spoiling PAK-US relations


Jun 21, 2017
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In his latest interview sources blamed indian US immigrants for example nikki haley for spoiling AF-PAK relationship as he claimed USA and Pakistan are allies this line can be sold in locally but foreign policy level laughable.I think he also forgot the nationality of Hussain Haqqani and his diplomatic status as Pakistan ambassador during kayani / shuja pasha era.
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sorry but am not agree with ispr post . you have to accept the reality and deal with it . whining is not the solution
Such idiotic statements only look good in a "Nai ki Dukaan" (Barber shop), not in international diplomacy. This was a pathetic display of low IQ "muhallah level" cheap dialogues.

Soon, the international media will make fun of our esteemed DG ISPR.
Definitely a introspection required to identify reason for foreign policy failure even after losing 75k civilians and 10k Pakistani officers and soldiers still Pakistan anti terror war only recognized by Russia and specially china and Turkey.
3 OUT OF 175 countries are supporting your policy absolutely heart breaking for any diplomat.

How come a country was allowed to run without foreign minister for 4 years facing serious allegation like providing supporting to terrorists.Army can not just raise both hands and say we are not responsible for this blunder if you are not ,Who else is ready to take blame.
Pakistan needs to work on its diplomacy and foreign policy. Both departments are as worse as police and political system. For some strange reason, despite being the only country to defeat terrorism and having highest sacrifices along the way, you are not known for your achievements.

Somebody needs to work on foreign policy - Starting NOW!
sorry but am not agree with ispr post . you have to accept the reality and deal with it . whining is not the solution
pointing facts is not whining....like America run by jews is a fact
Definitely a introspection required to identify reason for foreign policy failure even after losing 75k civilians and 10k Pakistani officers and soldiers still Pakistan anti terror war only recognized by Russia and specially china and Turkey.
3 OUT OF 175 countries are supporting your policy absolutely heart breaking for any diplomat.

How come a country was allowed to run without foreign minister for 4 years facing serious allegation like providing supporting to terrorists.Army can not just raise both hands and say we are not responsible for this blunder if you are not ,Who else is ready to take blame.

Media is controlled by anti Pakistani ideaologues. A Pakistani life is meaningless in their eyes.
Pakistan needs to work on its diplomacy and foreign policy. Both departments are as worse as police and political system. For some strange reason, despite being the only country to defeat terrorism and having highest sacrifices along the way, you are not known for your achievements.

Somebody needs to work on foreign policy - Starting NOW!
In principle, you are right but there is a catch in this situation.

If a civilian set up takes up responsibility of making foreign policy, the hold of the military establishment will be weakened which they will NEVER relinquish whatsoever. On the other hand, military personnel can NEVER be taken seriously in the international diplomatic world. A country where military calls the shots can never be respected.

Pakistani military wants to frame the policy itself and then wants civilians to own it as well. This cannot happen. You cannot expect politicians to own up such policy. No wonder, Nawaz did not have a foreign minister since he didn't need one.

pointing facts is not whining....like America run by jews is a fact
Such statements in the diplomatic world are considered stupid and laughable. Muhallah-level dialogues don't work.
Pakistan needs to work on its diplomacy and foreign policy. Both departments are as worse as police and political system. For some strange reason, despite being the only country to defeat terrorism and having highest sacrifices along the way, you are not known for your achievements.

Somebody needs to work on foreign policy - Starting NOW!
Did you forget justfication by comparing IRA and MML to include militants organizations in main stream politics its like allowing isis and AQ to run for presidential elections in US ..Again negative statement!
In his latest interview ISPR head blamed indian US immigrants for example nikki haley for spoiling AF-PAK relationship as he claimed USA and Pakistan are allies this line can be sold in locally but foreign policy level laughable.I think he also forgot the nationality of Hussain Haqqani and his diplomatic status as Pakistan ambassador during kayani / shuja pasha era.

lol. She is american born and not a immigrant. If DG ISPR actually made this statement then no wonder pakistan is the cesspool it is.
Diplomacy is the weakest point of Pakistan.i don't why our diplomats so incompetent.
i did not saw any diplomatic victory of Pakistan in international politics.
Such idiotic statements only look good in a "Nai ki Dukaan" (Barber shop), not in international diplomacy. This was a pathetic display of low IQ "muhallah level" cheap dialogues.

Soon, the international media will make fun of our esteemed DG ISPR.
In principle, you are right but there is a catch in this situation.

If a civilian set up takes up responsibility of making foreign policy, the hold of the military establishment will be weakened which they will NEVER relinquish whatsoever. On the other hand, military personnel can NEVER be taken seriously in the international diplomatic world. A country where military calls the shots can never be respected.

Pakistani military wants to frame the policy itself and then wants civilians to own it as well. This cannot happen. You cannot expect politicians to own up such policy. No wonder, Nawaz did not have a foreign minister since he didn't need one.

Such statements in the diplomatic world are considered stupid and laughable. Muhallah-level dialogues don't work.

Why not make iltaf phai the foreign minister?
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