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Indian Brahmos missle crashes in Mian Channo

it was an indian missile, either deliberate or a test that malfunctioned, ISPR's live press conference:

the missile was unarmed so it must be a test that malfunctioned. Either way, Pakistan MUST retaliate 6 times over...
Thing is we came to know that it was unarmed when it hit the ground on its own

That’s is dangerous game
We were monitoring it inside india and as soon as it changed course towards our land we should have scrambled jets to engage it

It would be better press conference with such details
It was a Deliberate hit. Since we dropped two of our SOW near India airbases back in 2019 their ego was all time low so they wanted to score a strategic point by degrading our Armed forces and they did that quiet succefully as Pakistan is Currently busy in Internal Politics.
Anyone remember that Sourav Kalia revenge by the India Commandos It took them 2 years to master a plan when Pak was busy in internal political BS back then too
But my guess says it's either a test gone wrong or they were just testing performance of Pakistan's newly inducted SAM

...another far fetched theory is that someone was paid off to do that deliberately so that we can prepare for something like this in the future.
Thing is we came to know that it was unarmed when it hit the ground on its own

That’s is dangerous game
We were monitoring it inside india and as soon as it changed course towards our land we should have scrambled jets to engage it

It would be better press conference with such details
In order to avoid further Glitches the best is too drop a similar Projectile near India Adampur Airbase. Or get ready for more accidents etc. Their is a red line for everything
Can you share?

From the pictures above it looks pretty big to me. Reasons:
A. the size of the crater is pretty big for something small/slow.
B. In one of the pictures you can see the circular part in comparison to a person. This part seems to be around 0.5 m in diameter at least. No small drone has a circular part/bulkhead of that size.

in my opinion we are seeing only part of the wreckage.

Call me conspiracy theorist but that looks like an exhaust.

Whatever this is, it was either big, fast, or both judging by the size of the crater and how spread out it is.

The crater is pretty big, which means this was something big and fast. The thing in this picture MIGHT be an exhaust. The petals are definitely not part of a variable geometry exhaust.

I am speculating that this is desi jugarh:
We needed to heat-proof the exhaust and the metal that we had was too difficult to shape into an annulus so we just made it from flat pieces welded together. In the picture below the red area is where the welds didn't break and the blue is where they did. Maybe I am just grasping at straws. But in case this turns out to be a turbojet exhaust I called it first lol.
View attachment 822351
Desi = Indian?lol

Honestly, it looks more like it flew into the ground at high speed in this direction:
View attachment 822353
The rest of the debris may be further downrange in the arrow's direction or completely obliterated. Just look at how deep that crater is.

Also this looks like a CO2 canister
View attachment 822364
View attachment 822363

I see no reason for a boiler to have that. It can be used for pneumatic actuation.

No, I think it is too small to be F7. Everything points it to be being either a high-speed and large UAV or a cruise missile. However, it doesn't match anything that I know of.

I think my arrow was poorly drawn. I meant to show that the direction of flight was into the crater and the alleged exhaust was in line and behind the crater. The wings may have been obliterated if they were small - like say for a cruise missile.

There are 4 of those. But yes, good question.
View attachment 822436

Why is there a flange?
View attachment 822434

What are those crumpled panels with holes?
View attachment 822435

What are these? They look awfully familiar but I cannot put my finger on where I've seen them.
View attachment 822433

Mian Channu is a good 90 km from this area. So I do wonder if this really was a booster or a system gone rogue.

Ok I give up. I have no idea what this is. Let's just call it P282 blastic missile lol.

Another shurlee:
These are the first pictures of SMASH

wrong turn?lol

seriously though I'm grasping straws.OTOH it does look like things didnt go to plan so a wrong bearing and self destruct command before it enters india may not be too improbable.
Right about process wrong about direction lol.

looks like SMASH smashed into the ground :p

In hindsight it seems obvious lol. We were getting close. Just with the wrong country lol. Didnt expect it to be Indian AT ALL.
Very alarming, modi is pushing the region closer and closer to war. I hope Pakistanis wake up and realise Indians are enemies and should be treated with caution rather than affection.
Pakistanis need to be prepared.
no, no, lets revive the aman ka tamasha BS.
Either it was an attempt on newly arrived equipment, to save the Raphiles in any future eventuality.


The dispute between India and the 'cold storage owner' where the missile landed.
Don't think the Indians give two sh$ts or care to explain. Or they could have taken the pain to notify as soon as it diverted off of the intended path

Could it be a rogue hindu fanatic Indian military unit trying to ignite a war high on piss cola?
Asking for a friend.

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