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Indian Brahmos missle crashes in Mian Channo

Its not a Drone of any kind, that's all I can say at this moment. but some guesses here are pretty close to the actual thing.
Its not a Drone of any kind, that's all I can say at this moment. but some guesses here are pretty close to the actual thing.
images (stark meme1).jpeg
drone is a light , almost paper light material a/c

a drone crash doesnt make a crater like this

the crash was definately a warhead explosion ,
A cruise missile or booster section. Very obvious if not a drone then one of those.

Not even the size of a small trainer and if it is a drone, it is a small drone like TB-2 sized if not smaller. We know it's not TB-2 due to the parts.

Question is whether it is Pakistani or Indian.
kise ko Sultan kay khoo say ye engine mila hoga rami ghar may patakay banatay banatay soocha hoga chal isay try maartay hain ...

I talked to someone who heard the whole thing. They live a good few kilometres away from the site but said they heard a huge explosion and when they got up they could see fire and smoke in that direction.

They live at least 5kms if not as the crow flies. So make of that what you will.
booster ?

but why anything experimental would be tested in populated area?
wrong turn?lol

seriously though I'm grasping straws.OTOH it does look like things didnt go to plan so a wrong bearing and self destruct command before it enters india may not be too improbable.
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