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Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting

RIP fallen soldiers.
At the end there is no Pakistani or Indian after their death.
They joined in armed forces due to their patriotism and unending liability in their homes .Now they leaving from this world after lefting unfinished liability in their homes .
Cong rots to India you have double shot.Anyway such incidents will not solve problems.
Two observations :

Cong Rots ? I presume it was meant to be congrats ?

There is no ' doubling' which leads soldiers to die.
Guys.. Please do not make merry on India scoring higher at the moment. IN all probability it will be a transient phase. It should actually be worrying because this means the tit-for-tat will continue and more and more soldiers will get killed on both side. As I said before, not a good way to start a new year :(
you lied to so much during Kargil and OBL, and AK khan are best movies .... ......... who will think of truth coming out from your mouth ?

all above tell how truth you tell..... prove me wrong otherwise?

Yes I stand by what I have said, The indian media is heavily infested by Bollywood type of movies, that's where they borrow the script to make Indian media more entertaining for Indian domestic audiences. The only people to think of truth coming out of my mouth are people who don't believe in your anti Pakistan sentiments which are very clear in your posts.

Going by your logic to prove the story, we need CCTV's to prove otherwise.
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