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India, your name could be Bangladesh

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think of us as the clever bengalis.............we did what suited our needs..........and look where that got us :azn:.....we now have a country ,a flag:yay:... on the other hand our west bengali brothers are still bound by shackels...its quite saddening though:cry:

but dont worry though in proper time we shall help you also to break free :guns:


We liberated them from the clutches of those evil Brahmin supermacist Sena dynasty in 1204. That king Ballal Sen was basically a thug in a rulers throne. We are surprised when we hear Indian farmers committing mass suicide today but what we dont know is this trait is more common in the Indi land from time immemorial. All the Indic kings used to impose high taxes on crops grown and farmers had no other option than committing suicide. The Sena dynasty is one of the worst example of such bloodsucking Indic ruling dynasties. We liberated them back then but its funny to see how they take potshots against us today. Anyway we are proud of our ancestors. :)

A suggestion - please think about it.
The Bangladeshi script looks so much like the Bengali/Devnagari script. That is unbecoming of a true Middle Easter society. Have you thought about discarding the Indic script and replacing it with Arabic?

Thnx bro... :)

At least you didn't abuse me like many of your compatriots did. I mean this is a forum, right. Everybody has a right to put their opinion. Why this bullying from Indians the moment they disagree on something said by someone?? I wish more Indians were as well-mannered as you. :undecided:

On topic, you are correct indeed. We now are obviously South-Asian Bengalis. But we always weren't South-Asians. We migrated from Middle-Eastern, Central Asian countries after Muslim Army conquered this part of the world. That was the whole point of the discussion. I dont know why is it such a matter of ego for many of your compatriots. I hope you being a rational person would understand.

Peace!!! :cheers:
"evil Brahmin supermacist Sena dynasty" - Sena dynasty was Hindu Buddhist mix. In any case please provide the source.
"All the Indic kings used to impose high taxes on crops grown" - You mean jizya?
"worst example of such bloodsucking Indic ruling dynasties" - more than Sikandar of Kashmir, Tipu Sultan of Mysore, Aurangzeb etc?
"we are proud of our ancestors" - I can see that. :cheers:

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/bangla...r-name-could-bangladesh-28.html#ixzz2aREdi7Y7

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/bangla...r-name-could-bangladesh-28.html#ixzz2aREY1K3m

We liberated them from the clutches of those evil Brahmin supermacist Sena dynasty in 1204. That king Ballal Sen was basically a thug in a rulers throne. We are surprised when we Indian farmers committing mass suicide today but we dont know is this trait is more common in the Indi land from time immemorial. All the Indic kings used to impose high taxes on crops grown and farmers had no other option than committing suicide. The Sena dynasty is one of the worst example of such bloodsucking Indic ruling dynasties. We liberated them back then but its funny to see how they take potshots against us today. Anyway we are proud of our ancestors. :)

mate do you really think that the Indian Bengalis give a hoot to what you think of them.Indian Bengalis are the pioneer of renaissance in the Indian sub-continent.can you name one famous muslim bangladeshi apart from Kazi Nazrul who was at the fore front of the revolutionary activities against the British Imperialism?i know you can't coz there isn't one apart from the Bidrohi Kobi:coffee:

I can name a whole bunch and all of them confronted British in direct battle in 18th and 19th century and lost in all the battle and gave their life.

Hindus came to resistance when they found it safer and when brits granted some political freedom in India.
BS. :pissed: You know it. They did not fight for India. They fought only to get rid of the British to restore Islamic rule.
I can name a whole bunch and all of them confronted British in direct battle in 18th and 19th century and lost in all the battle and gave their life.

Hindus came to resistance when they found it safer and when brits granted some political freedom in India.
What is this obsession with Persian/Turkic blood and ancestry? Why does it make people feel better about who they are? If anything, having any middle-eastern "influence" should be a cause for embarrassment.
Then you are an exception to the rule. Most Bangladeshis are more or less black and small. From where the Persian blood reached you and why it does not show I do not know.

huh? must be the case for bharoti bengalis but mostly people are brown in bd.significant amount of light brown people available too
huh? must be the case for bharoti bengalis but mostly people are brown in bd.significant amount of light brown people available too
dada i have seen thousands of Bangaldeshis in my life and they are much darker than what you are saying!sorry to burst your bubble but the average bangaldeshis are not some caucasoid timurid descendants(i am not talking about the few lighter complexioned bangaldeshi movie stars).on the contrary they bear remarkable similarities with their average Indian tribal bengali counterpart(i.e. Santhals):coffee:.
from this thread,i concluded that bangladeshis like to think of themselves as arabs,persians,turks,any middle eastern country you name it.. :lol:

one day de might learn de r u know con....ts :omghaha:
huh? must be the case for bharoti bengalis but mostly people are brown in bd.significant amount of light brown people available too
:lol: now we have fair skinned mard e momin on both side of the border.

we dirty black yindu baniyas are soo doomed :omghaha:
Your answer very well reflect who has inferiority complex. We don't have to abuse other religions/cultures to appreciate ours. Neither do we try to run away from our ancestry, good or bad, we accept it as ours. Indic culture is matured enough for that. It is those that feel inferior about their motherland try to hide behind alien culture in disguise of religion. Hell some of your fellow countrymen even claimed to be of Arab/Turk decent...

Culture is effected by religion and in case of muslims, religion is the predominant identity of ones life. Naturally U don't accept muslims to have the same greeting, weeding, eating and social norms as their hindu counterparts do U? The only thing we have common with pagan WB is the language which is also different in dialects. Do u know the amount of arabian & persian words infused in bengali? Our psyche and perception is also different. WB consider them indians and identify with their fellow hindu brothers of India while we identify our selves as muslim Bangladeshis. It doesn't matter what our ancestors did. What matters is they reverted from their former paganistic beliefs and accepted Islam. The paganistic culture your are talking about is alien to us. Isn't that a no-brainer? Why beat around the bush? If U hate us for being muslims and who we are just say so straight forward like most of your fellow countrymen here without coming up with obscure & absurd logic of culture & ancestors. We have our culture and you have yours. Is that too hard to understand? We don't give a damn about what WB or Indians call culture , then why the hell do U folks burn yourselves up with lunatic level of obsession towards BDs?

And as for the turkic/arab ancestors. Well yeah its true. Arabs and turks did settle here when they bought the beautiful religion of Islam with them and freed this land from shackles of oppression and tyranny. SO yeah we do have arab/turk ancestory. why does that bother U may I ask? :undecided:

A suggestion - please think about it.
The Bangladeshi script looks so much like the Bengali/Devnagari script. That is unbecoming of a true Middle Easter society. Have you thought about discarding the Indic script and replacing it with Arabic?


Islam doesn't puts bar on any language. Allah (swt) gave different languages to different ethnicities and throughout the ages since the beginning of time send out prophets to all ethnicities & nations of the world to teach Islam and finally with his divine wisdom revealed the last revelation and guidance for mankind, the Quran in the beautiful language of arabic. Islam =/= Arab as it is for the whole of mankind. It is a religion that has been ordained by Allah (swt) for the whole of humanity and is there since the beginning of time starting with the first human being prophet Adam (pbuh).

So i don't get your logic of why we should abort the language, that Allah (swt) gifted us with. Rather we should produce more scholarly Islamic literature in bengali. This would help spread islam more quickly among bengalis living in the other side of the border. Not all non-muslim WBengalis understand english or Arabic U know. Muslims should have mastery over all languages so that we can spread the message of Islam to all ethnicities and help them learn arabic. :azn:
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