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India not even close to where China was 5 years ago: Chinese daily

No we get the confidence that china is very very far behind from us.

Good for you! Using a small rocket shoot a small satellite up, and asked NASA to guide it all the way to Mars. If it is a great achievement for you people, and a boost to your ego, so be it. We don't really care. Your lot do need something like that to feel little better in your imaginary race with China. Too bad, it is far in between, almost like once in blue moon type of thing. You are ahead of China, happy now? :cheesy::cheesy:
No we get the confidence that china is very very far behind from us.

Your Mars probe was a NASA mission.

Without NASA, India wouldn't get anywhere near Mars.

Mars probe only proved the capability of NASA. It didn't prove any capability of India whatsoever.

Just like Brahmos is a Russian missile with an Indian paint job. Your Mars mission was a NASA project with an Indian paint job.

Mars mission was only designed to do one thing......boost your ego.
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The sentences in bold are almost de facto standard response from Indian members in defending India's lag behind China in social and economical development. I respectfully disagree. I am afraid, 15 years from now, India will not be where China is today by a long shot. The reason I have explained in post 18 and post 20.

Please note, there is a link in Post 20 to a long article written by then LA Times reporter 18 years ago. It is an interesting read, as it gives you an idea how some scholars, including Indian scholars, thought about our two countries 18 years ago, just like we are trying to figure out what we will be 15-20 from now. It is a soul searching reflection, but it may help you and others to think deeper than the standard rhetoric.

Warning: the article is not for any RSS type of guy with inflated ego and a faint heart.

Well, I am surprised you know about the RSS (even if you think that they are medieval nut cases) !!

The de facto standard response might also be a de jure standard response. so do you claim that economic reform timings have no forbearance on the out come given when you are reading accomplishments by the time line. Perhaps you didn't intend to read that in completeness of the supplementary points that I had provided. And I am not doing a comparison because there is none among apples and oranges. The priorities of Indians and the way this society thinks is very much exclusive of what your opinion may or may not be.

I'll list out the issues India faces for ease.
  • India has a messy system of Democracy and is Immature as Modern Nation State. But it has all the ingredients in the making and its going to take a very long time to cook. And not a soul on this planet can put an end date to this.
  • The considerable strata has a feudal mindset. This is the exact part that needs soul searching. and which you decided to preach back ignoring that it has been mentioned as the issues.
  • I said I am of the opinion that India at 1995 levels compared to China. I didn't want to take this up as the comparison is futile and for the love of statecraft, India is exactly where it deserves to be at this point in time and will be in 15 years time. The *blame or *credit both falls on average voter.
  • India went kaput (almost) in 1991. Zero balance. and since then the government did what it had about at this point in time we still lack crucial reforms. If those reforms don't happen, India will stagnate as an economy forever. Forget about "catching up" with anyone.
  • And as Indian, I am fully endorse these issues and yes they come up with solutions that the society has to realize. No one can thrust it down. Good or Bad that how it works.
  • And for a Chinese, cheering for China from America (which I consider as the torch bearer of the free world). good to see ya there.

Maybe. But you have no idea what "butthurt" means after I opened a thread on "beasts of burden" and the Indian reaction.


Yes, that is not your eyes playing tricks. It is a Indian woman being used as "beast" to pull a rickshaw in "Mars India 2015".


Click > Man as Beast - India

Do you have any idea what happened after I posted this thread? Wow. I had whole Indian "Kumbh Mela" after me to lynch me. And I thought eating beaf was dangerous !


kumbh mela - Google Search

Ps. Before pointing to "failed Pakistan" we banned this inhuman practice in 1949.

@Indus Falcon @Roybot
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Good for you! Using a small rocket shoot a small satellite up, and asked NASA to guide it all the way to Mars. If it is a great achievement for you people, and a boost to your ego, so be it. We don't really care. Your lot do need something like that to feel little better in your imaginary race with China. Too bad, it is far in between, almost like once in blue moon type of thing. You are ahead of China, happy now? :cheesy::cheesy:
Ya happy by the way bro chinese girls are really cute :-)

Your Mars probe was a NASA mission.

Without NASA, India wouldn't get anywhere near Mars.

Mars probe only proved the capability of NASA. It didn't prove any capability of India whatsoever.

Just like Brahmos is a Russian missile with an Indian paint job. Your Mars mission was a NASA project with an Indian paint job.

Mars mission was only designed to do one thing......boost your ego.
So how about your all reverse engineered Chinese products just cheap copy of each and every american product. And by Mars mission our ego is not boosted but our commercial launch of satellites has emboldened.
Regarding the comparison of apple=orange;

There is apple, there is orange and there is India. :D
So Chinese girls are more important than your national pride now?
No national pride is always high. Its just to divert from locking horns as we cannot change the flow of time and events . Whats happening will happen .
Well, I am surprised you know about the RSS (even if you think that they are medieval nut cases) !!

The de facto standard response might also be a de jure standard response. so do you claim that economic reform timings have no forbearance on the out come given when you are reading accomplishments by the time line. Perhaps you didn't intend to read that in completeness of the supplementary points that I had provided. And I am not doing a comparison because there is none among apples and oranges. The priorities of Indians and the way this society thinks is very much exclusive of what your opinion may or may not be.

I'll list out the issues India faces for ease.
  • India has a messy system of Democracy and is Immature as Modern Nation State. But it has all the ingredients in the making and its going to take a very long time to cook. And not a soul on this planet can put an end date to this.
  • The considerable strata has a feudal mindset. This is the exact part that needs soul searching. and which you decided to preach back ignoring that it has been mentioned as the issues.
  • I said I am of the opinion that India at 1995 levels compared to China. I didn't want to take this up as the comparison is futile and for the love of statecraft, India is exactly where it deserves to be at this point in time and will be in 15 years time. The *blame or *credit both falls on average voter.
  • India went kaput (almost) in 1991. Zero balance. and since then the government did what it had about at this point in time we still lack crucial reforms. If those reforms don't happen, India will stagnate as an economy forever. Forget about "catching up" with anyone.
  • And as Indian, I am fully endorse these issues and yes they come up with solutions that the society has to realize. No one can thrust it down. Good or Bad that how it works.
  • And for a Chinese, cheering for China from America (which I consider as the torch bearer of the free world). good to see ya there.

Good writing! Looks like we are pretty much in agreement, except China and India comparison is not the case of apple vs orange. From sociology point of view, these two countries are comparable in terms of their history, poverty level, development stage, and the size of population when they gained their respective independence around the same period time. Many people in the world are comparing our two countries with great interests, and almost everyone in this forum has a keen interest in comparing them, either consciously or subconsciously. Saying they have nothing to compare with is kind of denial.

Cheering for China from the greatest democratic country USA, actually adds the weight to my cheering, as I have the opportunity to stay thousands of mile away in stagnation and watch how a great ancient civilization transformed itself dynamically from a poverty stricken country to a economic giant in just 30 short years.

18 years has past since the LA Times article was written, and the transformation in the national level is not going to just fall in place automatically in another 15 years without a painful social reform.
Regarding the comparison of apple=orange;

There is apple, there is orange and there is India. :D
By the way look who is comparing and why?.
The people who says you can't do it always fear that he can do it.
Maybe. But you have no idea what "butthurt" means after I opened a thread on "beasts of burden" and the Indian reaction.


Yes, that is not your eyes playing tricks. It is a Indian woman being used as "beast" to pull a rickshaw in "Mars India 2015".


Click > Man as Beast - India

Do you have any idea what happened after I posted this thread? Wow. I had whole Indian "Kumbh Mela" after me to lynch me. And I thought eating beaf was dangerous !


kumbh mela - Google Search

Ps. Before pointing to "failed Pakistan" we banned this inhuman practice in 1949.

@Indus Falcon @Roybot
What is your point :cuckoo:
For someone who is considered as super power takes very unusual interest in poor country like India..is it fear or knowing that someday we will not only reach but surpass china
Its not just Indians, infact it is the problem of whole South Asia. People get killed due to their eating habits, somewhere due to expressing their feelings on blog and somewhere because of belonging from a minority sect.

And their is only one solution for this problem : E (education), E (employment), E (economic development).

Modi-ji will overcome all problems. India will become a superpower by 2020.
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