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India aligning in a new Cold War

Fellows, get back to the subject matter, enough of trolling.

3 years passed to this Indo-US cold war announced, since than Pakistan has been changed dramatically.
Regime change, spread of corruption, suicide kids, black water terror activities and engineered drought followed by engineered floods remained the most noticeable components.
Where as no counter strategy is in sight from Pakistan side!
How long more will it take to get to eventual show down? and can Pakistan army busy in flood relief can overcome the mighty challenge?

what do you mean by engineered drought and flood can you please clarify :coffee:
what do you mean by engineered drought and flood can you please clarify :coffee:

No no... I think he means that US engineered the drought and now they engineered the floods... and that seems to him like a cold war strategy against Pakistan... very insightful indeed!
Yes.. Of course.. In a time of recession U.S. engineered the floods and then generously donated 250 million dollars.. I love these conspiracy theories, please keep them coming:smitten:
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