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India aligning in a new Cold War


Mar 31, 2007
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Is India aligning in a new Cold War?
Posted on : 2007-09-25 | Author : Sreeram Chaulia

Is India aligning in a new Cold War? : Europe World

Even as Russo-American tensions smoulder from Eastern Europe and Central Asia to the Arctic seabed, the US Secretary of State is denying the onset of a renewed Cold War. Yet, unmistakable signals of a counter-balancing effort by Russia and China were sent last month through the largest-ever war games of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), a six-nation anti-US alliance.

Some 6,000 troops from Russia, China, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan engaged in complex joint military manoeuvres in Russia's Urals and China's Sinkiang, solidifying a phalanx that purports to be Eurasia's answer to the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO).

A notable absentee at the exercises was India, which has not applied for full membership of the SCO despite Russia's entreaties that its entry would 'lead to stability and security in Asia'. The post-games summit meeting of the SCO in Bishkek was attended by heads of states of three observer countries (Iran, Pakistan and Mongolia), but India, a co-equal, could not depute anyone higher in rank than a petroleum minister. The foreign minister was apparently busy allaying Leftist fears of a sell-out on the India-US nuclear agreement. Such prioritisation indicates that India sees potential only for energy deals, not strategic partnership, in the SCO.

New Delhi's no-show at the SCO exercises contrasts sharply with its active sponsorship of the recent naval 'Operation Malabar' that brought together more than 20,000 personnel of India, the US, Japan and Singapore to enhance 'inter-operability' in the Bay of Bengal. India's invitation of three states that have anti-Chinese strategic orientations into waters that are witnessing Chinese naval encroachment has no ambiguity in meaning. Setting aside diplomatic niceties, this move was a strong message to China that its vulnerability in the Straits of Malacca (transit point adjacent to the Bay of Bengal that carries 80 percent of its oil imports) was exploitable by its rivals.

Is this enough evidence that India is aligning in the 'new Cold War' with the US? India's defence minister claims that too much is being read into Operation Malabar and that the other side of the coin is that New Delhi and Beijing are conducting their first-ever joint military exercises in 'anti-terrorism tactics' in October. India and Russia too have a long tradition of combined war games, and one such spectacle is unfolding right now in Russia's northwestern region. But interestingly, the India-China exercise in October will showcase barely 100 Indian participants. The current India-Russia operations feature a contingent of just 100 Indian soldiers.

Apart from the paucity of numbers, there is a qualitative difference between bilateral war games conducted on a one-to-one basis and a multilateral exercise like that of the SCO's. In world politics, a convergence of armies or navies of multiple countries has a higher significance than routine exchanges between militaries in dyad formation. India's act of distancing from the SCO is in no way compensated by low-key confidence-building measures with the Chinese armed forces or drills with Russia behind which military hardware sales lurk.

The theory that India is fence-sitting in the new Cold War being waged between a Sino-Russian combine and the US through their respective security alliances, the SCO and NATO, has very little to back up in empirical facts. If not alignment, a definite tilt in favour of the US is visible in India's acts of commission and omission. The die seems to have been cast, and India is turning up at the ringside with what it considers to be the sole global hegemon.

While not discounting the impact of the pro-Western Indian intelligentsia and the lobbying power of Indian Americans in the US, the key to India's US tilt lies in the belief in its strategic circles that American power is unsurpassable and supreme. In this sense, India assumes that it is cleverly 'bandwagoning' with the overwhelming force instead of balancing against it by joining Russia and China. What is misplaced here is an acute analysis of American weaknesses, both absolute and relative to its competitors.

The continuing slide of the US dollar vis-a-vis the euro is a barometer of a secular decline in the American economy, the base upon which American global prestige rests. The fiascos in Afghanistan and Iraq are indices of an American military that is unprepared for new-age guerrilla conflicts. The erosion of political goodwill in world diplomacy that the Bush administration has achieved shows that the US right to be recognised as the 'king of the hill' is in tatters.

India's National Security Adviser M.K. Narayanan avers that New Delhi is yet to accept the US as a 'benign power'. But intentions apart, is the US still the predominant power in capabilities? As long as this myth is not shattered, India will remain tilted in the smugness that it is being pragmatic by courting the strongest party.

If India is a 'swing state' in the new Cold War, it should not be tilting so obviously on one side. It should engage more seriously with the SCO on one hand, and play harder to get and extract more concessions beyond the civilian nuclear deal from the US on the other. India's justification during the Cold War for tilting on the side of the Soviet Union was that Moscow was assisting New Delhi in checkmating Pakistan. Is the US doing anything of similar magnitude for India in the new Cold War? Who benefits from this tilt or alignment?
Interesting article. One has to see now which way the wind blows. I wonder if this is an issue thats keeping India so far from coming on to a conclusion about its requirement of the 126 MRCA's. Russian firms are looking forward for this order and no matter how much defence related projects the two countries had in the past or will have, this for sure would impact on the Russian indian relations, if India decides to go for the western offers.
It is too early to categorically state that India is aligning with any power.

If it is really tilting towards the US, then there is good reasons that India no longer is Pak centric and that is a good sign. Instead, is the US trying to rope in India as a counter balance to China, amongst other factors, the prime being India's proximity to the Straits of Malacca, which is a critical for world economy?

So long as President Musharraf is there, the US can rest easy.
It is too early to categorically state that India is aligning with any power.
If it is really tilting towards the US, then there is good reasons that India no longer is Pak centric and that is a good sign.
I agree it will be good sign the day when India will no longer be Pak centric and believe me that day will not go unnoticed.
Please don’t mind but the undeniable fact is, every thing in India is Pak centric. Your politics, your foreign policies, your news, your movies, your sports, your discussion etc.etc.
At any day just compare your news and Pakistan news all your doubts will be clear.
I don’t blame you, actually you grew up with all that negative propaganda about Pakistan so no wonder you find Pakistan in your all good and bad dreams.
Instead, is the US trying to rope in India as a counter balance to China, amongst other factors,
This is exactly the course of cold war. :usflag:

the prime being India's proximity to the Straits of Malacca, which is a critical for world economy?
Suddenly!!! I guess, since 9/11 :coffee:

So long as President Musharraf is there, the US can rest easy.
Now from where the hell Musharraf comes in????

Briefly answering your off topic statement: It is India who have the choice not Musharraf and still Musharraf never gave into various unjustified US demands. e.g. Iran Pakistan gas pipeline, handing over AQ Khan, Permitting US troops to operate inside Pak territory.
I agree it will be good sign the day when India will no longer be Pak centric and believe me that day will not go unnoticed.
Please don’t mind but the undeniable fact is, every thing in India is Pak centric. Your politics, your foreign policies, your news, your movies, your sports, your discussion etc.etc.
At any day just compare your news and Pakistan news all your doubts will be clear.
I don’t blame you, actually you grew up with all that negative propaganda about Pakistan so no wonder you find Pakistan in your all good and bad dreams.

This is exactly the course of cold war. :usflag:

Suddenly!!! I guess, since 9/11 :coffee:

Now from where the hell Musharraf comes in????

Briefly answering your off topic statement: It is India who have the choice not Musharraf and still Musharraf never gave into various unjustified US demands. e.g. Iran Pakistan gas pipeline, handing over AQ Khan, Permitting US troops to operate inside Pak territory.

Old boy, why Musharraf in the discussion?

Because I like him and he is a hope that the subcontinent calms down!

The US dotes on him and so does India!

I wonder what 9/11 has to do with this. 9/11 is a problem between the Islamic world and the US.

My post is not off topic. It is not one point centric. It has a broader perspective. If one looks at it on the widest canvas, one can comprehend the nuances of an issue.

Sadly for you, I do not have negative images of Pakistan. I have positive vibes and I wish it well.

However, if you feel I should abandon India to praise Pakistan without reason, I am afraid that is what is called a 'namak haram'. Would you subscribe to being a namak haram? I would not, you are welcomed to what you want to be.
I agree it will be good sign the day when India will no longer be Pak centric and believe me that day will not go unnoticed.
Please don’t mind but the undeniable fact is, every thing in India is Pak centric. Your politics, your foreign policies, your news, your movies, your sports, your discussion etc.etc..

Well a country that has fought 3 major wars and innuemrable aother skirmishes cannot be forgotten so easily.

I don’t blame you, actually you grew up with all that negative propaganda about Pakistan so no wonder you find Pakistan in your all good and bad dreams..

Propoganda...hmm!!! we atleast had a media to dish out propoganda.

Permitting US troops to operate inside Pak territory.

Permitting US troops? They dont need your permission.
Well a country that has fought 3 major wars and innuemrable aother skirmishes cannot be forgotten so easily.

Propoganda...hmm!!! we atleast had a media to dish out propoganda.

Very honest indeed. :smitten:

Permitting US troops? They dont need your permission.
You are right, hardly any state seek permission before invading foreign lands.:frown:
Have you ever wondered why US have seeked permission from Pakistan various times? and which was also not really in a hostile sense!
If India is a 'swing state' in the new Cold War, it should not be tilting so obviously on one side. It should engage more seriously with the SCO on one hand, and play harder to get and extract more concessions beyond the civilian nuclear deal from the US on the other. India's justification during the Cold War for tilting on the side of the Soviet Union was that Moscow was assisting New Delhi in checkmating Pakistan. Is the US doing anything of similar magnitude for India in the new Cold War? Who benefits from this tilt or alignment?
Does this explain, India and US alignment in check mating Pakistan.
Are engineered floods in Pakistan, a progress of said cold war against Pakistan?
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Does this explain, India and US alignment in check mating Pakistan.
Are floods in engineered Pakistan, a progress of said cold war against Pakistan?

And BATMAN digs up another 3 year old baby resting in its grave in peace.
Are engineered floods in Pakistan, a progress of said cold war against Pakistan?
This reminds of an old joke that explains the state of Denial and Obfuscation that Pakistanis like you has been living in.

Anything that's a fury of Nature is not acceptable to them, instead the start going around in circles about HAARP, the mysterious "Indus water-tap" and what not.
Mumbai drama was part of cold war strategy.
BTW.... all what you refer to as proof is no proof.
We have captured Indian embassy officials right at the moment of triggering bomb in Lahore govt. officers residence.
This is called proof which i'm sure you will reject in next post.

Coming to the point daily terrorism in Pakistan and its economic annihilation by the hands of puppet Zardari is continuation of joint US-Indian cold war against Pakistan.
With the recent Chinese actions which threaten Indian sovereignty, I suspect India will end up firmly in the US camp.
With the recent Chinese actions which threaten Indian sovereignty, I suspect India will end up firmly in the US camp.

Too early for that,but if there is a second military defeat inflicted by China,then certainly we"ll be in the NATO.
We have captured Indian embassy officials right at the moment of triggering bomb in Lahore govt. officers residence.
This is called proof which i'm sure you will reject in next post.
Oh pretty please(with sugar on top), can you favour me with your Proofs ? Let me have a concrete and neutral source, not something which you came to listen to. I would like to know of the exact maps, ammunition, the Suicide vest donners, his Vest ID and also his communique to the RAW handlers to be given to me, so that i can finally confirm RAW and hence my damned Government's complicity in this sectarian violence. You have just brightened by entire week by your shining intellect, dude.
Coming to the point daily terrorism in Pakistan and its economic annihilation by the hands of puppet Zardari is continuation of joint US-Indian cold war against Pakistan.
More pearls of wisdom !!! Do you practice that a lot, or it just dawns upon you like Newton had his moment when the apple fell off ? Was RAW/India also instrumental in whispering into Armitage's ear to bomb Pakistan back into Stone Age ?

I am surprised at some people being let loose in this Forum to spin such theories. If u had a little more creativity, u could rather have a solution to the impending Economic crisis of your nation.
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