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India aligning in a new Cold War

Oh pretty please(with sugar on top), can you favour me with your Proofs ? Let me have a concrete and neutral source, not something which you came to listen to. I would like to know of the exact maps, ammunition, the Suicide vest donners, his Vest ID and also his communique to the RAW handlers to be given to me, so that i can finally confirm RAW and hence my damned Government's complicity in this sectarian violence. You have just brightened by entire week by your shining intellect, dude.
More pearls of wisdom !!! Do you practice that a lot, or it just dawns upon you like Newton had his moment when the apple fell off ? Was RAW/India also instrumental in whispering into Armitage's ear to bomb Pakistan back into Stone Age ?

I am surprised at some people being let loose in this Forum to spin such theories. If u had a little more creativity, u could rather have a solution to the impending Economic crisis of your nation.

what i mentioned was widely reported and it was not fake news like you have in india.
Local police captured many terrorists in last 3 years and this indian embassy official was one of those.
We also released many terrorists who went back to India.
There may be people who help you finding links but since you have already stated you don't believe in Pakistani media so expect me to dig indian news for your conviniance.
When it comes ot relationship with the US, India should not beat around the bush and go all in.

Is the pun on our former president's name intended?:azn:

Too early for that,but if there is a second military defeat inflicted by China,then certainly we"ll be in the NATO.

First I don't think NATO allows non-European members, which is why we don't see Japan or South Korea in NATO. Second I hope you realize that by opening joining the U.S. side India risks a rift (possibly permanent) with Russia. At least wait till all the PAK-FAs are delivered.
Is the pun on our former president's name intended?:azn:

First I don't think NATO allows non-European members, which is why we don't see Japan or South Korea in NATO. Second I hope you realize that by opening joining the U.S. side India risks a rift (possibly permanent) with Russia. At least wait till all the PAK-FAs are delivered.

mark my word, India will never receive a PAK-FA. It will receive a version of F-35 from the US because Indians are smart and they will make the right decision when push comes to shove. India is already in the US pocket.
lure of PAK-FA will definitely keep Indians away from joining NATO as they claim/threat of joining.
Second I hope you realize that by opening joining the U.S. side India risks a rift (possibly permanent) with Russia.

That's right.

I think it's good to keep an "Independent" stance on foreign policy, rather than being in one camp or the other. Especially when you are dealing with situations like USA vs. Russia, and Arab league vs. Israel.

For example, China has strong trade relations with the USA, and strong military relations with Russia. No conflict. China does a lot of business with the Arab league, and also gets weapons from Israel. No conflict.
That's right.

I think it's good to keep an "Independent" stance on foreign policy, rather than being in one camp or the other. Especially when you are dealing with situations like USA vs. Russia, and Arab league vs. Israel.

For example, China has strong trade relations with the USA, and strong military relations with Russia. No conflict. China does a lot of business with the Arab league, and also gets weapons from Israel. No conflict.

Speaking of neutrality, didn't India join the league of nonaligned nations despite being closer to the Soviet Union during the Cold War?
Speaking of neutrality, didn't India join the league of nonaligned nations despite being closer to the Soviet Union during the Cold War?

That's right. :tup:

Anyway I don't really like the idea of "blocs", so I do sympathise with the non-aligned movement.

For example, China right now is trading with everyone, and getting enormous benefits from it. Who wants a war anyway?
When it comes to relationship with the US, India should not beat around the bush and go all in.

What else? Should India and the US smooch and than sleep together? Perhaps Manmohan Singh and Obama should go see a movie?

India's "relationship" with the US is just fine. India has it's interests and as so it pursues them. Like most nations India sees the US as a mutual partner, at least to an extent. This means that India has diplomatic ties to the US, thus in turn this means when issues arise the two countries will discuss matters.

mark my word, India will never receive a PAK-FA. It will receive a version of F-35 from the US because Indians are smart and they will make the right decision when push comes to shove. India is already in the US pocket.

I do hope you realize that India has already invested time and money into the pak-fa?

Further, the F-35 does not fit into India's requirements or doctrine Period. The Indians want a long range, twin seat, multi role fighter that is highly maneuverable. The pak-fa meets all of those requirements. When everything is said and done the pak-fa will be custom tailored to India's needs, not to mention India will receive tot and knowledge from the project. Even if the F-35 was considered just what would the US offer in terms of technology and tot; what restrictions would be placed on the aircraft? Would the Indians be allowed to park in hangers, would they be allowed to customize the F-35 with foreign and domestic avionics? And equally as important, when would India receive the F-35? Surely not before any of higher clients orders are fulfilled, and as of now the F-35 is almost 200 million a piece, this is certainly not something that India would be able to afford in large numbers.

So lets review, India can have a custom tailored aircraft built specifically for her needs and requirements with no strings attached, or in other words India would be able to actually upgrade the aircraft, receive tot and likely receive some of Russia's latest technology. Or India can abandon the pak-fa that it has already invested money into and order a 200 million generic aircraft that would not suit India's requirements.

Now don't get me wrong the F-35 is an excellent bird but like I said it does not suit India's needs, just like the F-15 does not suit Pakistan’s needs. The only logical form the F-35 would have in Indian service would be as a naval aircraft, and even if this was a reality there is no way India would purchase 250 F-35 at its current price, so logically the pak-fa would be complimentary if the F-35 was ever considered, which is unlikely.

Military purchases need not apply when discussing foreign relationships. You have to remember that many countries feel pressure to purchase from, for example, the US. India gets very good systems form Russia, Israel, and France, thus the core of India's military equipment consists of that trio. India is a country that goes to whoever will fulfill her needs and so far the above countries have done just fine. This is not to say that India has not purchased equipment from the US or that it will not in the feature, but rather that inducting new equipment is a logistical nightmare, with new systems comes problems, such as training personel to use and service the equipment and having a reliable source of spares.

Further proof solidifying India's commitment in the pak-fa are the following pictures which shows the pak-fa performing demo flight/flights in front of Indian officials.

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Russia was a friend of India
Russia is a friend of India
Russia will be a friend of India (at least for upcoming 30+ years)

give a final option to Indians to choose between US and Russia. Answer would be Russia


Any Pakistani can also tell who is more reliable?
:china: or :usflag:
lure of PAK-FA will definitely keep Indians away from joining NATO as they claim/threat of joining.

When did India claimed to join NATO??? :undecided: You seriously keep a close look on international affairs (especially if India is involved); therefore a link to prove your remark will help me to increase my knowledge ;)
mark my word, India will never receive a PAK-FA. It will receive a version of F-35 from the US because Indians are smart and they will make the right decision when push comes to shove. India is already in the US pocket.

Yes Indians are smart and our diplomats will play the game very well and procure both T-50s and F-35s for navy. We may most probably be the first country to field 3 different 5th gen fighters if the AMCA goes according to plan. Who knows we may even end up buying LMFS.
mark my word, India will never receive a PAK-FA. It will receive a version of F-35 from the US because Indians are smart and they will make the right decision when push comes to shove. India is already in the US pocket.

Oh My God... you have cracked the top secret... :D :lol:

Yes we are investing 50% in the project for eyewash... after paying all that amount for PAK-FA we will not receive it and we will again pay to :usflag: to get a 5th gen single engine FJ which will come with:

1. No TOT
2. High possibilities of embargo
3. No involvement in production process (just buyer and sellers)
4. Looooong waiting list.

Yes, GoI is that insane :hitwall:
lure of PAK-FA will definitely keep Indians away from joining NATO as they claim/threat of joining.

India is simply too big to be just another partner country to the Atlantic Alliance. And while most members of the Indian strategic community readily admit that NATO’s Afghanistan mission coincides with India’s own strategic interest in stabilising that country, they do not necessarily conclude from this that India and NATO should develop closer cooperation. On the contrary, many seem to believe that NATO’s eventual withdrawal from Afghanistan will mean the end of its interest in Asia. Finally, since India enjoys close bilateral relations with all major NATO allies, some see little added value of building closer ties to the Alliance. And Do You really think an Aircraft could spoil all the existing relationship????
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