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In Houston he gave a threat and our response?

Kashmir is a jugular vein of Pakistan as Muhammad Ali Jinnah said .
your atoot ang ? :lol:

Palestine is very far away from Pakistan.

Kashmir however is fundamental issue post independence with Jinnah starting the noble Jihad in Kashmir.
It's the more important of the "struggles" as far as noble jihad goes, wouldn't you say ?
The current status quo is helping Pak more than India!!! 1 million troops and proportional amount of machine are stuck in the occupied Kashmir valley in a war footing!!! Remember, the cost during the war time is ~3x the cost during peace time!!! And, the Kashmiri folks now want the Indians out almost in unison - Pak or no Pak!!! Pak has achieved this with a minimal cost....
No actually Kashmir is bigger Jihad than Palestine.

Its the oldest Muslim issue on the UN Charter as well.
Temple Mount vs Laal Chowk (and some old mandirs)

aapka akhri jawaab ?


The current status quo is helping Pak more than India!!! 1 million troops and proportional amount of machine are stuck in the occupied Kashmir valley in a war footing!!! Remember, the cost during the war time is ~3x the cost during peace time!!! And, the Kashmiri folks now want the Indians out almost in unison - Pak or no Pak!!! Pak has achieved this with a minimal cost....
braise the lord !
US Indians vote 75%+ Democrats/Left..
Ergo Trump is trying to win them over. The next election will be close.

He's actually a brilliant orator and big speech guy, just as good as Trump,
I understand Modi's speeches. Very basic jingoism designed to appeal to a certain mentality. YouTube is full of such finger pointers.
It seems world also want to push Pakistan in situation that war starts due to Pakistani actions so they can blame Pakistan for all bad.
yes . pak has to act wisely here and so far we are doing ok. kashmiris should increase their armed struggle for freedom. only then pak can interfere.
India will only make a move if a conflict is opened in Iran.And no matter how much hard US,Israel and KSA hit Iran the conflict will have global impacts as 21% of oil passes through the strait of Hormuz which will be a hot zone.
Ergo Trump is trying to win them over. The next election will be close.
na he wins by landslide, save this and quote me later if you want.

I understand Modi's speeches. Very basic jingoism designed to appeal to a certain mentality. YouTube is full of such finger pointers.
We got rid of 55 years of Nehruvian dynasty rule, the Indian people were fed up of these guys.

dude nobody gets your aboriginal lingo
those them get, get

those them not, just not yet
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