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Imran Khan's indecisiveness makes Pakistan a joke after no action on airspace ban.

I am not fan of no one, if some govt is doing better then previous govt, even i will support PPP/M. Leuage that doing better for my country, what REAL benefits of banning airspace for to solve Kashmir issue @paindobaba will India reversed its decisions, will India retreat its armed forces from Kashmir,or will superpowers tried to insist to solve the Kashmir issue @paindobaba :crazy::crazy::crazy:
why should they? if we don't have balls to harm India a bit, since when they have started of worrying or even thinking of Pak interests, it's us unpaid puddles which are always ready to bow before them,
why should they? if we don't have balls to harm India a bit, since when they have started of worrying or even thinking of Pak interests, it's us unpaid puddles which are always ready to bow before them,
What bit they will go through longer routes like they currently doing (Middle East), in fact we lose a fees to receive by them Using Pakistani airspace @paindobaba in fact there is no REAL benefits for banning Pakistani airspace @paindobaba :disagree::disagree:
Banning air space shall increase the cost of air travel for any one coming or going to India which might at some stage force the bankruptcy of the airlines operating to and from India. It hurts economically and economics is the only thing that forces nations to think.

Have you seen Indian map? Any clues about how many flights take off from india towards west and out of that how many fly from Delhi?
Secondly, most of the fights add fuel surcharges when any such thing happens. The only losses that one faces is the national carrier which has to perform many additional duties too and not all the time it it can pass those losses.
And minor losses to other carriers due to additional crew requirements.

And the amount of losses this carriers made last time was far less than what many bad debts and run away fugitives own. You think that India survives only on flying to west over Pakistan and that few hundreds millions will collapse our economy.

Intraday profits and losses on BSE are much more than entire losses made by Air India in last no fly zone restriction. So stop day dreaming about collapsing Indian economy with just no fly zone restriction. Probably it would not do even collapse the economy of Grade C town :P
What bit they will go through longer routes like they currently doing (Middle East), in fact we lose a fees to receive by them Using Pakistani airspace @paindobaba in fact there is no REAL benefits for banning Pakistani airspace @paindobaba :disagree::disagree:
leave benefits aside, international establishment want an independent Kashmir from where they can look around China Russia, Pakistani interest can only be best preserved if ladakh and Kashmir remain under Pakistani influence or annex with Pakistan, an independent Kashmir will be a bigger headache for Pakistan China Russia ,it must annex Pakistan, to do that we need the trust of Indian occupied Kashmiri people as they should join us, for this goal war is eminent no one can preserve its national interest on just farting at international fourms and on keyboard, Kashmir is the unfinished agenda of 1947 independence movement of Muslims of subcontinent, we should we will have to fight war for our suppressed brother Muslims in Kashmir, no other option chapter closed,
leave benefits aside, international establishment want an independent Kashmir from where they can look around China Russia, Pakistani interest can only be best preserved if ladakh and Kashmir remain under Pakistani influence or annex with Pakistan, an independent Kashmir will be a bigger headache for Pakistan China Russia ,it must annex Pakistan, to do that we need the trust of Indian occupied Kashmiri people as they should join us, for this goal war is eminent no one can preserve its national interest on just farting at international fourms and on keyboard, Kashmir is the unfinished agenda of 1947 independence movement of Muslims of subcontinent, we should we will have to fight war for our suppressed brother Muslims in Kashmir, no other option chapter closed,
The best and last option i have in my mind to make Kashmir is a independent country free from India and Pakistan influences (Including Azad Kashmir) @paindobaba
The best and last option i have in my mind to make Kashmir is a independent country free from India and Pakistan influences (Including Azad Kashmir) @paindobaba
and let the Indian Americans puddles to rule it and run their proxies from there, that's why I said you are genius , why aren't you still in IK cabinet or in GHQ
and let the Indian Americans puddles to rule it and run their proxies from there, that's why I said you are genius , why aren't you still in IK cabinet or in GHQ
IOK peoples relates/loves for Pakistan, how that possible they allows the stooges/traitors from India and USA, the only viable solutions to Kashmir issue to free them from the influence of India and Pakistan, and Pakistan is urging Kashmiris or IOK to join Pakistan, Pakistan urging the world to give the right of self determination under the supervision of UN to decide whether they gonna join india or Pakistan, or separate and will become independent country, if not we will fighting that war with India centuries to come @paindobaba :crazy::crazy::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
Only IK knows what he is doing !

Technical meeting between India, Pakistan on Kartarpur Corridor begins
Filed on August 30, 2019

The meeting comprised a group of 15 officials from each side.

India and Pakistan held a technical meeting at the Zero Point on Friday on the opening of the Kartarpur Corridor, amid fresh tensions between the two countries after Jammu and Kashmir's special status was scrapped.

The meeting comprised of a group of 15 officials from each side, officials said.

The Kartarpur Zero point is the point at which the Indian side of the corridor and the Pakistani side of the corridor will be converging. The corridor will connect Darbar Sahib in Pakistan's Kartarpur with Dera Baba Nanak shrine in Gurdaspur district and facilitate visa-free movement of Indian Sikh pilgrims, who will have to just obtain a permit to visit Kartarpur Sahib, which was established in 1522 by Sikh faith founder Guru Nanak Dev.

This is the first meeting that is being held after India had on August 5 revoked Article 370 of the Constitution, which gave special status to Jammu and Kashmir, and bifurcated the state into Union Territories.

Pakistan and India are still discussing the modalities regarding opening of the corridor at Narowal, some 125-km from Lahore, on the occasion of 550th birth anniversary of Guru Nanak in November.

Over the past few months many rounds of meetings have been held on the Kartarpur corridor during which the experts from the two sides have discussed its alignment, coordinates and other engineering aspects of the proposed crossing points.

In July, delegations of the two countries had held a meeting on the Pakistani side of the Attari-Wagah border to discuss the modalities of the Kartarpur corridor.

The corridor will also be the first visa-free corridor between the two neighbours since their independence in 1947.

Pakistan is building the corridor from the Indian border to the Gurdwara Darbar Sahib, while the other part from Dera Baba Nanak up to the border will be constructed by India.

IOK peoples relates/loves for Pakistan, how that possible they allows the stooges/traitors from India and USA, the only viable solutions to Kashmir issue to free them from the influence of India and Pakistan, and Pakistan is urging Kashmiris or IOK to join Pakistan, Pakistan urging the world to give the right of self determination under the supervision of UN to decide whether they gonna join india or Pakistan, or separate and will become independent country, if not we will fighting that war with India centuries to come @paindobaba :crazy::crazy::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
thori takrain Maro devar torni hy Kaya,waisy what about Afghans to whom we fed for decades and now they're the biggest enemies of Pakistan, just few grains of salt from USA and India, American Indian salt have deep impact on eemaan , so Muslims should avoid it as much as possible,
My take is its deliberate leak for purpose to creat panic on both sides of border.Fawad is not that stupid without concent of PM and rest talks like that. You can close it any time but more is to use at threat not hit. Fawad said in twitter Govt planning to close airspace not will close airspace. I have seen ppl in Pak and most don't read tweet properly fawad is also PM spokesperson it mean there is concent behind it.
I don't think he is official spokesperson. Actually he brought up this issue in cabinet so he wanted to take credit in media.
Another day another apologist

You tell me hurting India economically won't resolve the issue but this tamasha mobilized on the roads by Imran Khan for half an hour will, rofl.

PAkistan should be concerned if their airspace or transit trade with Afghanistan is helping India economically to buy more weapons that they'll use against us and Kashmiris.
MY issue was with the different stances and positions of his ministers in the cabinet. Corrupt Nawaz and daku Zardari,won't have allowed multiple stances coming from their team. This affects country's morale and energizes the enemy.

India is already building dams on the Indus water. When they banned airspace for Pakistan in 2002 there was no dissent from anywhere in India. PTI has made Pakistan a joke and our showing there non-seriousness while conducting business as usual with the hindoo fascist govt.

On one hand, Imran Khan doing this drama on the roads on the other, Pakistan had technical talks with Indians on progress of Indian citizens getting visa free access to Kartarpur.

PTI should stop these dramas
thori takrain Maro devar torni hy Kaya,waisy what about Afghans to whom we fed for decades and now they're the biggest enemies of Pakistan, just few grains of salt from USA and India, American Indian salt have deep impact on eemaan , so Muslims should avoid it as much as possible,
don't bring Afghanistan on this topic, Afhanis is always betrays/backstabb Pakistan and remember bro Afghanistan was the last country to recognized Pakistan, they created a movement of Paktunistan against Pakistan since 47 and currently running as PTM, and STICK TO THE TOPIC PLEASE @paindobaba

Another day another apologist

You tell me hurting India economically won't resolve the issue but this tamasha mobilized on the roads by Imran Khan for half an hour will, rofl.

PAkistan should be concerned if their airspace or transit trade with Afghanistan is helping India economically to buy more weapons that they'll use against us and Kashmiris.
MY issue was with the different stances and positions of his ministers in the cabinet. Corrupt Nawaz and daku Zardari,won't have allowed multiple stances coming from their team. This affects country's morale and energizes the enemy.

India is already building dams on the Indus water. When they banned airspace for Pakistan in 2002 there was no dissent from anywhere in India. PTI has made Pakistan a joke and our showing there non-seriousness while conducting business as usual with the hindoo fascist govt.

On one hand, Imran Khan doing this drama on the roads on the other, Pakistan had technical talks with Indians on progress of Indian citizens getting visa free access to Kartarpur.

PTI should stop these dramas
And what should we do then close the airspace/land routes and attack India/IOK with full force and doom, they have other alternatives @rak_987 :crazy::crazy::crazy:
You did not respond, according to you India won't care if we ban theirairspace so how will NY times oped and randio rona march on the road by Imran Khan while he is allowing indians airspace and giving them visa free access to kartarpur will help KAshmir?
You did not respond, according to you India won't care if we ban theirairspace so how will NY times oped and randio rona march on the road by Imran Khan while he is allowing indians airspace and giving them visa free access to kartarpur will help KAshmir?
you to much emotional, you know the international politics better then govt @rak_987 o_O

You can't reply anything, can you? Let me repeat how will Kashmir Hour by this same pathetic govt. would change India's mind while hurting India economically won't affect them.
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