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Imran Khan's indecisiveness makes Pakistan a joke after no action on airspace ban.

Pakistani government is not doing enough. Media statements and tweets will not help stem the Indian aggression. Pakistan needs to take the battle to a different level. Start with attacks on the IB against Indian forces
You did not respond, according to you India won't care if we ban theirairspace so how will NY times oped and randio rona march on the road by Imran Khan while he is allowing indians airspace and giving them visa free access to kartarpur will help KAshmir?

stupid actions of imran khan .he seems to be clueless and surrounded by traitors and compromised goons .it could be a part of startegy but time will tell.
But military establishment actions are raising eyebrows internationally . Chinese General meeting , chinese armed forces maneuring near ladakh , pakistan strike corps preparedness , paf and Pa silent positioning .....

Have you seen tiger positioning before attack ... its dead silent and dead slow

You can't reply anything, can you? Let me repeat how will Kashmir Hour by this same pathetic govt. would change India's mind while hurting India economically won't affect them.
Minimal or no economical hurting for India, there ship goes to Chabar then trade via Iran/Afghanistan, they divert their air traffic through middle east, if Pakistan closes its airspace so no big deal for India, how will this effects or solve Kashmir issue, you lack commonsense/logic bro i have sorry to say @rak_987

stupid actions of imran khan .he seems to be clueless and surrounded by traitors and compromised goons .it could be a part of startegy but time will tell.
But military establishment actions are raising eyebrows internationally . Chinese General meeting , chinese armed forces maneuring near ladakh , pakistan strike corps preparedness , paf and Pa silent positioning .....

Have you seen tiger positioning before attack ... its dead silent and dead slow
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Currently we are in no position to attack or initiate war with India, if India will attack us we will defense our self, and that's the end of story @Hayreddin
@Hayreddin The hilarious part about these Imran apologists @pakistanipower @salarsikander I have encountered on this forum are they have limited information about the things they are talking in order to defend Imran Khan's shameful stance on first announcing ban of airspace to India than not doing it.

Indian airlines lost 80-90 million dollars and could'nt even squeak so as not to hurt theirhindu taliban state's national pride rofl.
Air India had to cancel its routes to Afghanistan and USA as they were not commercially viable. If they reroute through Arabian Sea the cost and time goes up by 1.5-2 hours. Afghans transit trade is more cheeap for india and Afghanistan both than Chabahar which is still not developed and cannot dock more than 1 ship. Chabahar was bought by India to destablize and hit Balochistan, it is not a commercial venture.

The apologists should first research before posting something. Their posts only show how loser PTI govt. is.
@Hayreddin The hilarious part about these Imran apologists @pakistanipower @salarsikander I have encountered on this forum are they have limited information about the things they are talking in order to defend Imran Khan's shameful stance on first announcing ban of airspace to India than not doing it.

Indian airlines lost 80-90 million dollars and could'nt even squeak so as not to hurt theirhindu taliban state's national pride rofl.
Air India had to cancel its routes to Afghanistan and USA as they were not commercially viable. If they reroute through Arabian Sea the cost and time goes up by 1.5-2 hours. Afghans transit trade is more cheeap for india and Afghanistan both than Chabahar which is still not developed and cannot dock more than 1 ship. Chabahar was bought by India to destablize and hit Balochistan, it is not a commercial venture.

The apologists should first research before posting something. Their posts only show how loser PTI govt. is.
don't bring Afghanistan on this topic, Afhanis is always betrays/backstabb Pakistan and remember bro Afghanistan was the last country to recognized Pakistan, they created a movement of Paktunistan against Pakistan since 47 and currently running as PTM, and STICK TO THE TOPIC PLEASE @paindobaba

And what should we do then close the airspace/land routes and attack India/IOK with full force and doom, they have other alternatives @rak_987 :crazy::crazy::crazy:
ok leave Afghanistan, what was Farooq Abdullah and his progeny's stance few years ago?

Hahaha I'm very emotional [according to you] but you're extremely pragmatic and realist, have dodged and avoided directly replying on the Kashmir Hour tamasha. Those people who came to protest onImran Khan call should be very emotional too. Have yet to make one sane post and you're so ill-informed. Farooq Abdullah was always a stooge he was responsible for triggering the Kashmir freedom struggle in 1987 by tampering the elections with help of Rajiv Gandhi. This is the level of your knowledge rofl.
The hilarious part about these Imran apologists
I didnt relaise OM IK was a terroist or of that sort, If you have abit of brains then you would know i was merely giving you the reason thats all. Mr I-know-it All. LOl

You can't reply anything, can you? Let me repeat how will Kashmir Hour by this same pathetic govt. would change India's mind while hurting India economically won't affect them.
Here here! You have said exactly what needs to be said.

stupid actions of imran khan .he seems to be clueless and surrounded by traitors and compromised goons .it could be a part of startegy but time will tell.
But military establishment actions are raising eyebrows internationally . Chinese General meeting , chinese armed forces maneuring near ladakh , pakistan strike corps preparedness , paf and Pa silent positioning .....

Have you seen tiger positioning before attack ... its dead silent and dead slow
View attachment 576601
Imran has forgotten what a tiger is..
I don't think he is official spokesperson. Actually he brought up this issue in cabinet so he wanted to take credit in media.
He is now Chun been removed


You can't reply anything, can you? Let me repeat how will Kashmir Hour by this same pathetic govt. would change India's mind while hurting India economically won't affect them.
You not answered my question why NS didn't have FM for 4 yrs??? You will not beacuse you have no answer.
We should stop thinking in terms of countries and united nations, international relations bla bla

Truth is truth there are Jews, Polytheists, People who are enemy not openly and Christians.

We should announce we will pay back no loan to any international organization if any further damage occur to Pakistan. We should quit our membership of united nations. Turn whole population into Talibans.

Remember truth is truth . There are Jews, Polytheists, People who are enemy not openly and Chriatians.

Stop fooling yoir self.

We should announce if a single dollar damage to Pakistan due to world actions we would turn whole population into Talibans.

Probably i dont belong to this forum also. You guys enjoy your trainings (stronger di**s) of no use

Probably the real resistance will rise once the Pakistan has been undone. Probably there will be no resistance and the hour will be establsished.

Dont kick me out i love Pak Army.

but for any things sake stop fooling your self.

Truth is truth. There are Jews, Polytheists, People who are enemy not openly and Christians.

Its upto you you want to die slowly by believing into bulshits or the other way.

Hahaha I'm very emotional [according to you] but you're extremely pragmatic and realist, have dodged and avoided directly replying on the Kashmir Hour tamasha. Those people who came to protest onImran Khan call should be very emotional too. Have yet to make one sane post and you're so ill-informed. Farooq Abdullah was always a stooge he was responsible for triggering the Kashmir freedom struggle in 1987 by tampering the elections with help of Rajiv Gandhi. This is the level of your knowledge rofl.
WHAT IK could do, close air space, ban trade and attack IOK/India and doom, how old you kid,:crazy::crazy::crazy:, the govts not governs like you want, read my above posts to @paindobaba I clearly stated Farooq Abdullah became Indian Stooge at later stages, I thinks you're pro NAWAZ/ZARDARI TATOO, and might be you're Paid by PPP?NAWAZ LEAGUE to do baseless propaganda against IK govt @rak_987

We should announce we will pay back no loan to any international organization if any further damage occur to Pakistan. We should quit our membership of united nations. Turn whole population into Talibans.
What retard post this is you know what is consequence of this, we will bombed out as hell by USA/EU, Hardiest sanctions will be applied on us like North Korea/Iran, you wan't to Pakistan will be a war throne country, use your brain if you have @Techy Hassan :crazy::crazy::crazy::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

No I have no relation with those crooks NAwaz/Zardari but you are definitely a y*uthiya who does'nt use google. Start using google before posting it'll help increase your knowledge and reduce your immaturity.

Imran Khan is a coward who did'nt ban airspace to india unlike Pak army.

No I have no relation with those crooks NAwaz/Zardari but you are definitely a y*uthiya who does'nt use google. Start using google before posting it'll help increase your knowledge and reduce your immaturity.

Imran Khan is a coward who did'nt ban airspace to india unlike Pak army.
Ok imran khan is coward, now happy get lost from here, i am not interested to your baseless debate vs debate, if all related news for IK/govt here on PDF, why would i search google, now shoo @rak_987
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