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Imran Khan's indecisiveness makes Pakistan a joke after no action on airspace ban.

People are just mob, govt is engine which makes whole train runs.
IK is so indecisive and lost precious time. He is just talk and talk. Air space should have been stopped 2nd week and next should have stopped afghan trade from India.
It is 24th day and shah mahmood tutoring IK we need to think more. They are in analysis paralysis.
Ridiculous and idiot govt.
Ik is a fantasizer, nothing else ,
And your NAWAZ and ZARDARI was, if this happen in their terms @paindobaba o_Oo_O
REquest friends stop acting as apologists and demand the govt. to first show action instead of this useless blabbing. Their announcement of airspace ban and then inaction is shaming PAkistanis around the world with Indians calling our govt. coward.
please tell me that bro banning of an airspace and banning a trade to does have an advantage to solve a Kashmir issue or the world could starting insist that India solved the Problem, please explain bro, and what happened if this situation occurred in NAWAZ or in ZARDARI's term @rak_987 o_Oo_Oo_O

@Nasr I understand youthiyas will defend Imran Khan's cowardice in any manner but the way your stupid defense has come is kinda hilarious.

One poster was worried about IATA another is trying to blame the one questioning this loserly policy.

Paksitani and Indian air force are already on forward bases. India has closed its airspace in 2002 and 71, every country has the right to close its airspace. If there was a severe blowback the indians would not have begged for opening of airspace during kartarpur discussions. The things is PTI govt. is pathetically indecisive and you can't hide its shameful posture at a time when its asking Paksitani public to come out and do maatam [chest-beating] on the roads for half an hour on Friday for Kashmir while they help Indian airlines and India connect with Europe and North America.

I was initially angry with the public announcement of closing airspace but this PTI govt. is making all of us look fools and dumb in the intl. community.

KAshmir is Pakistan's core interest if we allow massacre or demographic change their this would be the worst catastrophe in history and protests and randi rona on twitter by Imran Khan is not going to help them.
Can you explain what is advantage of banning of airspace for India to solve Kashmir issue, will India retreat its force from IOK, will India back on the table for dialogue or will world would starting to insisting to India to solve the Kashmir issue @rak_987
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And your NAWAZ and ZARDARI was, if this happen in their terms @paindobaba o_Oo_O
please tell me that bro banning of an airspace and banning a trade to does have an advantage to solve a Kashmir issue or the world could starting insist that India solved the Problem, please explain bro, and what happened if this situation occurred in NAWAZ or in ZARDARI's term @rak_987 o_Oo_Oo_O
Can you explain what is advantage of banning of airspace for India to solve Kashmir issue, will India retreat its force from IOK, will India back on the table for dialogue or world would starting to insisting to India to solve the Kashmir issue @rak_987

It did not happen in Nawaz or Zardari era. That is a fact. You can not issue a statement if it happened in Nawaz or Zardari era because it did not.

Banning air space shall increase the cost of air travel for any one coming or going to India which might at some stage force the bankruptcy of the airlines operating to and from India. It hurts economically and economics is the only thing that forces nations to think.

Also ban trade route from Afghanistan to India.

If you can not make a simple decision making tough decisions is beyond your grasp.
It did not happen in Nawaz or Zardari era. That is a fact. You can not issue a statement if it happened in Nawaz or Zardari era because it did not.
i said IF this situation will happened In NAWAZ/ZARDARI era, then their reaction will be worst then IK @ejaz007
I told you they are rotten to core like theior Bao jee.

Fawad needs to shut his mouth. He leaked this to media and then Afghanis came running to not close the land and air route.
If the decision was announced officially then it would have been very difficult to take back.
It did not happen in Nawaz or Zardari era. That is fact and reality. Start living in reality and stop focusing on fiction.
I gave you an example dude IF this will happen in the terms of ZARDARI/NAWAZ what will happen then, i assume the reaction will be worst then IK reaction @ejaz007
Fawad needs to shut his mouth. He leaked this to media and then Afghanis came running to not close the land and air route.
If the decision was announced officially then it would have been very difficult to take back.
My take is its deliberate leak for purpose to creat panic on both sides of border.Fawad is not that stupid without concent of PM and rest talks like that. You can close it any time but more is to use at threat not hit. Fawad said in twitter Govt planning to close airspace not will close airspace. I have seen ppl in Pak and most don't read tweet properly fawad is also PM spokesperson it mean there is concent behind it.
And your NAWAZ and ZARDARI was, if this happen in their terms @paindobaba o_Oo_O

I swear to God that if someone hangs NS ,zardari and fazlo at D Chowk I will distribute 40 kg sweets and if also Hangs Musharif and kayani for giving NRO will distribute 80 kg of sweets and if someone , and if someone Fu****ks off these all politicians and this ugly system I will distribute 120 kg
I swear to God that if someone hangs NS ,zardari and fazlo at D Chowk I will distribute 40 kg sweets and if also Hangs Musharif and kayani for giving NRO will distribute 80 kg of sweets and if someone , and if someone Fu****ks off these all politicians and this ugly system I will distribute 120 kg[
I swear to God that if someone hangs NS ,zardari and fazlo at D Chowk I will distribute 40 kg sweets and if also Hangs Musharif and kayani for giving NRO will distribute 80 kg of sweets and if someone , and if someone Fu****ks off these all politicians and this ugly system I will distribute 120 kg[
And why you guys thinks that banning of an airspace for India do something good to Kashmir issue @paindobaba
The problem Pakistan has, it wants the world to take serious actions against India for what it is doing in Kashmir, yet it is not prepared to do those actions itself first. So, why should the world ??
The day when our FM SM said "No military option is under consideration" was the day when we lost our fight before starting it … Why world will do any thing for us when we are not ready to do any thing …… Why UAE , KSA or USA destroy there trade prelateship with india ?? lol just look at this airspace drama ,, IK and cabinet knew india will do some thing (370) in IOK , indiand jets are still on Front bases but he still opened airspace ,,,, now he simply cannot close it … just look at the excuses this pathetic Govt making ….. Weren't same problems were there in 27th Feb ?? ..
If we showed the world that we will burn india and we are ready to die in this proses , when the world know they will lose their billion $$ in india and they also will face nuclear clouds in their countries only this can force them to act …… But unfortunately our political and military elite too busy in diplomatic ways (in these ways india is leading 1000s KM , just look at UAE and award drama) ..

26 days of lockdown , no food , no medicine , mass raping , kidnappings , killings …… and we Pakistanis are busy in stopping traffic...……… and getting extensions ….. and firing 25 years old rockets ..
No I am not emotional …… I am just telling the naked truth ,...… If people don't want to see it ,then I cannot do any thing …… And few waiting for UN assembly …… Don't worry it will come and go just like OIC...…..

Boris Johnson, trump, Putin, etc etc - all the same when the going gets genuinely tough.
Just look at what Boris did with UK parliament ………. Strong country …… Strong leader ……….. Is any one speaking yhe shits like of: against democracy , military takeover , Crown takeover etc...……..

All these marches, phone calls, apprising diplomats of the situation is bloody pointless.
He and military elite knew what india going to do ,still opened airspace...…. But if they really didn't knew then some Court-Marshalls needed ..
Indian FM went to few countries , Indian PM went to few countries before and after 370 episode , what our PM and FM did ??? only few fukin calls , which are not working …… 26 days of lockdown prove of failure of all diplomatic options …… what else our elite waiting for! Xmas ???
People just read in-between the lines , we all will get our answer...…….. So many "brave" here on PDF telling us we cannot fight the war , our economy is not good , bla bla bla….. Remember economy does not matter , this war will be last war , india and Pakistan will use A-bombs ,,,,,,
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And why you guys thinks that banning of an airspace for India do something good to Kashmir issue @paindobaba
so you want to give economic benefits to enemy which is in war within you since your birth? and by not putting all sanctions on India which you can do by your self you want to tell the people of Kashmir that we are cheating you just be at your own , we are just icons of munafiqat, I think you are gem of PDF and of PTI , IK should gather you in his cabinet with other gems or Bajwa should hire your services,
so you want to give economic benefits to enemy which is in war within you since your birth? and by not putting all sanctions on India which you can do by your self you want to tell the people of Kashmir that we are cheating you just be at your own , we are just icons of munafiqat, I think you are gem of PDF and of PTI , IK should gather you in his cabinet with other gems or Bajwa should hire your services,
I am not fan of no one, if some govt is doing better then previous govt, even i will support PPP/M. Leuage that doing better for my country, what REAL benefits of banning airspace for to solve Kashmir issue @paindobaba will India reversed its decisions, will India retreat its armed forces from Kashmir,or will superpowers tried to insist to solve the Kashmir issue @paindobaba :crazy::crazy::crazy:
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