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Imran Khan Campaignign for a Jewish Candidate

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Dec 12, 2008
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When a fox preaches, take care of your geese. The famous saying indicates a person pretending to be what he is actually not. If talking about politics and particularly Pakistan politics, we have such various misleading personalities who falsely imitate to be loyal, honest, steady, patriotic and faithful. One of them is Mr. Imran Khan, the leader of an unvalued party (as far as Parliament is concerned) Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf. We have seen numerous times, Mr. Imran khan taking a U-turn, his ON and OFF caprice for the former President Musharraf, JI, PML-N, MQM and other political forces are quite habitual now. This jerked behavior is one if his attributes.

Mr Khan can talk against any government for hours and hours, whether talk to him on Democracy, dictatorship, policies, ministries, Army, Judiciary or anything, Imran is never happy at all. On many occasions Mr. Khan had gave statements opposing the army operation against Extremist talibans, one important thing which we should recall is, Taliban consider Imran khan as a true Pakistani and a good Muslim bypassing the fact that Imran Khan had a love-child with Sita White and such act has a punishment of Death according to Islamic Sharia.
The soft corner of Imran Khan, in the hearts of Taliban was enough to prove Imran khan a traitor and most of the citizens realized that Imran is an Anti-Pakistan element. But now the chief Imran Khan has thrown himself full-time into the election campaign of Conservative Jewish candidate “Zac Goldsmith”, the younger brother of his ex-wife Jemima Khan. One should not forget that Mr. Zac is a Jewish conservative candidate, and running a campaign for such a person requires a lot of clarification. The party Mr. Zac belongs to, also have some close contacts with Israeli elements through a Parliamentary group which is well known as “Conservative Friends of Israel (CFI)”.
Now a question arise, is it appropriate to run a campaign for Zac Goldsmith at the same time when your own country is in a great trouble, and having threats not only from across the borders but inside too. When Pakistan needs a political stabilized democracy, Mr Khan plays his vital role to destabilize the current system, not only by his words, but by his actions too. Or is it a payback time, for the benefits and favors which Imran have received in past from Jewish lobby. It is quite obvious that Imran’s current activities are redeems for the charities and the premium support of his Jewish friends.
Since last few years, Imran Khan had tried his best to misguide the youth of the country. But as his actual agendas are apparent now and his current huge margin defeats in Bi-elections have proved Imran as a failure and Pakistan Nation as the winner for eliminating a Jewish element.
Khan Sb.You are more cunning than Zardaari.Your Hypocracy is indeed a good lesson for all hyprcrites of My Pakistan Weel Done Imran You have broken all records of Munafiqat.Extreme Left than Extreme Right.How Quickly you convert your self indeed its impossible for A Patriot Pakistani and Muslim but you are beyond all these.You have an Art of Hypocracy :)
PTI explains Imran’s ‘campaign’ for Zac

LONDON: The Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI) has clarified the presence of its leader in the election campaign of Zac Goldsmith in London, as reported by The News.

The PTI issued a statement here, saying Imran Khan’s one-off trip to the Kingston mosque in support of an individual, namely Zac Goldsmith, who is also his former brother-in-law, did not mean he was running a full election campaign for the Conservative party in the UK.

Khan clarified: “Zac Goldsmith maybe my ex-brother-in-law. However, he is true to his cause and is anti-war.” Khan said he would ask all his party supporters in the UK to support and vote for any MP who was anti-war. Khan went on to say that Zac was not only honest but did not need to be a politician. However, he has committed himself to understanding issues of all the people, especially the minorities (whose voice is often not heard) in his constituency in order to be able to provide solutions to their problems. We would like to clarify this is Khan’s second visit to the Kingston mosque.

The remark that Imran Khan was ‘pro-Taliban’ was also contested by the PTI. “We demand to see evidence of Mr Khan ever having given a single statement to support the Taliban. Being against the military action and promoting dialogue with the Taliban to achieve a political solution does not mean Mr Khan is pro-Taliban. Please note all Western liberals as well as Gen McCrystal and David Miliband are also suggesting a dialogue with the Taliban for a political solution in Afghanistan — does this mean they will also be called pro-Taliban?”
I would say we should stop brining religion to politics..!!! Religion is for to statisfy our own spirutality and not to gain or set preconditions for anyting..!!!! Lets keep and believe in our religions no matter what others have to so say or do about it..!!!

So be secular be happy..!!! Let mr imran do what he wants.. and see whether he can develop your country..!!!!
I would say we should stop brining religion to politics..!!! Religion is for to statisfy our own spirutality and not to gain or set preconditions for anyting..!!!! Lets keep and believe in our religions no matter what others have to so say or do about it..!!!

So be secular be happy..!!! Let mr imran do what he wants.. and see whether he can develop your country..!!!!

Imran khan himself uses religion to play politics
susoor ji ka khaya , halal tu karna haa...
I didn't know some "educated" people here are extremely narrow minded!

Pakistanis cried their hearts out when USA and Nato attacked Iraq and Afghanistan, and when IK is supporting one of UK's politician who is anti-war, We come here and call him a hypocrite..

Listen carefully what he says!!! Seriously guys get some reasonable excuse to bash IK.

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I would say we should stop brining religion to politics..!!! Religion is for to statisfy our own spirutality and not to gain or set preconditions for anyting..!!!! Lets keep and believe in our religions no matter what others have to so say or do about it..!!!

So be secular be happy..!!! Let mr imran do what he wants.. and see whether he can develop your country..!!!!

thats your ideology not ours.

We should stick to our religion. Our holy book has given us clear instruction regarding jews so we will follow them. As our Quaid said that

"In an Islamic State neither its head nor any institution or any parliament or individual can act absolutely. Only Islamic injunctions control our behavior in the society."
PTI had clarified the stance.

And BTW whats wrong if he support Zac. The elections are to be held and for UK not Pakistan.

Its saying like the neighbour of a neighbour whom we dont like is punishable because that neighbour knows the one we dont like
Honestly MQM supporters are really annoying when they bring petty and irrelevant issues to discredit Imran Khan.

Unlike their leader with alleged 100+ murder cases on his record, a mafia party with all sorts of criminal charges, they can't pull any criminal evidence against Imran Khan so they resort to highlighting his ex-girlfriends.

No other party stoops to such low levels. Why is Sita-white so important to Pakistani politics? or MQM for that matter? It's not like she was Altaf khasi's sister!!!
One thing I like about Gen Musharraf and Imran Khan is that both criticize each other polices but never did personal and private life attacks.
If he is supporting relative of his sons is now no one’s concern.
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