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Imran Is Done! by Najam Sethi

Tobah, that’s not an option, that’s like cutting the nose to spite the face.

Most Nations have had civil wars. Almost all current superpowers have had to go through reformation.... Why so scared?...

But I agree with you... There will be no revolutionary civil war in Pakistan.... I guess because most Pakistani are really Hindus at heart ... Cowards... And converts from DALITs.

Najam Sethi? Really? This moron is the beacon of truth for you?
Once upon a time .... grand chitrool by Nawaz to Najam Sethi .....

Jailed Pakistani Editor Charged With `Treachery'​

By Pamela Constable
June 2, 1999
A prominent Pakistani newspaper editor, held in jail without charge for the past month, was formally accused this week of activities harmful to the "safety, security and sovereignty" of Pakistan because of a speech he made in India that referred to Pakistan as a "failing state."
The case of Najam Sethi, 51, who was seized at his home by police at 2 a.m. on May 8, has provoked protests from officials in Washington and from international human rights groups. It is the most high-profile incident in what many Pakistani journalists describe as a six-month campaign by the government of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to intimidate or punish its critics in the media.
At a Supreme Court hearing today, Pakistan's attorney general accused Sethi of committing "the most contemptible treachery" by delivering a critical speech on "enemy soil" when he spoke at a forum in New Delhi April 30. Sethi's address described Pakistan as being in the throes of multiple crises, including a breakdown of law and order, civil society, national security and identity.

Sethi, who edits the weekly Friday Times, remained in police custody. He was due to be arraigned today before a municipal magistrate, but authorities unexpectedly brought him before a special Anti-Terrorism Court instead, frustrating a large group of journalists who had waited to glimpse him for the first time since his arrest. Officials said he had been examined by a doctor and is in good health.
The prosecution of Sethi comes at a time of high tension and mounting military conflict between India and Pakistan, longtime rivals and nascent nuclear powers that have fought three wars since independence in 1947. In the past week, India has bombed and strafed the border area dividing the disputed territory of Kashmir to flush out Muslim insurgents who India says are backed by Pakistan.
"Sethi's speech was tantamount to undermining Pakistan's position on Kashmir in front of an Indian audience," Pakistani Information Minister Mushahid Hussain said in an interview today. "People reacted very strongly and emotionally to it."

While Pakistani authorities insist they are prosecuting Sethi only because of his speech, his family and professional colleagues say the government was increasingly angry over his weekly front-page editorials accusing Sharif of corruption and abuse of power. After his arrest, the entire press run of the next edition of Friday News was seized.
Since January, the government has filed a variety of charges against newspaper editors and publishers, ranging from income tax evasion to drug trafficking. There have also been several violent attacks against journalists. At one English-language paper, the News, an editor's car was firebombed and the publisher said he had been pressured by a powerful government commissioner to demote a number of employees.
"This government has zero tolerance for dissent. It's not just a few cases; there is a total assault on whatever is left of civil society," said a Pakistani academic. He asked not to be named -- in part, he said, because the Sharif government has made it harder for professionals like himself to get visas for foreign travel.

Aides to Sharif deny they are trying to silence contrary opinions, and they point as proof to critical editorials and columns that appear regularly in various newspapers. In fact, the last three editions of Friday Times have published scathing editorials on the Sethi case and continued to pound Sharif, his family and official circle as corrupt and dictatorial.
Imran Khan is done.

That is the wrong conclusion. People said the same things about NS and many others too in previous episodes.

No one is done for good in Pakistani politics, but it is clear that second and even subsequent innings are allowed only by accommodating the umpire. If IK does that, he is surely back in the game, just like many before him. No problem.
Military is the most corrupt institute in pakistan! solely responsible for Pakistan`s destruction. They have controlled, manipulated and pressurized governments, making sure no government was stable enough to challenge them! and at the same time made sure that their power is not questioned. even today you see how they react when some one say something about this vile institute!
Budha's of pakista destroyed Pakistan

Thread banany wala bhuddha sitting in london

News denay wala bhudda

Every other corrupt bhudda you will see with odm party
Imran Khan must face the reality that he is a minority and he will never be accepted.

Pakistans majority has intrenched itself in every position, every department from Army, Police, Judiciary to bureaucracy and more.

Minorities are exploited, Stripped & videos made, labelled as anti state, terrorists and much more.

Difficult times we face as another wave of revenge being meted out by the Empire of Ranjit Singh and his children.

Better to go out with a bang than a whimper, even if the end is violent. A valiant, fighting end must always be preferred to accepting slavery by those leaders wishing and/or claiming to change the system. It's not possible without extreme sacrifice. He hasn't even been able to wrap his head around the concept that any state institution, constitutional or not, involved in injustice is tyrannical... and must be TORN down. Hoping that a rotten, rigged system will allow him to fix things is the most retarded thing I've ever encountered. Sad.
There will be no revolutions. The disintegration in slow motion we are witnesses to will still take more than a decade, or even two.
It will end with a whimper and not a bang.
Been hearing this from this lifafa for the last 5 years.

Which lifafa? It's "Rare, Expensive Watch" sale time. I don't know if your comment referred to me but I just joined this forum. And I LOVE my country and it's military!
Better to go out with a bang than a whimper, even if the end is violent. A valiant, fighting end must always be preferred to accepting slavery by those leaders wishing and/or claiming to change the system. It's not possible without extreme sacrifice. He hasn't even been able to wrap his head around the concept that any state institution, constitutional or not, involved in injustice is tyrannical... and must be TORN down. Hoping that a rotten, rigged system will allow him to fix things is the most retarded thing I've ever encountered. Sad.
Because that will turn in to ethnic war, not something anyone wants.

Most Nations have had civil wars. Almost all current superpowers have had to go through reformation.... Why so scared?...

But I agree with you... There will be no revolutionary civil war in Pakistan.... I guess because most Pakistani are really Hindus at heart ... Cowards... And converts from DALITs.
This will turn in to an ethnic war, then there will be no Pakistan, no matter how much any Pushtoon or Baloch dreams of their own state would not want this.

He was another ethnocentric jahil and terrorist

See what I mean, you support jahilat and stupidity, your own people are destroyed in the process

No development takes place because of your backwards thinking and a proportion of you take up terrorism

It's ridiculous

This level of backwards jahilat is the cause of this endless fassad
One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter, so BUGTI being called a terrorist doesn’t matter, it’s what his people think that really matters.
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See told you, bhuddha's of pakistan are the real corrupt and liars belonging to pmln

London bhudda makes thread, other two bhudda can be seen in pic all of three are corrupt

Pmln supporter bhudda - Thread started
pmln leader bhudda
pmln anchor - bhudda
Which lifafa? It's "Rare, Expensive Watch" sale time. I don't know if your comment referred to me but I just joined this forum. And I LOVE my country and it's military!
No matter how corrupt and sold out the leadership is… nothing but a rat led by the pied piper.. incapable of objective thinking…
No matter how corrupt and sold out the leadership is… nothing but a rat led by the pied piper.. incapable of objective thinking…

The objective thinking is left for undereducated brown "wana be gora" Pakistanis with both flags of the King, your lord. Be grateful he gives out gracious welfare checks to you and similarly, mind your country's business than interfering in another nation's internal affairs! When was the last time you went to that "free" doctor that takes 4 weeks for a visit (by this time a person already recovers) :lol:

Until recently, Fidel Castro, the revolutionary leader of Cuba who presided over its affairs for nearly fifty years, held the world record for the most number of speeches and “addresses to the nation”. Now our very own home spun hero, Imran Khan, is well on his way to breaking that record, having notched up a speech, interview, address or briefing every other day for the last year or so. But there is a critical difference between the two. Castro’s exhortations focused on principles of socialist-nation building that enabled him to transform Cuba from an exploited and impoverished American colony into a thriving, progressive and proud country. Khan’s pearls of wisdom , on the other hand, are replete with opportunistic U-turns, propaganda and downright lies which brought Pakistan to the brink of constitutional breakdown and economic mismanagement while in office and political instability and economic upheaval while in opposition.

Imran Khan’s “strategy”, if it can be called that, is to pressure the Miltablishment to abandon political “neutrality” and take his side in pushing out the PDM government and enabling him to return to office via a quick general election while the PDM’s popularity graph is dipping. He threatened a long march to besiege the National Assembly. Then he offered General Qamar Javed Bajwa a short extension to oversee a caretaker regime so that he could win the election and appoint General Faiz Hameed as army chief. When Nawaz Sharif didn’t bite into his formula, he tried to pressure the PDM and Miltablishment to appoint anyone but General Asim Munir to the coveted slot. Now that this move has also failed, again because Nawaz Sharif dug his heel in, he is threatening to dissolve the Punjab and KP provincial assemblies and drown the country in unchartered waters.

Is this move, like the Long March, an empty threat that will end with a whimper?

He says he will, on December 17, announce the date when the dissolution threat will be carried out. That could be a week or two or more hence, which is exactly the way the dates for the Long March were periodically announced and then pushed back. But one should note the deliberate opening provided by such an announcement to the PDM to preempt any such move by launching a vote of no-confidence or vote of confidence., including a challenge in the higher courts to review a couple of judgments against floor crossing, to stave dissolution or capture the assembly.

Mr Khan’s idea is, of course, to get back into the game of negotiating an early election with the PDM. He has put President Arif Alvi in charge of back-door talks with the Miltablishment and PDM to give him a face-saving entry back into the National Assembly where the terms and conditions of the next election, including the composition of the caretaker regimes, are to be mutually hammered out. It is interesting that the Supreme Court of Pakistan also seems keen on nudging him in this direction, ostensibly to submit PTI resignations in person before the Speaker, which may be a face-saving peg on which to return to Islamabad and then take a suitable U-Turn after a deal is struck with the government to set a mutually acceptable final date for the election.

But what if this plan fails to materialize? What if the PDM doesn’t give him a face-saving exit and compels him to carry out his threat and dissolve the two provincial assemblies?

Two fundamental views are well known. Neither the Miltablishment not the PDM government is interested in a quick general election simply because the former thinks it is against the national interest that requires political stability for economic turnaround and the latter believes it is against its party political interest until it has bought time to create popular will in its favour. So if Khan goes ahead, he can be sure that the two will join hands to knock him out. This could precipitate disqualification from contesting elections in any one of the several cases hanging over his head and even criminal conviction and detention if so required.

Imran Khan is also misguided if he thinks that by continuing to publicly attack General Bajwa, he is reaping the seeds of division in the Miltablishment, or by not attacking General Asim Munir he is endearing himself to the new army chief. The fact is that the Miltablishment is united in protecting its institutional interests by protecting the repute of its ex-army chief, as it has done on other occasions in the past. Khan is also mistaken if he thinks he can pressure the new army leadership to shunt or sack some of the officers named in the letter written by the mother of the slain journalist, Arshad Sharif, to the chief justice of Pakistan.

Imran Khan is done. He can either play by the rules of the constitutional game, return to parliament and wait for the next elections to roll out as scheduled, or he should get ready to contest on a level playing field by facing disqualification and possible imprisonments like Nawaz and Shehbaz Sharif.
Lifafa lag gya Mubarak ho.
global corruption and follows Hitler's strategies to keep people's focus on other things that aren't important and have nothing to do with national issues we face as a nation.

You Mean like, Watch, watch, watch, watch ,watch!!!
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