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Imran Is Done! by Najam Sethi

People have become wiser, Bugti was a minority who was not willing to let the majority steal resources of people of Baluchistan, don’t let them fool you by placing the blame on Sardars.

His killer dies a slow death in a foreign country, such is divine justice, while Bugti lives forever in our heart.

In hope we live that our day will come, we will rise again.

I remember one of my aunts said something shortly after the Vote of No Confidence when Immi Mashar started doing agitations, she said IK will end up like Akbar Bugti.

And she was right, they tried to off him and will probably do it again.
People have become wiser, Bugti was a minority who was not willing to let the majority steal resources of people of Baluchistan, don’t let them fool you by placing the blame on Sardars.

His killer dies a slow death in a foreign country, such is divine justice, while Bugti lives forever in our heart.

In hope we live that our day will come, we will rise again.
A sad history of how the Sui Gas project was developed, who developed and why this project upset Baluchis ....... there is a reason why Baluch has so much aggression and it's valid..
I remember one of my aunts said something shortly after the Vote of No Confidence when Immi Mashar started doing agitations, she said IK will end up like Akbar Bugti.

And she was right, they tried to off him and will probably do it again.

Let them it’s nothing new, every dog has his day, we had our now it’s theirs.

Every Baluch & Pukhtoon is a Bugti a Niazi, how many will they kill 40 million?

When you are rock bottom you can’t go any lower and the only way is up, our time will come.

Killing our leaders, our people under various contexts will not stop the rise of our people, as we have a saying our people’s teeth are in their stomach, we bide our time and wait for our moment, our day.

Never will we forget what happened to swati, never will we forgive.
Poor Najam Sethi ...


Dou kanjars and @FOOLS_NIGHTMARE taking their picture....
Majority of the 220 million Pakistanis support Imran Khan, so this najam whatever guy has absolutely ZERO value or worth in his words. He is just an establishment dog, barking away senslessly.
Najam sethi and Hamid mir are doing propaganda that IK is history now. They must have received some assurances and instructions to propagate this news. Soon we will hear more lifafis using similar tone.
You are right rora, everything Mashar Achakzai, Ataullah Mengal, and Akbar Bugti said was correct. They literally predicted everything that is going on right now.
You are becoming jahamir. Us ne har waqt bashar al asad, qaddafi aur castro ka uthae hote hn. tu achakzai, mengal aur bugti ke uthae rakh. Sahi he bhai.
If we watch recent videos of Najam Shitty , he openly admits all the crimes of Bajwa in his programs.
So my Question is very simple one, when as a Journalist he thinks Bajwa has done all those illegal things, how he is not wrong and should be punished legally, and how it is IK who should be punished!!
In this one Q lays all the hypocrisy of Pakistani nation , its judiciary, its journalists.
Najam Sethi will support his own kind, he will write propaganda to advance the goals of the majority.

We stand with our kind, we stand with Swati, never will we forget this, nor will we forgive, our time will come our Abdali will come.
Now that's a statement surely to get Ranjit Singh's nut huggers' panties in the twist....
Imran Khan must face the reality that he is a minority and he will never be accepted.

Pakistans majority has intrenched itself in every position, every department from Army, Police, Judiciary to bureaucracy and more.

Minorities are exploited, Stripped & videos made, labelled as anti state, terrorists and much more.

Difficult times we face as another wave of revenge being meted out by the Empire of Ranjit Singh and his children.

Does that happen in the UK where you live? Have you reported to your King the lord? Imran Khan is NOT a minority. He's an international fraud, who does professional grade global corruption and follows Hitler's strategies to keep people's focus on other things that aren't important and have nothing to do with national issues we face as a nation.

There is a reason why the military (his daddies) backed off from supporting him and closed down "Operation Imran" as they were tired of changing dirty nappies, the baby didn't want to grow up and only cried (and still cries today daily on TV), and only wanted to spend $$ from the national treasury on ghost projects! When they saw the destruction the baby they wanted to raise had brought to Pakistan, they backed off. Today that same institute who created him is being insulted and accused of everything under the sun.

He insults and accused judiciary, army and whoever doesn't listen to him or follow his orders. Pakistan to him is a country that he owns essentially with no one to challenge his rule, Pakistanis to him are people like you and many others, who are slaves to this man. Who can't call his wrong, wrong or question him. He says "jump" they say "yes sir, how high" (instead of why). That's his "nation". Anyone objecting to him is an opponent, corrupt and MUST have an agenda to destroy him and therefore somehow becomes an enemy of Pakistan. This is sheer craziness. Such mindset in a country like Pakistan (with so many issues) and a 220 million nation (5th largest) should NOT be allowed. We need people who can work together and take care of Pakistan's issues.
Imran Khan must face the reality that he is a minority and he will never be accepted.
If you believe this then you must accept Sharif’s, Zardari, Dar, Bhuttos etc are minorities too. Cuz idk if you know but Sharifs aren’t ethnically Punjabi either. Their as Punjabi as IK because their both immigrants to Punjab.
say what you will but his predictions are spot on , he is almost never wrong ya'll need to go back and watch all his clips from24news
Difficult times we face as another wave of revenge being meted out by the Empire of Ranjit Singh and his children

Sikhism is a very pro monotheistic religion. Besides the followers don't believe in carving idols out of mountains like the ones found in the land of milk and honey.

while Bugti lives forever in our heart.

And his subtribe lives in Punjab to escape persecution . A senile old war criminal he was .
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