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Imran demands apology from Pakistan to Bangladesh

you should realize you are a lone voice, majority of PAKistanies have achieved self-realization stage in this matter, and they whole heartedly believe in it as well.

nope, actually your the lone voice here! if you haven't noticed, majority of Pakistanis on this thread see no reason for apologizing for something we didn't do! BTW, i liked your posts on other controversial issues but you have disappointed me today!
Omar its not about you and me, its not about who did it. we collectively as west pakistanies did it..

WE???? who's "we"??? i wasn't even alive in 1971 and neither were a huge portion of Pakistan's population (the youth)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! perhaps you should stop including us in your "we"!
I notice here that so called secular and liberals are still of same stubborness which they showed in early decades, and exactly their kind of people led us into that tragedy... luckily majority of PAKistanies donot acknowledge these views, and want to have good brotherly relations with Bangladesh by burring the past.

i'm a conservative member on this forum (ask any member regarding my views on secularism, etc) and i don't support this "apology" thing, its pointless and we should move on!

in the end its not about secularism, conservatism, right wing or left wing, its about Pakistan's national interest and respect! We are no dog that should apologize every now and then! Musharraf already apologized on behalf of the Pakistani nation (including the Pak army who is accused of massacring 3 million bengalis).
i agree with you ...... as iqbal warned us through his poetry about nationalism GOD ...... he said nationalism is going to be another GOD beside Communism and yes we are more about pakistani than a muslims ..... it is good that one loves his/her country Hazrat MUHAMMAD SAW loved makkah and madina too ....... but we should not forget that we are msuslims .... look at Europe they have immune the visa for their national throughout europe and loot at golf they do not give nationality to anyother person even to any muslim ......... we need to get out of it and we should think as a muslim ummah rather than a suadi,,turkish,iraqi or irani .............
may ALLAH bless muslim ummah AMEEN

you want to see your "Ummah" and so called "muslim brotherly love" i suggest you go to kuwait, saudi, uae and see how those arabs treat us Pakistanis like dogs!
it is ok.the bengalis should not apologise for killing west pakistanis in east pakistan because the pakistanis they killed were only punjabis after all.

Even sleeping children were not spared on the horrific night of March 25, 1971, when the Pakistani army attacked the Bangalees.Photo: File Photo

and how do we know if the child in that picture was a bengali killed by Pak army or a Bihari/West Pakistani child killed by mukhti bahini and their supporters??

There was a case once where the picture of a dead Bihari boy and his father who were killed by mukhti bahini was labled as bengalis killed by Pak army but in reality it turned out that it was bihari boy and father killed by mukhti bahini! AgnosticMuslim posted that article in the 1971 thread i believe it was.

after the war bengalis and pro mukhti bahini people twisted facts to meet their own agendas instead of being truthful.
It's illogical to hold whole of Pakistan responsible for 71
Most of modern Pakistani generation had no part in 71
Even in 71 Pakistani people weren't in control
the Pakistani army was
But yes Pakistan army can apologize for betterment of relations and move on

Better not to do it when Awami league is in power
they will use it for all the wrong reasons: political propaganda
It was the Pakistan Army that commited all these war crimes.

The non-bengalis were killed/raped only as a reaction. Similar to what is happening in Baluchistan.

seeking outsider (indian kaafir) help in dispute between two brothers, how good was that ?

Basit what will it cost to us ........ if we apology .... where will it hurt us ..............Basit we are witnessing the great lose of muslims ummah ...... just because we are not unite and remembering past will give you nothing ........ agar kabi baray bhai ko mangni paray tu us ko dair nhi karni chahiye
It's illogical to hold whole of Pakistan responsible for 71
Most of modern Pakistani generation had no part in 71
Even in 71 Pakistani people weren't in control
the Pakistani army was
But yes Pakistan army can apologize for betterment of relations and move on

Better not to do it when Awami league is in power
they will use it for all the wrong reasons: political propaganda

army didnt come from mars, and its not about 1971. its about 1951 to 1971. though I would like to respect you even more on saying what you said in this post.
you want to see your "Ummah" and so called "muslim brotherly love" i suggest you go to kuwait, saudi, uae and see how those arabs treat us Pakistanis like dogs!

i already have talked about arabs in another topic ..... and i know they treat us like dogs but we need to take the things to drive towards right corner .......let them do their work and we should do our follow QURRAN and HADEES .............
army didnt come from mars, and its not about 1971. its about 1951 to 1971. though I would like to respect you even more on saying what you said in this post.

In 71 Pakistan was military dictatorship
Pakistani people had no say or power in state affairs
A media blockade was in place so Pakistani people had no knowledge of whats going on
So unfair to blame Pakistani people, blame should go to the Pakistani army
Between 51 to 71 there was only brief moments of democracy
Pakistan was ruled by a military elite Yahya Khan, Tikka Khan, Rao Farman Ali etc
In 71 Pakistan was military dictatorship
Pakistani people had no say or power in state affairs
A media blockade was in place so Pakistani people had no knowledge of whats going on
So unfair to blame Pakistani people, blame should go to the Pakistani army
Between 51 to 71 there was only brief moments of democracy
Pakistan was ruled by a military elite Yahya Khan, Tikka Khan, Rao Farman Ali etc

yara we have complete knowledge now of whats going on in Balochistan, FATA, its democracy now,media is free, all is known to the people, right? what the difference in their way of thinking?

we had complete knowledge when Army on orders of Benazir and later Nawaz massared Urdu Speaking who turned violent because they were denied their rights...just like Bengalies were.....did it make any differnece in the minds of the PAKistanies?

Its the weakness of Civil Society, it has got nothing to do with what type of governance is there, until and unless we are not going to attain self realization of the matters, we will be fooled again and again !! and anyone twice made fool is no mere fool...

we had constituient assembly, so democracy was out of question, it came later in 1970 general elections.

anyways I appriciate your Positive attitude, it simply shows how nice you are on behalf of your nation.

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