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I am not Malala: Teachers release novel against Nobel Peace winner

I asked for 10 girls who benefited from the fund...You cant mention one...
She helped hundreds of Pakistani girls who were not allowed to study before that. I don't keep learning name of your people. You asked me just 10 names out of those lot of girls, proving your level of thinking about girls. :frusty:
Malala and his father are nothing but western stooges. Real heroes are APS martyrs and Gazis who were attacked and killed still returned to same school and defied the Taliban. Malala book is co authored by famous enemy of Islam and Pakistan. @Akheilos

malala almost ended up being the same type as the aps martyrs. :)
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You are not the only Indian who respect her. In fact many Indians respect her for the services she is providing to them (by praising traitors and maligning Pak Army).
Yup, she turned taliban against Pakistan.
Her fault is that she survived? Had she been dead by taking the bullet, she would have been called a martyr, people would remember her for 2 days and then case closed. Tsk, i see so much hatred for a 18 yr old girl on the thread :(

I am Not Malala, I am a Muslim, I am Pakistani is an account of Pakistanis who take pride in their country.

The All Pakistan Private Schools Federation (APPSF) launched a rebuttal to Malala Yousafzai’s novel ‘I am Malala’ by releasing a book titled ‘I am not Malala, I am a Muslim, I am a Pakistani’ at the National Press Club in Islamabad.

“The book is written with the aim to reveal the truth and counter anti-Islamic propaganda and expose the nefarious designs of anti-Islam forces,” said the author of the book, Mirza Kashif Ali, President All Pakistan Private Schools Federation (APPSF).

“I am Not Malala, I am a Muslim, I am Pakistani” was introduced in a ceremony chaired by Ali at National Press Club in Islamabad.

“I am Malala” describes Malala’s life under the Taliban’s brutal rule in the Swat valley in the mid-2000s and hints at her ambition to enter Pakistani politics.

Some private schools banned it from their premises last year due to what they called its “anti-Pakistan and anti-Islam content”.

APPSF which comprises of a total of 173,000 private schools termed the Nobel Peace Prize winner’s book ‘controversial’, banning it in all private schools and colleges as a result.

According to the organisation, the book contains offensive text regarding Islam, Quranic teachings, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), Pakistan’s ideology, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Pakistan Army, thus cannot be added in the curriculum.

Earlier in a statement, Adeeb Javadani, the central president of All Pakistan Private Schools Management Association (APPSMA) said that the book, the book was meant for the Western audience and did not receive much appreciation in Pakistan – a fact that had already decided its fate.

Further, APPSF announced its decision to take the matter to court on November 13, in order to ban the book across the country.

“Malala is a darling of the west and Shiv Sena, the same people who created al Qaeda and the Islamic State (IS), have created Malala,” Ali said.

The book, “I am not Malala”, aims to tell the readers that Malala, by comparing the Army with militants, the young literati is actually bashing the Army under the garb of female education.

Further, while the book praised Aitizaz Hasan, the young student who sacrificed his life to save his schoolmates by tackling a suicide bomber, it also questions her indifference towards Israeli aggression or the ongoing brutality in Gaza, which she did not mention in her book for while she spoke against the atrocities of Boko Haram in Nigeria, thus concluding that Malala is loyal to the Jews and the west.

“She has formed strong nexus with Salman Rushdie and Bangladeshi writer Tasleema Nasreen, and also believes in their ideology,” he alleged. “Malala says that she does not fear the Taliban any longer but will she return to Pakistan if she has no fears?” he questioned. “She will never do so because she will lose support of her masters and the easy money flowing in,” he further alleged.

The rebuttal of Malal’s book also portrays her father, Ziauddin Yousafzai as a ‘double agent’, electricity thief and a traitor based on his demand to hand over Shakil Afridi, the man who allegedly ran a fake vaccination campaign with CIA’s help to gather information in order to assist the US trace Osama bin Laden.

However, Ali stressed that the organisation went on a countrywide strike in order to show solidarity with Malala when she was attacked.

“We are not against her but the ideology being imposed on us by such traitors and billions of dollars of Malala Fund are being used for this to introduce secular curriculum.”

This article originally appeared on The Nation

I am not Malala: Teachers release novel against Nobel Peace winner - The Express Tribune

good Pakistan released this book woman in Pakistan has proven time to time it is not what the media portray in western countries
about mala it is simply politics propaganda to destroy image Pakistan and to show Muslims dont allow girls to anything
Yes that is...But I never support that....And nor should such a person be favoured!

Writing is a skill but in todays world every tom dick and harry is hiring someone to write their BS!

And the flavour is wrong, misleading and really disgusting (against our country and religion)....She had a say in it but didnt....

And hence why I refuse to pay for such shit!

If sales is what she wanted then she also deserves to be responsible for the hatred thrown at her...With every action you need to be responsible not just get money then cry no one loves me :( ...I mean who wouldnt have wanted to read the original story?

Well, in every field their are misconduct & literature are no different.
India is one of the largest market of Books are also victim of these type of stunts.
Everyone who write a book either leak some major revelation to media before pre launch or controversial things.
You would note that Hussain Haqqani's stunt or recently ink scandal, natwar singh or Baru's revelation in their books.

All hype they created to get as much seller & readers would like to read if it not would some interesting or flimsy.

So basically you are saying it is all drama.....that is what I have been saying that this is all fake and drama...nothing substantial in it.
I am not saying that its full drama but flavours added to make it dramatic to gain readers interest.

E.g. Write your Auto-Biography fully accurate & try to read yourself. (you would get bored)

when groups indulge in such 'literature', it is usually called 'propaganda'.
And its make fomer book more popular & do more harm to Pakistan, which they are trying to defend.
Well, in every field their are misconduct & literature are no different.
India is one of the largest market of Books are also victim of these type of stunts.
Everyone who write a book either leak some major revelation to media before pre launch or controversial things.
You would note that Hussain Haqqani's stunt or recently ink scandal, natwar singh or Baru's revelation in their books.

All hype they created to get as much seller & readers would like to read if it not would some interesting or flimsy.
that is sad :(

Anyone care to name the other girls who were shot ?
No one knows who they are what they are doing what their names is....You can only pay to make 1 famous!

She helped hundreds of Pakistani girls who were not allowed to study before that. I don't keep learning name of your people. You asked me just 10 names out of those lot of girls, proving your level of thinking about girls. :frusty:
What a retard these info can be googled, did you google? If you did 10 names...I am sure you can find 10 and dont need to memorize them like your syllabus....If you can find 10 names good....We can talk more after that...If not then bugger off and quit trolling!
You claimed she helped 100s so you need to produce 10 of the 100 girls!
people are looking at glass half-empty, of course she was coached by her parents to take certain stand, but she is quite smart and articulate kid and carry the burden on her soldier...
We apploud 9 year old microsoft certification guy/gal or child genius in music, all of them have been pushed and prodded by parents. I dont like it, but thats how it is.

The question is not whether she is better than all other children that pakistan produced, or who faught for education, or died for some cause... if you start comparing obviously you will find more deserving candidate.
Even if her story is only partly true, still its a good story, I wont be able to live her life, so kudos to her for that.
you are right to have those questions, but let us be practical for a moment and think of her safety... it is one thing for musharraf to return and live in a protected compound and another for malala to have the same level of security. :)
Why cant she live in a protected compound? BTW, wasnt it UK producing enough ISIS members to get her murdered there too?

oh, she can provide any funds she has without returning, at least for some time, but we don't know how those funds are arranged... she obviously knows that she being at public forums and she having received the nobel, will be questioned by many pakistanis on her lack of visible work that she promised for pakistan, but does anyone really know of her compulsions?? :)
Well we have read enough news about her village who are wondering where the promised funds are....She took funds using names of her school and village....SO it is only natural people would expect it to be used ...Unless she was playing politics...Corrupt politics that is!

okay, you being a pakistani student in usa may be member of a pakistani youth association there... you can communicate with a similar association in britain where malala lives... together, you should write to her and post the conversation on pdf... i think this is a reasonable and practical approach. :)
Her teacher actually wrote to her .....I am looking for the open letter he got in the media to send word to her....
Great job....much appreciated.

She and her father are just sell outs. All that episode is based on bunch of lies. I really don't know how come a teenager , shot at a point blank range in the head and bullet travels through her ugly skull, can survive? I mean that is no less than a miracle. Then the Nobel Peace Price is just a political drama, it was given to Obama, 6 months in oval office, for doing nothing and actually he was quite surprised himself. If anyone deserved the best peace recognition in Pakistan, it is Abdul Sattar Edhi. But why would the european/western losers will appreciate and honour him, a legitimate social worker, because he sports beard and very typical Islamic personality and their mission is to discredit and defame Islam by supporting and broadcasting ISIS
No wonder world make fun of you by calling you victims of conspiracy theories.
Why cant she live in a protected compound?

true, in another year she may well decide to do that and go back to pakistan... i will use spring onion's post to correct my wrong speculation...
Her father did take risk only after assurance from certain quarters of best rewards including Pakistani Army. her diaries were supported by Pakistani institution too so indeed she is enjoying good fame and bravery due to Pakistangardi as you said.

and this article from 2012 ( Malala Yousafzai 'will live under heavy security for the rest of her life' - Telegraph ) also hints at pakistan establishment's readiness to provide her with security...
Malala has said she wants to return to Pakistan but she will remain a target for as long as terrorism threatens the country, Interior Minister Rehman Malik told The Daily Telegraph in Delhi yesterday.
Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani teenager who was shot by the Taliban because she refused to abandon her campaign for girls' education, will live under heavy security for the rest of her life, said Pakistan's interior minister.

BTW, wasnt it UK producing enough ISIS members to get her murdered there too?

good point, and at the moment, british police and intelligence are providing her with security... from august 2015 ( Malala Yousafzai has two 24-hour armed guards after 'terror death threats' | Daily Mail Online ), and i say "at the moment" because western establishment will protect her as long as she allows them ( through circumstance ) to manipulate her through her giving ambiguous statements like this...
On this day, I have a message for the leaders of this country, this region and the world - you are failing the Syrian people, especially Syria's children.
...which appears to be the same wording as used by nato leaders and agents ( such as angelina jolie ), but i am sure malala does not wish it to be so because, like i had posted another link previously, she supports socialism as solution for south asia.
good point, and at the moment, british police and intelligence are providing her with security... from august 2015 ( Malala Yousafzai has two 24-hour armed guards after 'terror death threats' | Daily Mail Online ), and i say "at the moment" because western establishment will protect her as long as she allows them ( through circumstance ) to manipulate her through her giving ambiguous statements like this...
you think there isnt a catch? She ratrher shake hands with them for their protection than with her own people? THAT alone speaks volumes and you expect us to love her? :o:

she supports socialism as solution for south asia.
Right now I am not sure what she supports....

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