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Humble Request to all the Indians here.

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Not everything is in your hands. Don't worry about those. Worry about things that are in your hands.

The trollstars are succeeding because they are being fed with their favourite diet a.k.a impulsive replies. Not giving impulsive replies is in your hand and a sure shot way of achieving that is by not viewing their posts.

Anyway, its entirely your call. I just shared what I do to avoid these trolls. And it works for me.

I have a better way...

When ever I am bored, i open their post and while sipping a hot cuppa tea read them and laugh it out. Infact they are funnier than anyone else, just give them a chance :)

Well my way then, yours might vary. Infact I intentionally search for posts by a few known ones like liedune and whiteblack boy2 ;) . Their posts are my stress buster :) :coffee:
Well Thanks for the support guys.

As I see most people agree that we should ignore such trolls, I think best way to do it is,


Lets see how many times the troller try doing it. Mark all such posts as IGNORED which are directly or indirectly attack religion, country, attempt to defame, Racial attack, Mentioning of Poverty etc.

I am sure this can be achieved, Even Other country members can also do the same to our illogical posts, if posted, and eventually the outcome will be tremendous.

I have a better way...

When ever I am bored, i open their post and while sipping a hot cuppa tea read them and laugh it out. Infact they are funnier than anyone else, just give them a chance :)

Well my way then, yours might vary. Infact I intentionally search for posts by a few known ones like liedune and whiteblack boy2 ;) . Their posts are my stress buster :) :coffee:

Lol at that Sir!!!

But Please don't mention any name. Just saying, as it may ignite the forum. Thanks.
Lol at that Sir!!!

But Please don't mention any name. Just saying, as it may ignite the forum. Thanks.

Does anyone know how to use the ignore list feature. I'd rather put these trolls in that and not waste my time reading the posts.

Also may be we can have a thread with a single post where one of us can take the responsibility of updating that post with established trollers so all of us can put them in our ignore list. See these guys thrive on our reactions to their posts. If none of us even gets to read their post(thru ignore lists) let alone reply, what could be worse for them??
comunist, shchinese, grey boy 2 bashing thread...la... :rofl:

Thank you Sir,

It won't happen now. I am sure it is improving and please Sir you also participate in the betterment.

They felt they said and I asked them not to mention and they won't do it as the time passes by, but please don't mind Sir, don't laugh at that as these things provoke the poster, won't happen again, Sorry,

Thanks a lot.
Well, looks like i found a Chinese members bashing party here,

Get real my dear Indian friends, if a hand full of Chinese members can

drive hundreds of you nuts, it does proved whats you guys make of.

Let me give you guys a reality check, judge for yourself with a sane

mind, facts or fictions ?

(1) Chinese members troll the most ? compared to Indians trolls we

are nothing.

(2) Chinese members bash Indians with the same old stuffs like toilets

poverty, caste-system. Agreed, true. But did you guys ever noticed

you were also bashing Chinese with the same old sh@t like freedom

communist country, copying etc.

So tell me why we need to create something new to bash you when

you guys were happy bashing us with the same old stuffs every single


(3) Did Chinese members make up stuffs to bash you ? or they were

just revealing out "Facts" like your poverty, toilets crisis , open

defecation, still practicing caste-system nowadays ?

Lets be fair, do understand the game of "Give and Take"

Now stop your name calling bashing party and move on!!
Well, looks like i found a Chinese members bashing party here,

Get real my dear Indian friends, if a hand full of Chinese members can

drive hundreds of you nuts, it does proved whats you guys make of.

Let me give you guys a reality check, judge for yourself with a sane

mind, facts or fictions ?

(1) Chinese members troll the most ? compared to Indians trolls we

are nothing.

(2) Chinese members bash Indians with the same old stuffs like toilets

poverty, caste-system. Agreed, true. But did you guys ever noticed

you were also bashing Chinese with the same old sh@t like freedom

communist country, copying etc.

So tell me why we need to create something new to bash you when

you guys were happy bashing us with the same old stuffs every single


(3) Did Chinese members make up stuffs to bash you ? or they were

just revealing out "Facts" like your poverty, toilets crisis , open

defecation, still practicing caste-system nowadays ?

Lets be fair, do understand the game of "Give and Take"

Now stop your name calling bashing party and move on!!

TROLL- IGNORED. No one will reply to you from now on. Thanks.
:tup:To All the Indians,

Please stop trolling. And don't tell me that I should be saying this to Pakistani and Chinese members also as I think it's my right to tell you and if it maintains harmony on the forum it is good for all the parties.

Secondly please stop posting any kind of hate threadswhich is directly or indirectly attacking China and Pakistan. I think it is our stupidity to invite rampage on our own.

For eg- India US will save Pakistan's nuke?

Ans- What non-sense is that? What are we trying to prove by posting such threads? Pakistan is responsible for its nuke and will save them to the end of his days. So will any other country.

Please remember the respect you give the respect you get. Please respect all the members of the forum irrespective of their nationality.

Please don't reply to any kind of attacks. Accept your own failure in case there is any and even if it is not, gvngexplaination is just fooling yourself and derailing the thread.

Please ignore hate comments, if passed and refrain for doing the same. Remember Gandhi.

In the Name of God,
lets promise that we will follow all I mentioned. I am sure it will make a good culture here around and will serve the purpose.

I wait for positive response from all you guys.:pdf:



I beg to differ my brother.

Is this is an ^^assertion of a coward? who is now running out of options but policing around and preaching due to trolls of few cunt academic trolls and nexus of spin doctors on state sponsored payrolls with agenda to defame India?

I can see you are overwhelmed by anti India propaganda by few extensively immune trolls but let me tell you. Your thread is sickening mate! don't run here to win every debate, get some life a be brave. You are trying to simply police other's digital assertions.

Be natural and let everyone speak and answer independently the way they want. This what typically Indians are made of, we are not organized people when defending. We do not work in nexus, do we?

Every single Indian should/has been (and most of the Pakistanis as well i must admit) are defending their assertions independently with no agenda but to learn, preserve and represent.

People other then you me and these troller do understand and have ability to probe there degraded level of intellect. So i do not be preoccupied to adjudge who is winning the debate.

India or bharat in Hindi is too great for any thing to overwhelm and defame. You are an Indian isn't it? You live and die for India? Our ancestors (from all religions) fought for this land from the start of human evolution till today. Why India is called as mother India is just because she accepts every one even invading her territories. If you steps on her soil you are Indian, simple!
Any thing on this earth may parish but not you courage to defend your motherland.

However I do appreciate your assertion to raise issues with Indian to avoid useless and nonsensical threads which is fair enough for me.

I must warn you Ignoring a troller will make him more brave.Don't step down, push the paddle and shout the truth out.

In Punjabi we say, ''aae kuttann mitee de ne, kuton ge ne tan haronge''.
They are made of beatable clay, if you wont beat them you wont be able hold them and restrict.

Warm regards. Please pardon me if you feel i was harsh on you.

Just listen to him from ~360 BC. This will help you to preserve.

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Please leave a visitor message on my wall..those who dont agree. I will be happy to look at your account.

Amidex Sir,

If you disagree it is ok with us. There are many who agreed with me and it has also started its effect on this forum.. Please don't post facts and this is 21st century.

I respect your opinion and won't impose mine on you. You also respect mine. Thanks Sir.
Ok..so what this guy asked for was not to troll. If you took the message personally than you are either an idiot or a troll. There is no room for criticizing this message. If you are here to gain points, i will make sure that you no longer remain. We are not interested in having that kind of user base. We are here to discuss logical and serious topics. Topics like "Pakistani nukes falling to terrorist hands" is as simple propaganda as it can get. If you have a little knowledge of security and world affairs than you should know this. In the end most likely we will keep such topics open mainly for the intelligent user base to make fun of such an assessment. These topics sometimes also helps us understand who is here for what and what not.
In Punjabi we say, ''aae kuttann mitee de ne, kuton ge ne tan haronge''.
Never heard that one...The one I find most applicable on this forum is -
"Apni pirhi thalle vi sota fer ke dekh lavo" lol...
There were no need for calling the names out. I have banned those who called out the names. Thanks.

As i said..keep your fatwas to yourself.
Guys as far as i know trolls dont know how to discuss the topic at hand ..they try to derail the threads when they are pinned..If we stick to the topic irrespective of the comments by them ..they will have no choice but to shut up...stick to the topic..as far as i know some Indians are going for a ride with these trolls..dont go after them..They dont even know how to counter an argument ..so they simply troll and derail the threads...just look at those derailed threads you guys will understand..so i urge members from Indian side please stick to the topic..lets see what they can do :tup:

This in my opinion is the best suggestion given.

Just stick with the topic. Dont feed the trolls. They will show up and get banned quickly.

If it becomes a point scoring contest..then it becomes hard to differentiate..
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