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Humble Request to all the Indians here.

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Jan 4, 2010
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:tup:To All the Indians,

Please stop trolling. And don't tell me that I should be saying this to Pakistani and Chinese members also as I think it's my right to tell you and if it maintains harmony on the forum it is good for all the parties.

Secondly please stop posting any kind of hate threadswhich is directly or indirectly attacking China and Pakistan. I think it is our stupidity to invite rampage on our own.

For eg- India US will save Pakistan's nuke?

Ans- What non-sense is that? What are we trying to prove by posting such threads? Pakistan is responsible for its nuke and will save them to the end of his days. So will any other country.

Please remember the respect you give the respect you get. Please respect all the members of the forum irrespective of their nationality.

Please don't reply to any kind of attacks. Accept your own failure in case there is any and even if it is not, gvngexplaination is just fooling yourself and derailing the thread.

Please ignore hate comments, if passed and refrain for doing the same. Remember Gandhi.

In the Name of God,
lets promise that we will follow all I mentioned. I am sure it will make a good culture here around and will serve the purpose.

I wait for positive response from all you guys.:pdf:


Since it is a humble request let me try to respond in a much calmer way looking at the bigger picture....

If i get it right your overall message is to advice that people should not troll...isnt it???

To me the definition of trolling is to post something that is not from a reliable source(something like blogs etc etc) and is more of your personal opinion without any logic/proofs to back up your claim with....I hope you are in agreement....

Now let me share my objections with your post...

- The first and most important DONT GENERALIZE.... When you say All Indians it gives an impression as if we all are here to troll....I know you did not mean that however selecting words with more thought will make it easy for you to deliver the message effectively....

For eg- India US will save Pakistan's nuke?

Ans- What non-sense is that? What are we trying to prove by posting such threads? Pakistan is responsible for its nuke and will save them to the end of his days. So will any other country.

Well you are partly right.. Though one should not change the heading of the title but can we deny their is a hue and cry about Pakistan nukes falling in Terrorist hands??? This is a defence forum where people would like to talk and share thoughts on what is such a scenario occurs?? Don't you think it is a legitimate topic to discuss...

Please don't reply to any kind of attacks. Accept your own failure in case there is any and even if it is not, givng explaination is just fooling yourself and derailing the thread.
- Here i disagree again. I think one should definitely respond to attacks(if not personal) and share his/her thoughts about the matter being discussed. For example its a general belief that LCA..ARJUNS and what not are complete failure... People will attack using such examples and to me one should respond back saying why he/she thinks they are success or have benefited India immensely or admin that they are failures....Don't you think so...

P.S : This is a very subjective and would refrain from talking more on it...However as a general message to all members i would request people to let Mods decide what is good and bad...Just report the posts that they think are offensive or trolling instead of taking matters in own hands...
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Thanks Sir,

I do not challenge your personal wish. Have a nice day!
sir i am deeply impressed by your sincere effort to make this forum a better place.

i wish and pray for you to succeed in your mission. and your massege gets acrossed all the members regardless of their nationalities. and turn them into better individuals and posters.

PDF is proud of members like you.

Humble thoughts Kinshuk, but dil pe mat le yaar! :)

No Problem Sir,

It's your personal choice. To become a a civilised member is not a thought but an effort. I don't mean by any chance, that you are not civilised. Its Ok Sir.

I am sure there are many posters here from Pakistan China and India who will agree with me. Infact there are many who actually follow this. They are the one who provoked me to start this thread.


Nice initiative, :tup:

Rather than wasting time replying to some troll, we should put our time to better use ! I request to all my brothers not to reply to "dedicated trolls". (doesn't include replying usual members with occasional flame post) ;). Just ignore them, why let some1 spoil your day.Take it from me, its not worth it


"I, Becks, do swear in the name of God that I will faithfully execute the privileges granted to me in PDF, and will try to the best of my ability preserve, protect and defend the quality and the standard of this forum,and to refrain from being problematic, and will try to uphold the dignity and culture of the nation I represent, and that I 'might' devote myself to be a netizen of Defence.pk." ;)


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Taken Sir Beckham,

But morons are on our side also. I request you to edit that part. Rest is fine. Thanks.
sir i am deeply impressed by your sincere effort to make this forum a better place.

i wish and pray for you to succeed in your mission. and your massege gets acrossed all the members regardless of their nationalities. and turn them into better individuals and posters.

PDF is proud of members like you.


Thank You Sir for your appreciation. I know many sensible posters from Pakistan and India, they are the one who motivated me.

Buddy, although I believe & support ur views to a certain extent, I completely disagree when u generalize the trolling thing with each and every Indian...

Some threads inevitably are going to carry some harsh facts or links which can be provocative to members of other nationalities, after all this is a defense forum and no "Friends only forum".

Although u have asked not to blame others, I will just like to recall a fact that "There is no sound when u clap with one hand rather u require two to tango and create noise".

U may disagree..but thats ur choice..


Buddy, although I believe & support ur views to a certain extent, I completely disagree when u generalize the trolling thing with each and every Indian...

Some threads inevitably are going to carry some harsh facts or links which can be provocative to members of other nationalities, after all this is a defense forum and no "Friends only forum".

Although u have asked not to blame others, I will just like to recall a fact that "There is no sound when u clap with one hand rather u require two to tango and create noise".

U may disagree..but thats ur choice..



I think you didn't read my post with with the brave heart. just kidding never mind. But I already mentioned. I am not generalising Sir, I mentioned it's my right to tell Indians, that's all. I hope I cleared.

And I didn't mean all the Indians. Though I used the word "all" but it was just for the betterment. If I had told this to a Pakistani or Chinese directly it wouldn't have been taken and I have experienced this. But someone needs to take an intiative,

Till when we will wait for others to be good to us? Why not we do that? I am not saying we never or they never. But the intensity is very less.

I hope I answered your question. I didn't generalise. :tup:

Thanks Sir.
You keep your advice to your self only because of your kind of people India is suffering you surrenders so easily and offer your but. Even on web if you can't stand up and If you are so weak setback in your home and relax.

So you mean even Gandhiji was doing the same?

Anyways I am sorry Sir if you didn't like my post. As I said I am not going to challenge any opinion.

Thanks Though.
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