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Humble Request to all the Indians here.

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Without knowing my profession Veer Sir, you are making a mistake by saying that. its ok. Thanks for your participation though.
Why he's doing all this because Mods ignores him and ban Indians/Pakistanis.

I hope you should not have told that. The mods here are the best you can get and take my words ( I am not saying this to get a brownie point with them, but thats the fact)

They are impartial and they ban when they see someone breaking the ground rules here. Also at the same time, they are busy and as you may be aware this is not a paid job. So they need to do their primary job and then do this as a hobby. They are doing a great job is what I can say.

About the members you mentioned above, one gets banned on a quarterly basis and thats a fact all the old members are aware of. If you find something offensive then just report the post. Don't start a mud slinging competition. If someone is passionate about toilet then let him/her be. The life just goes on !!!

Cheers Mate :cheers:
You keep your advice to your self only because of your kind of people India is suffering you surrenders so easily and offer your but. Even on web if you can't stand up and If you are so weak setback in your home and relax.

So you mean even Gandhiji was doing the same?

Anyways I am sorry Sir if you didn't like my post. As I said I am not going to challenge any opinion.

Thanks Though.

Why bring Gandhiji into this.

You are new here after some time you will understand the pain of Indian and pakistani friends.

And the harassment the Mods have to face.
Thank You Sir for your appreciation. I know many sensible posters from Pakistan and India, they are the one who motivated me.

I agree, Many of them are nice, sensible and friendly, for instance abasniazi, Alifaroz and adeos amigo etc !

[JOKE] But you haven't yet seen the rest [/JOKE] :lol:
Why bring Gandhiji into this.

You are new here after some time you will understand the pain of Indian and pakistani friends.

And the harassment the Mods have to face.

Red= Because by that sense even Gandhiji was stepping back by not using tit for tat policy.

Pink= I am following this thread since last 2 years. may you and many members don't know me. But I know everyone. That is enough for me, Morover New doesn't define someones level of understand. May be I am new to this forum but not new to this world.

Orange= This is called as Troll.

Thanks Sir,

But please understand I am not imposing anything on you. I am convinced that you haven't agreed with me. And it's fine with me.

Same way don't impose anything on me or other. thank you brother.
I agree with thread starter that we should refrain from trolling, but I disagree that is just Indians. I agree to Veer that many of the threads are spoiled by others, I do not want to take a name.
This problem is not just with Indians but with all. I can list down 100 instances where specific members have posted about poverty in India without it having any relation to the topic. I have seen one single person posting it on 3 different thread at the same time.
A lot of threads have spoiled with off-topic discussion for pages.
I think we all should take are in making sure we stick to topic, moderators can play some roll by warning people who frequently do it.
I can see the discussions on this forum are now becoming more of fight then anything else.
I agree with thread starter that we should refrain from trolling, but I disagree that is just Indians. I agree to Veer that many of the threads are spoiled by others, I do not want to take a name.
This problem is not just with Indians but with all. I can list down 100 instances where specific members have posted about poverty in India without it having any relation to the topic. I have seen one single person posting it on 3 different thread at the same time.
A lot of threads have spoiled with off-topic discussion for pages.
I think we all should take are in making sure we stick to topic, moderators can play some roll by warning people who frequently do it.
I can see the discussions on this forum are now becoming more of fight then anything else.

Yes Sir taken,

I no where mentioned that it is only indians who do that. But I just meant that we should take the initiative and I am sure as the time passes by, you will find dramatic change in other nations members as well.

I didn't generalise that its only Indians who post trolls. But we should become the first to stop it. I also mentioned I am enjoying the right to convey a message to Indians. Though I am sure Pakistani members will also consider this.
Yes Sir taken,

I no where mentioned that it is only indians who do that. But I just meant that we should take the initiative and I am sure as the time passes by, you will find dramatic change in other nations members as well.

I didn't generalise that its only Indians who post trolls. But we should become the first to stop it. I also mentioned I am enjoying the right to convey a message to Indians. Though I am sure Pakistani members will also consider this.

agreed 100%
Indian members are trolling? Are you kidding me? You base this statement on what thread exactly? All i see is toilets, child abuse, poverty, slumdogs, etc etc. Guess who posts them?

I appreciate your olive branch venture but lets not get ridiculous. If anyone is trolling -regardless of nationality, don't respond to them. Just report the post and mark it offtopic. No reason to open a separate thread on this ridiculous flame war.
cold guys we have to discus here not fight.
Indian members are trolling? Are you kidding me? You base this statement on what thread exactly? All i see is toilets, child abuse, poverty, slumdogs, etc etc. Guess who posts them?

I appreciate your olive branch venture but lets not get ridiculous. If anyone is trolling -regardless of nationality, don't respond to them. Just report the post and mark it offtopic. No reason to open a separate thread on this ridiculous flame war.

Nothing like that has happened so far sir. And i hope it won't in future provided you take a chill pill. If the thread is rediculous MODs will delete it. Report it.

Thanks Sir, you have disagreed. I repect that. But don't impose what you feel.
Well said but it is easier said then done my friend, Nevertheless i fully support u my man
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Thanks Sir, you have disagreed. I repect that. But don't impose what you feel.
..and what exactly is the OP, if it is not an attempt to impose your emotional ejaculation on us.
..and what exactly is the OP, if it is not an attempt to impose your emotional ejaculation on us.

Those who agreed= Thanks.

Those who didn't Thanks again.

Cheer Up mate. You are still here to stay. If you didn't like its ok. Don't agree. Best of luck, have a nice day.
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