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How far ahead of India is China?

China is about 33 years ahead of India. We must work hard to make the gap hundreds of years.
Save your rants for a rainy day! You guys have already shot your bolt! Whatever goes up must come down which you will sooner than later. But India is the new kid on the block! And young fresh colts will always overtake the old spent neddies!

You b1t<ch about comparison which EU and U.S. who hold you guys in the same light .

and Japan which all together pretty much deserve to be called a world perspective. They're different lights.

And during the last few decades we have surpassed or been catching up on them whereas looking at your country how much progress have you made on us despite all the b1t<hing 24/7 for decades!
maybe india is ahead of china ,maybe 1 to many years behind us.
i found a photo of a small city in west china ,it is small 4 or 5 tier city,very underdeveloped.the name is mianyang &#32501;&#38451;&#12290;
if india has about 300-500 cities better or as good as this one ,then we are in the same level.
or else ,could some indians tell me that how many years you are ahead of /behind us?

a nother pic,shows the river.

Wow! thats really hard to believe!

if true kudos to the chinese govt! :):tup:
China seldom or never writes something like this. We leave these trivial jobs to the americans, brits and indians who need to fill up their vacant columns and beat up dwindling readership

Our concern is on a global perspective; more focusing on our biggest trading partners and rivals like USA, Japan, Euro-zone. The writer seems to have given us a praise, but no thanks. We have set out targets and move on determined courses of our own!

For example, the proportion of Indians living in cities in 2011 (31%) was matched by China in 1995. The gap is similar when one considers access to improved sanitation. China is around 17 years ahead of India. It crossed India’s current rate of child mortality sometime before 1980 as it also did with energy use per capita.

China is about 33 years ahead of India. We must work hard to make the gap hundreds of years.

Indians should stop comparing them self with Chines
Chines are far ahead of India
maybe india is ahead of china ,maybe 1 to many years behind us.
i found a photo of a small city in west china ,it is small 4 or 5 tier city,very underdeveloped.the name is mianyang &#32501;&#38451;&#12290;
if india has about 300-500 cities better or as good as this one ,then we are in the same level.
or else ,could some indians tell me that how many years you are ahead of /behind us?

a nother pic,shows the river.

india is still struggling with very basic facilities in some parts of bombay and n delhi let alone cities beyond those.

And yes, from BJ, SH. Nanjing, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Hangzhou, Shenzhen, Wuhan, Shenyang to Wuxi, Suzhou, Chongqing, Qingdao, Dalian, Chengdu, Taiyuan, Nanchang, Xiamen to Changzhou, Jinan, Xi'an, Harbin, Changchun and now the urbanization is further widened to cover 3rd and 4th tier cities!
When we started our reform process, we never said that our ultimate goal is CHINA...all this "who is better than whom" stuffs are propaganda's created by the west...india can never follow the developmnt model followed by china because of its democratic institutions..:undecided:..so considering dat i think my country is doing pretty well,althou it needs 2 boost up more!!
Chinese development is great!
India's development is great in Indian media and and forums! ;) (Just kidding. Don't take serious..)

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