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How China and Pakistan Are Beating India in the New Great Game

its around 27 -28 get your fact right

Does it change the fact that a MASSIVE population has no basic needs met as humans.....for a country apparently a soup-of-powa status without having the guts, balls, financial means or glory for that title? Or for even a regional power status?

We can all write what we want to, but the facts that 60% of Indians don't have proper sanitation or bedding, and per you 27-28 percent earn less than a couple of dollars a day.......does that make a nation "soup-of-powa"??? I've always said it, its amazing what half a billion people connected with the internet can do, from a propaganda's standpoint.

Shouldn't the hundreds of billions being used into buying weapons, be used for the people of India described above to they have a better lifestyle???? And that would require a SIMPLE agreement with Pakistan on no war, joint terrorism related operations and stopping infiltration, money and weapons supplies into each others territories.....that's really how simple that is. But India doesn't want to do this as they have to justify how mighty a 4 times smaller country with 5 times less population is, they can march from Lahore to Bangladesh without interruptions. So the result is, common Indian citizens suffer and are lied to about Pakistan, and a reason is provided to fake the globe into being a "soup-of-powa". How cool is that?
you are pakistani .....one one we are super power but

check it and compare with your country.if u believe un report..latest one ....that the news article you send me....and its a tongue twister.....check it.
cant view yr image. Plus if u wish to stay in this forum talk abt facts and figures. Here ur empty claims wont be appreciated I shared a UN report shared by myself quoting a latest of the time UN report. U so far have quoted wikipedia which quotes an outdated report. Wikipedia by itself isnt a source either nor is considered a worth while source of info.
Aghanistan is getting unstable. Taliban & ISIS are killing people in Afghanistan. Soon they will target Pakistan. Situation in AF-PAK is turning in India's favor. We are not bothered about what Ghani does.
If it happens then India will be their next target!!

visit unn 2012-2013 report of human development index ..i am a new user i cannot share link untill a certain number of post
all right then share with me when u have enough posts to share a source.
One good example of How Pakistan beat India is the recent one, that happened in UN assembly meet.

READ Source: (1) India mocked of herself by rebuffing Pakistan's Peace Proposals at UN

(2) Pakistani response to Indian allegations in UN

India has made a mockery of herself infront of international community by rebuffing Pakistan's peaceful proposals at #UNGA

India looks bad rebuffing Pakistan peace overture

India has much to gain by taking up Pakistan’s specific proposals on Kashmir and demanding commitments for them to ease tensions between the two nuclear powers in the disputed region, says Shivam Vij.

In his speech at the United Nations General Assembly yesterday, Pakistan's Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif made a direct proposal to India to normalize relations. India immediately and summarily rejected his overture, blaming Pakistan for terrorism and taking strong exception of his description of Indian-administered Kashmir as a foreign occupied territory.

In the never-ending saga of India-Pakistan relations, it is usually Pakistan that looks like the party that does not want peace. It is Pakistan that gets blamed for terrorist attacks in India, heightened military confrontation on the disputed Kahsmir border, or militant incursions. Now, with New Delhi not responding even to very specific Pakistani proposals for reducing tensions, India risks being seen as the party that is shunning dialogue and peace. India becomes the centre for not being peaceful.

The Pakistani prime minister proposed putting into a signed document the 2003 ceasefire agreement. Back then, India and Pakistan did not sign that agreement due to diplomatic differences over phraseology. Nevertheless, the 2003 agreement did result in substantially reducing tensions on the disputed Kashmir border, at least until 2013. Over ten years, a lot of military and civilian lives and property were saved. Signing such an agreement can only be in India's interest.

India instead blamed Pakistan for ceasefire violations. It is true that Pakistan's ceasefire violations in Jammu and Kashmir are often aimed at helping militant incursions, but it is not as if India doesn't respond to them.

An objective outsider can never tell what the two armies - standing eye to eye on a volatile disputed border - are up to. That is why the monitoring mechanism of the United Nations Military Observers Group in India and Pakistan, better known as UNMOGIP, can only be to India's advantage. While Pakistan wants an enhanced role for UNMOGIP, India would rather have UNMOGIP's international observes pack up and go home.

India says that Kashmir and other disputes are strictly between India and Pakistan, and that the two countries signed an agreement in 1972 that there would be no third party.

However, Nawaz Sharif did not seek the UN's intervention in mediation, or dispute resolution. Indeed, India is missing the departure from the strict Pakistani line that Kashmir needs a plebiscite under the UN Security Council resolutions. That is the usual Pakistani rhetoric meant to go nowhere.

But Nawaz Sharif this time tried to show meaningful intent by proposing that India and Pakistan reaffirm that they will not use, or even threaten to use, force against each other. India could take this up and demand commitments from Pakistan on terrorism, asking Islamabad to walk the talk and bring to justice the perpetrators of the terrorist attacks in Mumbai in 2008. India could also ask Pakistan to reciprocate India's commitment to not be the first to use nuclear weapons.

Nawaz Sharif proposed demilitarization of Kashmir, to which India has responded by saying that the real solution is “de-terrorizing Pakistan”. However, Pakistan did not demand demilitarization of only India-administered Kashmir. This would apply to both sides of the disputed border. India knows better than anyone that Pakistan's terrorist infrastructure is centered in Kashmir. India could demand linking demilitarization of Kashmir to Pakistan shutting down Kashmir terrorist groups such as Lashkar-e-Taiba.

The Line of Control separates India- and Pakistan-controlled Kashmir

It is bizarre that India is unwilling to seriously talk to Pakistan to achieve peace and stability in the region. Military action against a nuclear-armed Pakistan is not an option for India. Pretending that Kashmir is not a dispute is not viable. Pakistan is India's greatest foreign policy challenge and India's answer seems to be disengagement.

Talks announced in July went nowhere; they were announced clearly under international pressure. India and Pakistan both typically blamed each other for the failure of talks. India said it would not let Pakistan pay even lip-service to the Kashmir issue and won't let Pakistanis meet Kashmiri secessionists.

Now, with Pakistan making specific proposals to bring down tensions, it is looking difficult for India to make Pakistan look like the party that does not want peace. In this game of play-acting before the international community, India thinks it can isolate Pakistan. But, India might be punching above its weight because Pakistan's geographic location makes it important to the international community. To keep the Taliban in check in Afghanistan, the world needs Pakistan. Deepening Pakistan-China relations have also been a cause of concern for India.

Given these circumstances, it would be fruitful for India to accept Nawaz Sharif's overture, sit down for talks, show serious intent, and not put forward unreasonable and pointless demands. India has lost much ground far from being giving peaceful overtures to international community. Should there be another Pakistan-backed terrorist attack in India, it will be Pakistan, and not India, that will look like the party in the wrong.

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And this one:

A Day Of Horror For India At UN: Indian Diplomats Left Speechless


Indian diplomats at the United Nations were left speechless on Tuesday under a barrage of accusations, backed by evidence, coming from exiled Kashmiri leaders who unfolded a horror list of things that India is doing and hiding from the world.

The day began when Syed Faiz Naqshbandi addressed the 30thsession of UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. World diplomats and human rights activists were stunned when Naqshbandi mentioned a little known fact about Indian jails.

“More than 5,000 Kashmiris are languishing in Indian jails without trial,” Naqshbandi told the UN. This, he said, is in clear violation of the provisions of Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and International Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

Indian diplomats had some relief after Naqshbandi’s speech as other rights defenders drove the discussion toward other pressing issues.

Then another Kashmiri from the Indian-occupied region took to the floor and startled the audience with another piece of information about India that few knew: the mass graves.

Altaf Hussain Wani’s presentation came as a surprise to many, since India uses its films and culture to conceal its dark human rights record. Wani, the convener of Jammu and Kashmir National Front (JKNF), reminded the world community that India was hiding another ugly secret: mass graves.

India is the only democracy in the world where mass graves have been found in areas where the Indian army has a large presence.

India was not cooperating with UN Special procedures despite repeated reminders from UN officers, said Wani, quoting official UN documents.

“The height of Indian arrogance is such that it had not replied to Working Group’s letter wherein serious concern was expressed regarding the continuing construction work on the site of a newly discovered mass grave,” Wani told the UNHRC. And despite a number of requests seeking a formal approval from the government of India, the Working Group on disappeared persons was not allowed undertaking a visit to take stock of the worsening human rights situation in Kashmir.

It may be recalled here that the Working Group emphasized the importance of preserving mass graves sites, including ensuring that an effective criminal and forensic investigation can take place and to take appropriate measures to assist victims to achieve truth and justice. The Working Group regrets that it has not received a reply to a letter, transmitted jointly with two other special procedures mandate holders on 23 January 2015, concerning the allegations of continuing construction work on the site of newly discovered mass graves. On the other hand the Working Group, on 16 August 2010, had requested an invitation to undertake a visit to the country. No positive response has been received yet in spite of reminders sent. The Working Group hopes that a positive reply will be received soon from the Indian government.

The Kashmir Delegation consists of Altaf Hussain Wani-Delegation leader and senior Kashmir freedom leader, senior APHC leader-Syed Faiz Naqshbandi, Sardar Amjad Yousaf Khan-Executive Director Kashmir Institute of International Relations (KIIR), Ahmed Quraishi-Executive Director Youth Forum For Kashmir (YFK); an international Kashmir Lobbying Group, Prof. Shagufta Ashraf-human rights defender working with women & children and Zartasha Niazi-human rights defender.

Press Release
Dateline Geneva September 16, 2015

Source: A Day Of Horror For India At UN: Indian Diplomats Left Speechless

A Day Of Horror For India At UN: Indian Diplomats Left Speechless

Source: India mocked of herself by rebuffing Pakistan's Peace Proposals at UN
Says who ???

Dude Pakistan offered India 4 point proposal, PEACE proposal, including terrorism talks, Your external minister just rejected outright in arrogance, and now the world media, world powers as well a few Indian journalists, are mocking such outright rejection of peace. India is the aggressor here. Indian govt, made a bad mistake, it the sole culprit now for not going for peace.

It is just China.
Why do these media jokers always tag Pakistan in every act and efforts the Chinese are making ?
Whatever China achieves or does, Pakistanis tag themselves in that and try to claim some false pride.
Pakistan doesn't believe in hard work and true growth ?
Does Pakistan always search for pride in work done by others ?

Dude Pakistan offered India 4 point proposal, PEACE proposal, including terrorism talks, Your external minister just rejected outright in arrogance, and now the world media, world powers as well a few Indian journalists, are mocking such outright rejection of peace. India is the aggressor here. Indian govt, made a bad mistake, it the sole culprit now for not going for peace.

Sir, why did your Government suddenly change its tough talk and asked India to accept the four-point peace proposal ?
India accepting and denying is secondary. First, please let us know why such a 'massive' change in Pakistan's approach ?
Aghanistan is getting unstable. Taliban & ISIS are killing people in Afghanistan. Soon they will target Pakistan. Situation in AF-PAK is turning in India's favor. We are not bothered about what Ghani does.

Your negative ratings in just 6 months clearly define that you don't make any sense.

I will, but idiots sometimes make you follow them. and you stupidly do it withoui realizing that nobody can beat idiots
Never argue with idiots... They will drag u down to there level of shitty IQ based arguments and then beat by there experience....:agree:
Sir, why did your Government suddenly change its tough talk and asked India to accept the four-point peace proposal ?
India accepting and denying is secondary. First, please let us know why such a 'massive' change in Pakistan's approach ?

At UN platform, everybody voices their concerns, Pakistan offered 4 point peace plan to India, meant it wants peace. India outrightly rejecting peace meant, India is the one not wanting peace, India is the aggressor here, India is the terror sponsor here, India is playing the fake propaganda card here, India is the biggest destabilising force in the nation, it is a country trun by terrorists, and yet failed miserably to subdue a nation 1/7th its size or match to China.

Any country the size of India, may it be China, Russia, US, Europe are 10 times ahead of failure India.
e.g the Kunar operation conducted in 2014 which had the elements of Afghan forces for cosmetic purposes but it was spear headed by Pakistani forces. there have been other operations as well including the use of either or both Cobra gunships and SSG personnel,.

Time to do something similar in Nangarhar too dont you think? With all the IS rats and TTP remnants amassing there...
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