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How China and Pakistan Are Beating India in the New Great Game

At UN platform, everybody voices their concerns, Pakistan offered 4 point peace plan to India, meant it wants peace. India outrightly rejecting peace meant, India is the one not wanting peace, India is the aggressor here, India is the terror sponsor here, India is playing the fake propaganda card here, India is the biggest destabilising force in the nation, it is a country trun by terrorists, and yet failed miserably to subdue a nation 1/7th its size or match to China.

Any country the size of India, may it be China, Russia, US, Europe are 10 times ahead of failure India.

Good intensity in your narration but empty !
India agreeing to what Pakistan says is not peace. You are not that powerful for India to come running to you.
It must be the other way. It must be on India's terms. But actually India is not even doing that.
All we ask is stop terrorism and start talking. When you cannot do that what gave you the balls or empathy to dictate terms to a country several folds better and powerful than you ?

And, the four point strategy what Mr. NS proposed is bull shit.
Those completely favored Pakistan. Why India need to agree to that ?
When you want peace with an enemy you need to go to him first with a reasonable mindset.
Mr. NS crying whenever he is in the UN is like an uneducated child wanting to build a microprocessor.
Mr. NS is not as powerful as he thinks, not yet.
An article that is almost six months old!!!! A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since then!

And Pakistan is nowhere in the picture. It would be silly to compare Pakistan with India. The gap is too wide.
Its ongoing reality. Not a dream.

In fact we were wasting our foreign policy resources on AF-PAK. Now under Modi they are doing the right thing by engaging with developed countries & ignoring Pakistan.
You guys arent ignoring us but rather are obsessed.
Good intensity in your narration but empty !
India agreeing to what Pakistan says is not peace. You are not that powerful for India to come running to you.
It must be the other way. It must be on India's terms. But actually India is not even doing that.
All we ask is stop terrorism and start talking. When you cannot do that what gave you the balls or empathy to dictate terms to a country several folds better and powerful than you ?

And, the four point strategy what Mr. NS proposed is bull shit.
Those completely favored Pakistan. Why India need to agree to that ?
When you want peace with an enemy you need to go to him first with a reasonable mindset.
Mr. NS crying whenever he is in the UN is like an uneducated child wanting to build a microprocessor.
Mr. NS is not as powerful as he thinks, not yet.

So u said it must be on Indian terms! What are Indian terms ??? What is that India is not even doing that, from terrorism sponsoring in Pakistan to, LOC violations, to coercive diplomacy, to use of Shiv Sena extremist goons, what else India is now left with to do, which is not even done that yet?

pls enlighten!
So u said it must be on Indian terms! What are Indian terms ??? What is that India is not even doing that, from terrorism sponsoring in Pakistan to, LOC violations, to coercive diplomacy, to use of Shiv Sena extremist goons, what else India is now left with to do, which is not even done that yet?

pls enlighten!

This shows your immaturity and ignorance on these matters.

Let me break it down point by point for you.

1. LOC violations : You start it to cover infiltration from your side (There are several articles and news reports from neutral sources). We end it. Simple.
2. Coercive diplomacy : Coercive diplomacy is needed to counter the idiotic diplomacy of Pakistan (like running to UN and US even after repeated snubs.)
3. Shiv Sena : Did Shiv sena enter Pakistan and cause any trouble to Pakistanis ? Shiv sena is only opposing those Pakistanis who shamelessly enter Indian territory to earn money from Indians (Like writers, singers, artists, cricketers etc). And you are butt hurt for that. Man you must be so weak-hearted. You people want to hurt Hindus but on the other hand you want to earn money from them. What a shameless and disgusting attitude !

After all India and Pakistan are not friends or brothers or any other bull shit.
It is just a mutual benefit relationship which is even mandated by unfortunate geographic proximity of both countries.
Yes, it must be on Indian terms. You do not have it to demand things from a country several folds powerful and better than Pakistan. Even countries like Afghanistan and Iran (who do not have a nuclear weapon) do not respect/fear Pakistan, why should India ?
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