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Hinduvata Leaders and their BS

"I Ripped Open a Pregnant Muslim woman's stomach...We showed Muslims what we are capable of..."-Babu Bajrangi, Leader of the Shiv Sena For 20 years he was also the Leader of India's official radical extremist BJP Party.

stupid ppl, right!

i agree.

they should go to jail and stay forever their.
by the way , it was done to hindus as well , when india was under mugal empire.
but still, i don't support all this.

this is just soooo stupid.

were you alive at that time or just quoted from some propaganda books full of hatred against muslims.:rofl::rofl::rofl:
"I Ripped Open a Pregnant Muslim woman's stomach...We showed Muslims what we are capable of..."-Babu Bajrangi, Leader of the Shiv Sena For 20 years he was also the Leader of India's official radical extremist BJP Party.

stupid ppl, right!

i agree.

they should go to jail and stay forever their.
by the way , it was done to hindus as well , when india was under mugal empire.
but still, i don't support all this.

this is just soooo stupid.


You sir are wrong in saying that Mughal did this to Hindus, it is a false propaganda by likes of these animals and you agree with it, had mughals done what you say than there would have been Muslim majority in India. so stop putting false statements on this forum, or prove it with facts, no assumptions please.
You sir are wrong in saying that Mughal did this to Hindus, it is a false propaganda by likes of these animals and you agree with it, had mughals done what you say than there would have been Muslim majority in India. so stop putting false statements on this forum, or prove it with facts, no assumptions please.

its wrong on your part to quote half history dude...
what about other rulers that provided resistance to mughals?
forgot to mention Maratha Empire? and others? :disagree:
Don't mix Ethnic cleansing with Religous cleaning, its quiet an evasive logic on your part. The Indian population is well aware of actions done by people like Narendra Modi who i would say shared the responsibility for the deaths of many in the Gujrat riots and i am not holding the people of India responsible for it either, i am merely pointing out the flaws in your judiciary system that allows a guy like him to roam freely even with the ample amount of evidence shown via your very own media and tv reports. I am not going to bother putting up links of your journalists or tv reporters reporting on this issue as they are abudntely available both on these forums as well as the internet.

CLeansing is cleansing, doesnt matter if its religion based or ethnicity based. People get killed. Period. And that IS wrong! I am not being evasive. I was just asking him to show that "extremists" were involved and not common unruly mobs. If you have been in any mobs or faced any you would know what I am talking about. Mobs know no rules or logic or anything. Any mobs driven to a frenzy by political/religious rhetoric is capable of really atrocious acts!

I agree with you all the way, but when people are in power and are responsible for its citizens they should have a rather neutral approach rather than favourtism. Choosing one sect over the other by government officials and law enforcement agencies isn't something new in India.

Can you provide a reliable source as to your claim here?

First of all i don't take sides since i am not a religous person, i look at it as human life lost be it Muslims, Hindus or anyone. There is no such thing as my 'fellow book followers' as i believe in no such thing but when i see one sect of people killing another sect of people than you can draw disctinctions of whos killing who and why, as was the case in Gujrat where more than 700 muslims and around 240 innocent hindus were slaughtered, the sheer difference in numbers is quiet astounding. But this comparison is not between numbers as killing ANYONE is degrading to humanity in general, my Grudge is simply against the Authorities who have failed miserably time, time again to resolve simple conflicts which further leads to political violence which the government itself later can not stop.

Thats politics man. Everything comes down to votebanks. You cannot compare numbers unless you break them down demographically and geographically. Anyhow, mobs did their ugly businesses and politics took over. IF there was real hatred you would be hearing about such killings every other day like in Somalia or Sudan or Iraq etc where killings are a daily occurrence. It aint so.

Now as far as you accusing me of having a double standard when it comes to 'kafirs'(i my self happen to be one as well) killing muslims is concerned let me tell you that I am THE only person on this forum who has been squeaking about Darfur for God knows how long since Muslims blame Israel for all their wrong doings and not blame those Arab tribes who are commiting a True Genocide. I have gone as far as to create awareness and raise close to seven thousand dollars which we donated to the United Nations convoy who were heading there for further humanitarian assistance so you might use this accusation on someone else.

Nontheless thats not the point, I can discuss the same scenario that happened when two Dalits were beaten like a boxing bag by tube lights, stones, bricks, sticks ironically outside a Law school where the Police just stood there and watched. The point of this thread is that your law enforcement agencies need to pull up their socks when it comes to protecting minority rights be it sikhs, Dalits, christians or any other sect, and India has failed on many occasions to provide some level of security to its diverse minority group


I am not accusing YOU of double standards, I am just pointing out the Hypocrisy exhibited by some of the posters here. As to your other points, I do agree with some of them my friend.

ps: vsdoc has put up many interesting posts, check them out for more information as to why I call many of the posts in this and many other threads hypocritical.

I am sorry that you failed to realize or understand my post i am not going to get into a debate on this one as its merely calling for a flame war. What you failed to understand is that my post wasn't geared towards the comparison between two countries, never once did i mention the word PAKISTAN in my post so you might as well compare what you've posted with someone else. If you want to draw comparisons i can draw comparisons between other diverse countries like Israel vs India if i wanted to or United states vs India as both are large democracies with a strong minority class but comparing two countries is NOT the point of the thread nor is it the point that I was making, so lets stay on topic.

You don't need to get defensive on things which needs to be criticized in your country and quickly jump to comparing your country with Pakistan. I for one criticize almost everything about my country from giving to much emphasis on religon, the government structure yada yada yada and I don't compare it with other countries like most members here do. When I see a flaw its a flaw that needs to be fixed by taking proper responsibility by your countrymen because no other person is going to step in and fix Your problems for you. Other members may play the blame game i don't, i believe in self critique and if your going to avoid self critique by merely drawing upon comparisons with Pakistan and saying that its ok to let the security go unchecked because other countries are doing worse than you are not being a responsible citizen and are merely avoiding the underlying problem of security and protection in your country by just pointing and making comparisons with Pakistan which isn't going to solve the problem, thus i am not going fall into the flame bait so do accept my apologies.
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CLeansing is cleansing, doesnt matter if its religion based or ethnicity based. People get killed. Period. And that IS wrong! I am not being evasive. I was just asking him to show that "extremists" were involved and not common unruly mobs. If you have been in any mobs or faced any you would know what I am talking about. Mobs know no rules or logic or anything. Any mobs driven to a frenzy by political/religious rhetoric is capable of really atrocious acts!

Can you provide a reliable source as to your claim here?


Its up to your countries security personnel to step up forward and start protecting the citizens. There have been many occasions in India where a minority gets harassed and the security doesn't do anything or that they get orders to Not do anything. Here is one little video that demonstrates the incapability of your security personnel and i really hate myself for posting up this video simply because i don't want people to see India in this view but you are constantly asking me to show you evidence of irresponsibility on behalf of your security personnel when you can find these things on your own.

This is where two Dalits were being beaten at a law college right while the security just stood there and watched, this is just one of many such examples. You can click on the link below to watch the youtube clip.

and its not like there is one police officer there infact there is like 10 standing there doing nothing.
Thats politics man. Everything comes down to votebanks. You cannot compare numbers unless you break them down demographically and geographically. Anyhow, mobs did their ugly businesses and politics took over. IF there was real hatred you would be hearing about such killings every other day like in Somalia or Sudan or Iraq etc where killings are a daily occurrence. It ain't so. p

It is but who do you hold responsible? Do you merely avoid your domestic problems by comparing India with others, or do you actually take responsibility into your own hands and fix it? and thats the whole point i am trying to make... I have no intentions of comparing India with Pakistan or India with other countries neither do I do the same with Pakistan. The only time where i drew a comparison between Pakistan and other nations was when someone said that Pakistan is a failed state
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i have to tell 2 word indins are animals and no mughals have did any thing with hindus if they did any where near what ur doing now alll of hindus took their burning ***** and went to nepal i hope u know and india is not a democracy anymore secular country stop saying hindus are good u all are animals nothing more than that and if u r not than what u have done against tem nothing 1 day will come when hinduism will going to hell when china become super power pakistan and china will kick indian hindu *** because their will be no USA or israelis to help u

Your post is full of garbage and irrelevant bullshit. You are on a Pakistan Defense forum, show some level of maturity especially if your considered a senior member. If it were up to me I'd ban your sorry arse for posting nothing but pure garbage and horse ****.. I suggest the Moderators to delete this post
Religious Tolerance in Pakistan

Pakistani Blasphemy Law

An old blasphemy law, which was written in 1927 during during colonial days, banned insults directed against any religion. In 1986, dictator General Zia-Ul Haw modified the law to protect only Islam. The law require a life imprisonment or a life sentence for anyone who defiled the name of Muhammad or committed other blasphemy. In 1990, a religious court ruled that the penalty for crimes under the law (Section 295-C of the country's Constitution) is execution. 6 The law states: "Whoever by words, either spoken or written, or by visible representation, or by inputation, innuendo, or insinuation, directly or indirectly defiles the sacred name of the Holy prophet Mohammed...shall be punished with death and shall be liable to a fine." The law is being used in Pakistan to discriminate against religious minorities: largely Christians, and Ahmadis. Under the present law, a Muslim may blaspheme Christianity with impunity. But a Christian doing the same against Islam can theoretically be executed.

Iqbal Haider, then the Law Minister, urged reform of the blasphemy law because several individuals had been falsely accused. There was a suspicion that the motivations of their accusers was to settle old scores or to intimidate others. In response, some extreme Fundamentalist Muslim leaders put a price of $40,000 on Haider's head.

On 1994-JUL-28, Amnesty International urged prime minister, Benazir Bhutto to change the law because it was being used to terrorize religious minorities. 4 The AI press release stated: "Pakistan's blasphemy laws are so vaguely formulated that they encourage, and in fact invite, the persecution of religious minorities or non-conforming members of [the] Muslim majority."

Benazir Bhutto attempted to change the law, but was unsuccessful. She did direct all district magistrates to release any accused persons under this law until their case had first been investigated. A subsequent prime minister, Nawaz Sharif won two thirds of the seats in parliament in 1997-JAN with strong support from Muslim religious fundamentalists. His government has reversed the ruling of the former prime minister. Individuals are now being arrested for blasphemy, and held without bail, while their cases are being investigated. No Christian charged with this crime has every been granted bail. 1

The government is considering appending to the blasphemy law an amendment that will provide heavy penalties in the event of false accusations.

As of mid-2002, only the testimony of a single Muslim is sufficient to prosecute a non-Muslim on blasphemy charges. 18

Ayub Masih, a Christian, was convicted of blasphemy and sentenced to death in 1998. He was accused by a neighbor of stating that he supported British writer, Salman Rushdie, author of "The Satanic Verses." Lower appeals courts upheld the conviction. However, before the Pakistan Supreme Court, his lawyer was able to prove that the accuser had used the conviction to force Mashi's family off their land and then acquired control of the property. Masih has been released.


Finally you have shown us your ugly trolling face.

Now let me make this clear, their is a great difference between religious intolerance and genocide!

We may have religious intolerance in some remote parts of Pakistan. But there has never been anything like the Gujarat Massacre in Pakistan, we never have organized anti-minorities genocides and pogroms orchestrated by our Government leaders unlike in Hindustan. No pregnant women have had their stomachs ripped out in Pakistan, when foreign women visit and tour Pakistan they don't get raped like in India. Don't you dare compare Pakistan to the barbarity and incivility behavior your country exhibits and openly practices.

Neither does the Pakistani police stand down if Christians are being attacked or other minorities.

Absolutely pathetic troll you are your off topic posts and derailing thread habits will come to an end soon.

Cheers, A1Kaid

I hope I've made myself clear.
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Isn't this the result of "Two nation theory" proposed by founders of Pakistan?

18% Pakistani Hindus reduced to 3%, peacefully?
Finally you have shown us your ugly trolling face.

Now let me make this clear, their is a great difference between religious intolerance and genocide!

We may have religious intolerance in some remote parts of Pakistan. But there has never been anything like the Gujarat Massacre in Pakistan, we never have organized anti-minorities genocides and pogroms orchestrated by our Government leaders unlike in Hindustan. No pregnant women have had their stomachs ripped out in Pakistan, when foreign women visit and tour Pakistan they don't get raped like in India. Don't you dare compare Pakistan to the barbarity and incivility behavior your country exhibits and openly practices.

Neither does the Pakistani police stand down if Christians are being attacked or other minorities.

Absolutely pathetic troll you are your off topic posts and derailing thread habits will come to an end soon.

Cheers, A1Kaid

I hope I've made myself clear.

I understand your feelings when you read these reports, we too share same feeling that these barbarians should be hanged to death.
I've been observing your post's since long time, Its good that you've been sincerely collecting materials and holding debates, operation blue star thread was quite productive. but when you suggest things in a manner showing India as a villain state, that has no business but to kill muslims, I'm bound to judge your actions.

heard it yeh... you know what happened there, don't you?
so many innocent shia muslims were killed inhumanely.. wasn't GoP under questions? weren't sunnis accused of manipulating Islam? can you still tag your country as Islamic republic of pakistan?
this is generalization..

You've been generalizing things that were organized by groups like VHP, Bajrang dal..... to Indians.

so here after please refer to people who are accused.
In the purge in Bangladesh and the action against MQM supporters Pakistan killed 1000x more their own Muslims than ever that could happen in India.
I understand your feelings when you read these reports, we too share same feeling that these barbarians should be hanged to death.
I've been observing your post's since long time, Its good that you've been sincerely collecting materials and holding debates, operation blue star thread was quite productive. but when you suggest things in a manner showing India as a villain state, that has no business but to kill muslims, I'm bound to judge your actions.

heard it yeh... you know what happened there, don't you?
so many innocent shia muslims were killed inhumanely.. wasn't GoP under questions? weren't sunnis accused of manipulating Islam? can you still tag your country as Islamic republic of pakistan?
this is generalization..

You've been generalizing things that were organized by groups like VHP, Bajrang dal..... to Indians.

so here after please refer to people who are accused.

vsdoc's posts were precisely something i didn't want in this thread as it has already led to flame bait. Drawing mere comparisons between two countries is not the solution to the underlying problem. We have our own share of violence within Religious sects as well and I'll be the first to admit that i wouldn't mind putting a bullet on those religious loolas who go and kill Shia's or harass other minority groups. The solution definitely lies in an unbiased strong security force, if it were up to me I'd reduce the military budget a tad bit and put more on Police protection... both our countries have a weak police infrastructure which lacks severely both from a leadership as well as financial point of view. We need armored vehicles, better weapons, better protective gear, tasers etc.
i have to tell 2 word indians are animals and no mughals have did any thing with hindus if they did any where near what ur doing now alll of hindus took their burning ***** and went to nepal i hope u know and india is not a democracy anymore secular country stop saying hindus are good u all are animals nothing more than that and if u r not than what u have done against tem nothing 1 day will come when hinduism will going to hell when china become super power pakistan and china will kick indian hindu *** because their will be no USA or israelis to help u
:wave:MOD will take action:wave:

I am sorry that you failed to realize or understand my post i am not going to get into a debate on this one as its merely calling for a flame war.

Harris I am sorry you see it that way.

Do you think ANY Indian here is actually proud or supportive of Gujarat or Delhi 84?

Do you think we are not aware of where we have gone wrong and do you think any ONE of us is not either ashamed or embarrassed by it?

Yet there are elements from your country here who simply love to keep throwing this into our collective faces and chewing on the topic like chewing gum that has long ago lost all its flavor.

And if that was not enough, they will then sit on their high moral pedestals, with the most downright hypocritical holier-than-thou attitudes as if they are the latest chosen messiahs of religious tolerance and divinely-ordained defenders of minorities sent down on Earth to preach to US Indians about what a jannat Pakistan is and has been since 1947 for minorities and non-Islamic citizens and in comparison what evil people we "Hindu" Indians are (in one brush stroke, thats how EVERY Indian here is painted).

I agree this is a pakistani site, but why are these moral / religious divine souls not equally active about what ails their OWN county first?

Why no long 25 page threads on the atrocities on Ahmadi Muslims here?

Why no hundreds of You Tube links and videos on atrocities on pakistani Christians?

Why no intense intellectual debate on the sacking of over 300 mandirs and the systematic state sponsored reduction of Hindus in pakistan to the present 1-2 odd percent of your population?

Why no indignant moral outcry about the rampant killing of shiite muslims in the so-called Islamic Republic?

Are these all figments of our Indian imaginations?

Are these not real issues in your own country?

Are these not issues of violence, killing, rape, systematic state driven genocide of minorities in pakistan?

You will collect and send thousands of dollars to those affected in Dafur ...... when you have worse around you in your own home.

Yet these messiahs here will point out a few glaring examples of India but will remain silent on MANY more on their own watch, and take the moral high ground saying MINORITIES ARE NEVER HURT LIKE THIS IN PAKISTAN!!!!!!!

If this is not hypocrisy of the highest order then what is?

So my dear friend, if me pointing this out to you guys with the help of some research of my own, after losing my patience with certain elements here is wrong, then so be it.

There is nothing I or any other Indian here is apologetic about.

And if what I am doing is termed as flame-baiting or trolling, then what are guys on the other side of the border doing?

Cheers, Doc
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