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Hijab - An Elegant Fashion

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Mam its enough for us that Allah ordered us Hijab
there is no need to argue in it
God knows the right path for us

Super agreed. He knows what is right for us and what is wrong. He created this life to test us, whether we are strong enough or not.
7 active members and still no one to post? Anyway guys, me going to sleep. Have a healthy discussion! :tup:
Mam its enough for us that Allah ordered us Hijab
there is no need to argue in it
God knows the right path for us

aisha i have already agreed with that those who want to follow it on religious ground or any other reasons should follow it. Nor i take it as a symbol of oppression as many take it till it is by personal choice. I respect your sentiments on religious grounds and agree to them.

I wear jeans,trousers, biz suits but when people here are equating jeans wearing women as indecent and equivalent to prostitutes elsewhere i am supposed to question them.

My point is for those who force it on women....
aisha i have already agreed with that those who want to follow it on religious ground or any other reasons should follow it. Nor i take it as a symbol of oppression as many take it till it is by personal choice. I respect your sentiments on religious grounds and agree to them.

I wear jeans,trousers, biz suits but when people here are equating jeans wearing women as indecent and equivalent to prostitutes elsewhere i am supposed to question them.

My point is for those who force it on women....

I never said jeans, trousers are indecent. It depends on your intentions and if they are skin hugging and short cut, then I might change my views.
aisha i have already agreed with that those who want to follow it on religious ground or any other reasons should follow it. Nor i take it as a symbol of oppression as many take it till it is by personal choice. I respect your sentiments on religious grounds and agree to them.

I wear jeans,trousers, biz suits but when people here are equating jeans wearing women as indecent and equivalent to prostitutes elsewhere i am supposed to question them.

My point is for those who force it on women....

sorry if i hurt ur sentiments.................but its my way of thinking if it is ordered in my religion so there is no need to argue on that point with others nd i dont think so that dress shows the inner personality of a person
I never said jeans, trousers are indecent. It depends on your intentions and if they are skin hugging and short cut, then I might change my views.

But you just said in your some previous post,

"Girls, who wear capri and mini skirts, tight jeans ans shalwar in Pakistan, i concider them to be indecent. They do this for fashion, for attraction, to make boys look at them."

However i do agree with this post that it all depends on intentions, not dressing entirely.
But you just said in your some previous post,

"Girls, who wear capri and mini skirts, tight jeans ans shalwar in Pakistan, i concider them to be indecent. They do this for fashion, for attraction, to make boys look at them."

However i do agree with this post that it all depends on intentions, not dressing entirely.

Maybe someone misunderstood me.
Jeans is alright until it is skintight or low cut.

Hijab is the ideology of a Muslim woman. Shows if she is following orders of her creator or not. Shows if she is decent or not. Shows if she wants boys to look at her, and have a crush on her or not.

I think i am going to extreme side now.
No offense intended.
Saw it on facebook so just want to share it !!

A Cristian Guy once Asked a Muslim: "Why do your Girls cover up themselves?"

The Muslim Guy Smiled & Got two Candies, He opened the First one & kept the second closed.
He thrown both of them on the Dusty floor & Asked Cristian: If i Ask u to take one of the Candies, Which one you will choose?
The Cristian Replied: The covered one.
...Then the Muslim Said that is how we Treat & see our Women.
I wear jeans,trousers, biz suits but when people here are equating jeans wearing women as indecent and equivalent to prostitutes elsewhere i am supposed to question them.

Where did anyone say women who wear jeans are prostitutes? perhaps you should have quoted that person because whoever said that has a weak argument!

Women who wear tight skin hugging/revealing clothes are nothing but attention seekers. If you expose more than whats necessary then you will get negative attention and people will think negative of you regardless if their Muslim, Christian, hindu, Jewish, Sikh, or atheist.
then the problem is with the man who cant control their urge why women should give up their clothing which they are comfortable with. why not ask men to wear eye caps like that of horse to look straight who cant control their eyes.

(silent i would like to discuss it logically keeping aside the religious sentiments as it will create problems for everyone)

no your wrong, the prob is not with men! Its the way we are created! You can't change the human anatomy, but a girl can dress up modestly (i don't see whats the harm in wearing decent clothes, or does attention seeking make some women feel good about themselves?)

Would it be easier for a guy to control himself if he were around women who dress modestly and cover themselves or would it be easier for a guy to control himself if he were around women who are dressed up in skin tight clothes and with more than necessary skin exposed?
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A girl who's wearing jeans and is from the 21st century does not mean she's going to hell. How do you know this jeans wearing woman is not a believer and a good human being? The woman in the burka is going to heaven, why? Because she wears a burka does not automatically mean she's a good human being and religious person. There are a lot of women who wear hijab and burka but are prostitutes, smokers, thieves, murderers, druggies, gossipers, liars and hate spreaders.

If there is a god then he will not base his judgement on the outside appearance of a person rather than what is inside the person's heart and thoughts.
wow.. heaven has a dress code now. what next?
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