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Have asked party to start preparations for Islamabad march: Imran Khan

Make or break moment for Pakistanis, this is the single biggest moment in Pakistan's history after 1940 Pakistan resolution.

Let's see if our people have the innate ability to want to live free or be slaves forever...

It's not IK's test, it is the people who are on trial now...

They can overturn the existing system and if IK has to be sacrificed, figuratively or literally, I am all for it...And I am sure IK will be fine with that outcome as well.
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Enemies didn’t collapse Ottoman Empire alone as they had help inside. This won’t be any different.
You're right for the inside treachery by some bastards. But, I think it'll be different this time for the nearest example is the 07-15-2016 coup in Turkey. The common folks threw themselves in front of the tanks, and the staff sergeants killed the traitor generals to put a stop to the coup initiated by the Biden-Obama admin. I don't want the same for the Pak generals....

CC-TV clip of a patriotic staff sergeant taking out a top traitor general at the Special Forces HQ in Ankara:

You're right for the inside treachery by some bastards. But, I think it'll be different this time for the nearest example is the 07-15-2016 coup in Turkey. The common folks threw themselves in front of the tanks, and the staff sergeants killed the traitor generals to put a stop to the coup initiated by the Biden-Obama admin. I don't want the same for the Pak generals....

CC-TV clip of a patriotic staff sergeant taking out a top traitor general at the Special Forces HQ in Ankara:

If Allah would eliminate traitors from our lines, it would be the best thing for us. However, we pray everything becomes crystal clear before that happens. Otherwise enemies get a chance to taint actions of the person who was on haq. And history then stands at the wrong side.

Have asked party to start preparations for Islamabad march: Imran Khan

April 23, 2022

PTI chairman Imran Khan gestures during a press conference on Saturday. — AFP

PTI chairman Imran Khan gestures during a press conference on Saturday. — AFP

PTI chairman and former prime minister Imran Khan on Saturday said that he has asked his party to begin preparations for marching to Islamabad.

Addressing a press conference at his Bani Gala residence — his first since his ouster — he said he would announce the date for the march later but directed party leaders, including those at village level, to prepare for the march for "true freedom".

A huge sea of people would go towards the capital, he said, adding that he had never seen such political awareness among the people.

"People have begun to understand the joke that happened with them and the kind of people placed on us (as rulers)," he said, claiming that there was an unprecedented number of "criminals" and those who were out on bail in the newly formed federal cabinet.

He also said the party would hold prayers on the 27th of Ramazan for the march's success.

'Foreign conspiracy'​

Imran said it had become clear that his claim of there being a foreign conspiracy against his government had proven "true". The National Security Committee (NSC) also confirmed that the minutes of the body's meeting last month when he was the premier were "correct", he added.

A day earlier, a statement issued after the NSC meeting said it discussed the telegram received from the ambassador in Washington — which was first brandished by Imran at the PTI's rally on March 27 — and "reaffirmed the decisions of the last NSC meeting".

However, the meeting concluded that "there has been no foreign conspiracy", according to the statement.

In his press conference today, Imran said yesterday's NSC meeting had "confirmed that the cable was genuine and the conversation with [US Assistant Secretary of State for Central and South Asia] Donald Lu was real".

"The language used [in the cable] was undiplomatic. I will say it was arrogance."

Terming the threat a "shameful" thing for the country, he said former prime minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and military ruler Pervez Musharraf had also received threats. "When a nation bows down before such threats and such conspiracies are successful, no one should have any doubts," he added.

"We all saw the spectacle after the no-confidence resolution was tabled — our allies suddenly started speaking up and our MNAs also remembered that the situation was not good."

The former premier said he wanted to clarify the country's economic situation at the time of his ouster. The current account deficit was the lowest in 11 years, remittances and exports had reached new records, tax collection was at a historic level and five crops saw highest production, he stated.

"Then, this conspiracy was done against us and now, reserves are going down and the rupee is under pressure," he added.

'Open hearing' on cablegate​

The Supreme Court should have ordered an investigation into the "cable" instead of setting aside the National Assembly deputy speaker's decision to dismiss the no-confidence resolution and the subsequent dissolution of the NA, Imran said.
He said he wanted the apex court to hold an open hearing on the matter, terming it a big attack against the country's sovereignty and independence.

"If you don't do this, no prime minister will be able to withstand such threats and will fold his hands when foreign countries pressure [on matters] against the national interest."

If the Supreme Court ordered an investigation, it would become known which political leaders visited foreign embassies and their role in calling PTI lawmakers who were unhappy with the party, he said.

The "conspiracy" had become the greatest danger to Pakistan's democracy, he said, warning that "our children's future will be in danger if our institutions don't stand up."

Talking about the no-confidence vote, the former premier questioned whether the way "people sold their consciences and committed treachery with democracy" ahead of the vote was not important enough for the SC and the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) to hold daily hearings.

"I am shocked that the SC and ECP are not taking [action] urgently."

Referring to the SC's hearings on the presidential reference seeking its interpretation of Article 63-A, which is related to the disqualification of lawmakers over defection, Imran said the Article was important because if no action was taken against those who "participated" in the "foreign conspiracy", it would open the doors for similar incidents in the future.

During his presser, Imran also called for Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Sikandar Sultan Raja's resignation, saying the party believed him to be "biased".
The PTI did not trust the CEC because all his decisions were against the party, he added.
Imran said he was not afraid of his name being put on the Exit Control List (ECL) because he did not want to go abroad.

Criticism of new govt​

Imran also lashed out at the new coalition government, terming them "shameless". The former opposition parties used to call each other thieves and robbers but were now part of the new government, he said.

"Nobody other than their family is seen, meaning that no one else is qualified," he said, referring to Shehbaz Sharif's election as prime minister and his son Hamza's election as Punjab chief minister.

"Both father and son are on bail. Could they not find someone else? What is a bigger conspiracy than the country being handed over to such people?" he asked.

He advised PM Shehbaz to "ask for forgiveness" since it had been proven that the cable was real.
He claimed that the new government did not want to use electronic voting machines (EVMs) in the next general elections because they were opposed to free and fair polls.

Oh Dear, Pakistan army must be warming up the tank engines and preparing for a take over as these dumb politicians prepare to bring Pakistan to a civil war. If I was COAS I would have a division ready for Islamabad in standby. India meanwhile is looking for a moment to strike into Pakistan Kashmir so Modi can sing and dance how great he is.
ye admi sach main nhi chorny wala in choroon ko . hath per dho ker peechy par gya hai :enjoy:
All he can do is big rallies or gather maximum 1 or 2 million people. There is a legal process to change the government, street boys can change the government? I think those days are gone. Even, let imagine 2 million people gathers in Islamabad and they kick out parliamentarians? Are you expecting that Court will not intervene in it? Do you want Shahbaz Sharif become shaheed in politics. I say let them complete 1 year term and wait for election in next year.
Do you want our political parties protesting election by slogans mard e momin or like biggest ashiq and alignment with banned religious parties. There are over 72 officially banned jihadi organisation here.
Next election looks like slogans who is more mard e momin or ashiq? Why shouldn't political parties should contest election on performance and awami issues.
Islamabad was jam when he last time call for jalsa only till motorways imagine what will happen this time..,,,,
PTi government and its fans were cheerleading bloodbath on TLP.

Its only matter of Insaf that blood debt be paid in full.
They made big blunders, now have left themselves isolated. Pti is talking about long march and darnas but this time they will face the full force of the state. The question is will Pti followers be able to stand in front of shelling, gas, acid attacks and live bullets? The Tlp stood firmly, so many of their leaders died in jails without trials.
They made big blunders, now have left themselves isolated. Pti is talking about long march and darnas but this time they will face the full force of the state. The question is will Pti followers be able to stand in front of shelling, gas, acid attacks and live bullets? The Tlp stood firmly, so many of their leaders died in jails without trials.

So you're suggesting that they will fire live ammunition against their own Pakistani people, unleash full might on their own educated, working class and labourers? Just to protect their gated communities and inflow of dollars (slavery bonus)?


PTI and TLP have different ideologies & ways of protest, no comparison can be made.

PTI actually delivered in 3.5 years.
See list of achievements

Imran Khan always played by the book, never went against constitution.
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I see civil unrest on the horizon. Powers that be are digging in even after public’s show of support for IK.
I fear ECP will ban PTI/IK under the sham foreign funding case. That will lead to a head on conflict.

Any case elections won’t happen till November when either Bajwa gets and extension or he (or his handlers) select the new chief. All crooks will get a clean chit and we are back to square one.
Election will be held shortly..in 3-4 months.
There is immense pressure, govt is showing false bravado. They will fall like termite infested wood before Chalo Chalo Islamabad Chalo.
Please elaborate on this - are you defaming the integrity of our Jawans? Because I will not stand for this, no Pakistani is against the Pakistan Army - this is just what the enemy wants you to think, and to do. To create a wedge between Pakistani citizens and it's military who are seen as the glue that hold this nation together.
Yes, Army has respect and should be respected. But when do we call a spade a spade? Who is responsible for the WEDGE? Can we throw JUSTICE out because we want to hide a wrong committed by Establishment? It makes the magnitude of WRONG so massive that the responsible person should be punished severely.

The Messenger صل الله عليه وسلم said,
O People, the nations before you went astray and were destroyed because if a noble person committed theft, they used to spare him, but if a weak person among them committed theft, they used to inflict the prescribed punishment upon him. By Him in whose hand is my life, even if Fatima bint Muhammad committed theft, I would have her hand cut off.

Aren't we a destroyed, pillaged, ridiculed nation in the world? False pride would not give grandeur but humiliation.
Yes, Army has respect and should be respected. But when do we call a spade a spade? Who is responsible for the WEDGE? Can we throw JUSTICE out because we want to hide a wrong committed by Establishment? It makes the magnitude of WRONG so massive that the responsible person should be punished severely.

The Messenger صل الله عليه وسلم said,
O People, the nations before you went astray and were destroyed because if a noble person committed theft, they used to spare him, but if a weak person among them committed theft, they used to inflict the prescribed punishment upon him. By Him in whose hand is my life, even if Fatima bint Muhammad committed theft, I would have her hand cut off.

Aren't we a destroyed, pillaged, ridiculed nation in the world? False pride would not give grandeur but humiliation.
And what role did the army have to play in this malaise? There is a recurring theme here:


If you want to call a spade a spade let’s start introspection and examine why Pakistanis continue to vote with their feet!
Election will be held shortly..in 3-4 months.
There is immense pressure, govt is showing false bravado. They will fall like termite infested wood before Chalo Chalo Islamabad Chalo.
I sincerely hope you are right brother.
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