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Gulf News editor in Dubai receives threats from BJP’s IT cell and verified accounts

But at the same time we dont go around killing muslims.muslims have killed more hindus in india than the other way round.

Someday I promise to debunk this myth with facts and evidence. I heard it so many times from my friends but always laughed it off. Not anymore, this urban legend was used by Modi supporters to win two elections. Somebody has to stop giving any more fuel to the enemies.

Right now I don't have time though.
Someday I promise to debunk this myth with facts and evidence. I heard it so many times from my friends but always laughed it off. Not anymore, this urban legend was used by Modi supporters to win two elections. Somebody has to stop giving any more fuel to the enemies.

Right now I don't have time though.
You seem to be so excited to be called a secular and appease muslims..just ask your muslim friends whether you will go to heaven once you die..
Ostracizing is difficult, man. Some of them were people I grew up with. One of them was my girlfriend for 5 years. The rot is very deep. But on second thought, maybe those are the kind of people I grew up around which is unfortunate. I need better company, and have promised myself to choose my friends carefully in the future.

I always do. But I don't it on social media because it can create problems for my family members in India. However, if something happens in my physical proximity, I always raise my voice. At least I don't support such imbeciles.

I agree with you. The matter has become serious and just blanket condemnations by Modi will not cut it anymore. The Saudi Arab ambassadors and royal family members should directly ask Modi to condemn people like Tejasvi Surya, and issue an apology. He should be told to man up, and own up to his BJP party members who violate boundaries.

The opposition parties of India - non BJP - do not support such loutish behaviour. You can take the example of Mrs. Sonia Gandhi, and Rahul Gandhi of Congress. They will condemn such stupidities. In fact, they are fighting it on a daily basis. It's a separate issue that there isn't much of an opposition left in India anymore.

Thank you, I thought that was a basic qualification to be human being. Your question is very difficult to answer. The truth is only a tiny number of Indians are active RSS supporters -- say, 7 to 8 percent. At least 35% voted for Narendra Modi's party, so these are the ones who somehow "dislike" Muslims (Modi orchestrated a massacre of 2000 Muslims in his home state of Gujarat before becoming Prime Minister so he's definitely very anti-Muslim) You can add another 30-40% as somewhat ignorant people, although many would have Muslim friends.. The problem is they don't know much about Islam, so their brains are filled with half-baked lies and exaggerations about Muslims. They will believe any rumours such as Muslims spreading Coronavirus in India. India's average literacy is only 71% and most literate people aren't educated enough. So, a lot of ignorant people live in India, unfortunately. They believe in news rumours spread from WhatsApp factories. Cult leaders like Modi have learned how to exploit their ignorance and brainwash them.

So now let's only focus on the educated Indians which are 20 percent. These are the professionals, many can speak English properly. In this segment, many are Modi supporters. But there is a huge opposition as well. The Shaheen Bagh protests against CAA weren't led by only Muslims but also a lot of Hindus who range from leftists to liberals and Congress supporters. If you check Twitter India feed, you will learn that more Hindus are opposing Modi and his party than Muslims.

Really Twitter India is one of the best sources if you want to know about all those Indians who are opposing Narendra Modi and his divisive politics. I myself don't visit there but I read the tweets all the time, there is a formidable opposition.

But yes, your question is very difficult to answer because the current situation in India is really bad. Hope this was a good start.
He need not go to twitter..just ask him to notice the rise of voting for BJP in successive elections starting from 1996...he will get the answer.
BJP is strengthening its hold even in south and north east gradually...Modi will win with an even more thumping majority next time round...nobody can replace him for another 20 years.
Majority of hindus dont like muslims ..the degree of dislike may vary..people of kerala and TN may have less abhorrence for muslims and people of UP may have more.
BJP IT cell in UAE is run by General sectary Vivek Saxena.


This is his profile on shadi.com, shakal bi kutta ki ha.
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Sane and peaceful Indians, which I hope form the majority of Indians, even if they are not Indian Muslims, should try to ostracize the fanatics among them that give their people and country a bad name abroad.

It should be the obligation of any sane Indian, based in the GCC, to denounce such compatriots if they are spreading hatred against their own Muslim compatriots or foreigners abroad.

Pakistani brothers living in the GCC should report such behavior to the authorities. @Malik Alpha people who speak Urdu/Hindi and other languages and understand what hateful Indians are writing, should be at the forefront of this. There is a language barrier here for us Arabs here.

Country to country relations and economic relationships are not determined by Twitter comments from trolls but if such behavior becomes widespread and continuous, it will inevitably impact the perception of Indian and Indians negatively in the Arab and Muslim world. You can already witness this from people who previously where clueless to such behavior in parts of the Indian society.

I am not sure if this is a wise strategy. I don't know the inner dynamics of Indian politics and the ongoing online troll wars but this hatred cannot end well.

@prashantazazel @Kaniska @Joe Shearer and some of the users from Kerala that I have once discussed with on PDF in a cordial manner.

I saw some of your posts in that other thread (Tariq Fatah) and you seem like a sane individual. Can you briefly, to a relatively clueless foreigner, tell what those RSS fanatics are? Do those people have a hatred towards Indian Muslims and Muslims of South Asia or does this hatred extend to other Muslims like Arabs and if that is the case is the motive for that alone, that Muslims happen to be Muslims?

Here you go brother

See, the fact is that UAE is now totally controlled by Indians at all levels, not soo much Oman or Saudi, but UAE yes. They just cant tell the Indians to get out, wether its Noora Al Ghurair(Of the house of Ghurair) or if its the ruler Nahyan himself. If they do, then it will become an open declaration of hostilities with India in which case India's aircraft carriers would start patrolling closer to the Arabian peninsula(if required).Yes, I do agree with Arabs deporting people who stand against the traditions and culture of the place they are serving, but it seems to me that Emiratis are increasingly becoming weary of Indian power and have come to the realisation that Indians are essentialy Indic, you cant Arabize them.What is the solution?its very simple, give the Indian investors equal rights and let them settle Arabia as an extension of Indian civilisation, co-exist in peace, but if someone has fantasies of being a master race or something, sure that bubble will be quickly burst, India is not Pakistan, Indians are not Sudanese, the quicker Emiratis realise this, the better. This is only but natural and part of manifest destiny and with due cause, Indians have played a large part in the development of Arabia, from labourers to Doctors and Engineers, so why deny them their rights?.Indians wont cause trouble!.

Dear Friend, maybe you are not aware Chakravartin Vikramaditya was the Imperial ruler of Arabia at one point in time, extending the boundaries of Bharatvarsha far beyond the Indus.Take it from me, Indians wont be leaving the UAE and cant be replaced by using any systemic laws of segregation.Arabia is too small for this. Especially now that the USA is pulling out, it has becomign increasingly weaker. It would be in Arabia's best interest to be on India's good books.

Also, Arabs only have a History of conquering you, there was a reason that Alexander or Arabs couldnt cross the Indus and I think you know the reason very well. History speaks for itself, they are your rulers, not ours.

This is only the tip of the ice berg. More and more educated Hindus are being radicalized every day in the events and processions managed by rss, the mother org of the indian ruling party BJP

Besides that the indian ruling party BJP's core committee like it's followers is composed of radical rss nazis.

You'd be surprised to know that the top three of the modi's political heirs are not passive like him.

His union minister amit shaw , Bjp's senior office holder, swami, who recently made headlines on global level with his anti Muslim interview

and the ultra venomous of all is the chief minister of the indian state of uttar Pradesh Mr yogi naath. All are total nut cases in spewing hatred against anything Islamic. Two of them on respeated occasions insulted the integrity of Kaaba

@BHarwana @masterchief_mirza @Ace of Spades guys could you plz tag those tweets and interviews?
Someday I promise to debunk this myth with facts and evidence. I heard it so many times from my friends but always laughed it off. Not anymore, this urban legend was used by Modi supporters to win two elections. Somebody has to stop giving any more fuel to the enemies.

Right now I don't have time though.

Get ready to be called a Pakistani, Urban Naxal, Pseudosecular etc etc.

But I do appreciate your efforts
Send me the details and I'll copy dubai police and the company this pajeet works in.
Dubai police already know his profile they have been updated.
Forget him I will tell you some thing even better to locate them all and in every country.
On Facebook there are pages of Overseas Friends of BJP under different countries. These organizations have president vice president and General secretary and joint secretaries and lower tire members. The person holding the position of General secretary is responsible for BJP IT cell.

Hope I am helpful. If you want more in detail tracking of them then the undertable organization is ABVP
Their website is www.ABVP.org
Messages were also sent to authorities and police in Dubai, asking whether they had carried out a thorough background check on Farooqui, who, they said, was a Shia Muslim from Lucknow and was working secretly for Iran.


Just WOW salay MKKs this show Cowcola is a very strong drink. The sanghis high on Cowcola and dung asking for something which is enough to discredit these butt heads :D.

Mr. Farooqui can never be a Shia or pro Shia regime :D.
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It matters because I am trying to understand what their ideology and motivations are grounded in. I find it difficult to comprehend what an Arab Muslim in say Morocco near the Atlantic Ocean or an African Nigerian Muslim has to do with internal Indian politics and hateful/violent communal riots.

I want to know if this hatred is ethnically or religiously motivated or both.

In any case such behavior should not be welcomed and should be combated actively with an iron fist.

It's religious motived, they've been ruled by Muslims so long they now want to give pay back -- they even go all the way to say the Kabba is theirs and they will retake it and put idols there.
@prashantazazel and some of the users from Kerala that I have once discussed with on PDF in a cordial manner.

This probably needs a detailed post. I will attempt it.
(Disclaimer - I'm an atheist, medical doctor. So my words may appear biased to some folks.)

Like many other countries in these times, India has a right wing government. Some of the supporters of this government are regular people, while some others are far right extremists.
RSS and similar organisations are a mix of right wing, centrist and far right. They are also allied with other Hindu religious groups like VHP. The union can be termed as the Sangh Parivar. They have significant political power, but are also apolitical in certain aspects. They sometimes do social work too. Whether that's out of goodwill, or for political mileage, is hard to say.
Most of the current divisive issues and statements you hear about, come from the far right. These people may or may not be associated with RSS.
The far right is mainly composed of jobless people, or those with pathological hatred of other communities. And yes, they are a sizeable chunk.
The ruling party finds it easy to get votes with faith based polarisation, so it encourages such communal tendencies.
Their intent is not to disturb the fabric of the Arab countries, but to demonise Indian Muslims. Some of that hate spills over to the twitter and Facebook account of right wing Indians overseas.

Hating on any religious group is not exclusive to India, and I have met plenty of white people who hate Arabs. So ideally, Arabs should arrest and deport the few that actually insult them.
I may not agree with the laws in Arab countries, but I love the way you implement them. My suggestion would be to add a local prison term, for a person found guilty of spreading hatred.
Personally, I like to differentiate between hatred and genuine criticism.
Examples (made up) :-
1. Genuine criticism - religious people should avoid congregating for prayers, and if they do, the police should take action against them.
2. Hate speech- calling all practitioners of a certain faith as terrorists, or anti nationals.

The primary target for the illogical hatred is Indian Muslims. Since they are mostly poor, and mostly religious, they are easily stereotyped by the right wing. When a small group of Muslims behaves contrary to law, they use the opportunity to demonise all Muslims.

(will write more later)
Dubai police already know his profile they have been updated.
Forget him I will tell you some thing even better to locate them all and in every country.
On Facebook there are pages of Overseas Friends of BJP under different countries. These organizations have president vice president and General secretary and joint secretaries and lower tire members. The person holding the position of General secretary is responsible for BJP IT cell.

Hope I am helpful. If you want more in detail tracking of them then the undertable organization is ABVP
Their website is www.ABVP.org

Most of the current divisive issues and statements you hear about, come from the far right. These people may or may not be associated with RSS.
The far right is mainly composed of jobless people, or those with pathological hatred of other communities. And yes, they are a sizeable chunk.

Don't disagree with what you have written except the quoted part above. Read posts 310 and 311 in this thread for my understanding of the right.

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