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Granting India transit rights through Pakistan to Afghanistan


Apr 8, 2007
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Zardari Treason: India granted transit rights through Pakistan to Afghanistan

By Moin Ansari , posted on October 4

New York, October 3, 2008. President Zardari has apparently signed a transit deal with India on the sidelines of the UN summit and granted India transit rights through Pakistan to Afghanistan. This had been a bone of contention between Pakistan and India for several decades. Apparently nothing was given in return for the favour. This after the fact that Mr. Zardari also halted all opposition to India at the IAEA and NSG forums.

How long with the Pakistani nation tolerate Mr. Zardari’s strange actions taken without the consent of the foreign office or the National Assembly? + M Ashraf Mirza +

According to the joint communiqué issued at the end of the meeting between President Asif Zardari and Indian Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh in New York last week, Pakistan has agreed to provide transit facilities for India ’s trade to Afghanistan. The two countries have also agreed to revive their stalled composite dialogue to address their outstanding issues including the core issue of Jammu and Kashmir. The agreement was reached between the two leaders at their meeting on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly annual session in New York. They also decided to open some trade routes between the two countries and across the Line of Control. The communiqué said that Pakistan would take ‘severe’ action against those involved in terrorist acts’ in India as well as in occupied Kashmir. Pakistan will also probe the Indian allegations about Pakistani intelligence agencies’ alleged involvement in the bombing the Indian embassy in Kabul last July, the communiqué said.

An objective analysis of the decisions taken at the Zardari-Manmohan meeting reveals that Pakistan has gained nothing. As a matter fact, he yielded on almost on every count. Willingness to probe the terrorist acts in India and occupied Kashmir, to take severe action against those involved in such acts and to investigate the Indian allegation about Pakistani intelligence agencies’ involvement in the bombing of the Indian embassy in Kabul clearly constitute self indictment on the part of Pakistan. It amounts to accepting responsibility for all terrorist acts that have taken place anywhere in India. Pakistan ’s Foreign Office had repeatedly repudiated the Indian allegations of Pakistan ’s involvement in the terrorist acts. True that there is need for an atmosphere of cordiality, goodwill and reconciliation between the two countries in view of the multifarious challenges faced by the region, but there was certainly no justification to succumb to self-incrimination to mollify India. Mr Zardari was not expected to show ‘dexterity and expertise’ in foreign affairs, but he did not even bother to seek briefing from the Foreign Office before embarking on the US trip for his maiden meetings with President Bush and Indian Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh as elected President of Pakistan.

President Zardari has conceded whatever India had desired in utter disregard to the ground reality that New Delhi is not only creating problems for Islamabad in Balochistan, but is also providing funds and weapons to the militants and terrorists in Tribal Areas to destabilize Pakistan. There exists unambiguous proof of Indian involvement in the situation that Pakistan is confronted with today at the hands of the terrorists and militants. NWFP Governor Owais Ghani (who formerly held the office of Governor Balochistan) has persistently pointed towards the Indian involvement in Balochistan and the Tribal Areas. Former President Pervez Musharraf handed over documentary evidence of Indian mischief in Balochistan to US President George W. Bush during his visit to the region in 2006. Yet, Mr Zardari opted to yield to New Delhi on matters of vital national interests in pursuit of the policy of appeasement. While India is bent upon undermining Pakistan ’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, we are facilitating India to consolidate economically, which in turn will help boost its military might.

The transit facility for Indian trade to Afghanistan has long remained a controversial issue and Pakistan had resisted it by linking it with the resolution of the Kashmir issue. The agreement to this effect between Zardari and Manmohan Singh is, therefore, unwarranted and represents outright violation of Pakistan ’s principled stand. The linkage of transit trade to Kabul with the settlement of the Kashmir dispute had provided Pakistan an edge to contain India ’s cherished plan to dominate the region economically. After the Musharraf-Shaukat Aziz duo trampled the nation’s resolve not to enter into trade with India before the resolution of the Kashmir issue, Mr Zardari’s nod to provide transit facility to New Delhi for trade with Afghanistan is certainly one up in the process of compromises of the national interests. Cunning as it is, India will obviously expand its trade to the Central Asian countries to realize its long cherished dream to monopolise trade in the region. And Kashmir dispute has obviously been thrown into the back burner.

The resumption of the Pak-India composite dialogue was hardly an issue since the talks were never stalled or broken. The process was only in abeyance due to the political situation in Pakistan. The two governments had already announced that their foreign secretaries will initiate the fifth round of the composite dialogue soon. The agreement to resume the composite dialogue was, therefore, hardly an issue. However, it’s quite pertinent that during the last four years, no progress, whatsoever, has been made on any of the outstanding issues between the two countries. The dialogue process is, in fact, India ’s deliberate tactic to keep Pakistan silent on the Kashmir issue, as Islamabad ’s moral, political and diplomatic support to the Kashmiris’ struggle for the restitution of their right to self determination embarrasses New Delhi.

It is India’s strategy to keep Pakistan quiet through the so-called dialogue process, while it continues infiltration and destabilisation of Pakistan. India has not addressed a single issue since the start of the dialogue process four years ago. On the contrary, New Delhi has created more issues by taking in hand the construction of Kishenganga and Baghlihar dams in violation of the Indus Basin Treaty. Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s assertion that India is bound by the Treaty is not different from his so called ‘resolve’ to address the Kashmir issue that persists between the two countries over the past six decades. Mr Manmohan has a strange stance on the issue: He says he is ‘committed’ to address the Kashmir issue, yet he is determined to see that borders are not changed. He is also not ready to reduce troops from occupied Kashmir or to let the Kashmiri people have relief from the repression and oppression at the hands of over seven hundred thousand troops. ‘Willingness to talk’ is well-worn Indian trick to mislead the Pakistani leadership as well as the world community. With the USA as its strategic partner, India sees that time is on its side; all it has to do is to drag its feet, make comforting noises and wait. But this is the same strategy that Asif Zardari employed against Nawaz Sharif and he is using with the people of Pakistan to hoodwink them.

Is Asif Zardari smarter than India? Does he think that by making ‘reversible concessions’ like transit trade he can get India to make an irreversible concession on Kashmir? If he thinks so, he will be disabused of any such notion very soon. If he knows that he cannot outsmart India and is yet making unilateral concessions merely to appease India, he is traitor far worse than Musharraf. After all, Musharraf did dig in his heels on some of the issue for some time. Asif Zardari should keep in mind the fate his wife met. She made comforting noises to earn the favour of India, Israel and America but was killed the moment it became clear she did not want to go through with what she had said.

The strategic situation of NATO in Afghanistan is dire. Soon, they would be looking for an exit strategy. If Pakistan does not offer one, India will; the war in Afghanistan will continue and intensify; it will spread to all of Pakistan. India does want a solution in Kashmir; it wants the part that is held by Pakistan, so that it shares a border with Afghanistan. At the moment, India is reluctant to be that adventurous; even the USA considers that as ‘going too far’. That is where Asif Zardari comes in. His role is to help India and America to take heart, be bold and storm any and every fortress of patriotic resistance.

I reiterate, India is not interested in the resolution of the Kashmir issue; it only wants to keep Pakistan comforted with continuation of the dialogue process. India is convinced that Pakistan will not make another attempt for a military solution to the Kashmir issue. But it is afraid of the ‘resistance’ adopting the same weapons and methods as the resistance in Iraq and Afghanistan. That is being made inevitable not just by India but also by President Zardari. The question merely is: would Kashmir be liberated first or Afghanistan? The people of Kashmir are impatient now; the situation cannot stay in limbo indefinitely. In its own interest, India must de-colonise the regions on its periphery that have demanded sovereign freedom since 1947. If it did not, the war would spread to India as well. Then the bloodshed in Afghanistan and Pakistan would appear like a storm in tea-cup.

(Version distributed by Brig. Usman Khaled (Retd.)
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Moin Ansari

According to the joint communiqué issued at the end of the meeting between President Asif Zardari and Indian Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singhin New York last week, Pakistan has agreed to providetransit facilities for India ’s trade to Afghanistan. The two countries have also agreed to revive their stalled composite dialogue to address their outstanding issues including the core issue of Jammuand Kashmir. The agreement was reached between the two leaders at their meeting on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly annual session in New York . They also decided to open some trade routes between the two countries and across the Line of Control. The communiqué said that Pakistan will take ‘severe’ action against those involved in terrorist acts’ in India as well as in occupied Kashmir. Pakistan will also probe the Indian allegations about Pakistani intelligence agencies’ alleged involvement in the bombing the Indian embassy in Kabul last July, the communiqué said.

An objective analysis of the decisions taken at the Zardari-Manmohan meeting reveals that Pakistan has gained nothing. Pakistan has, as a matter fact, yielded almost on every count. Willingness to probe the terrorist acts in India and occupied Kashmir, to take severe action against those involved in such acts and to investigate the Indian allegation about Pakistani intelligence agencies’ involvement in the bombing of the Indian embassy in Kabul clearly constitute self indictment on the part of Pakistan. It amounts to accepting responsibility for all terrorist acts that have taken place anywhere in India . Pakistan ’s Foreign Office had repeatedly repudiated the Indian allegations of Pakistan ’s involvement in the terrorist acts. True that there is need for an atmosphere of cordiality, goodwill and reconciliation between the two countries in view of the multifarious challenges faced by the region, but there was certainly no justification to succumb to self incrimination to mollify India . Mr Zardari was not expected to show ‘dexterity and expertise’ in foreign affairs as well. Interestingly, Mr Zardarihad also not bothered to seek briefing from the Foreign Office before embarking on the US trip for his maiden meetings with President Bush and Indian Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh as elected President of Pakistan. And Pakistan has conceded whatever India had desired in utter disregard to the ground reality that New Delhi is not only creating problems for Islamabad in Balochistan, but is also providing funds and weapons to the militants and terrorists in Tribal Areas to destabilize her.

There exists unambiguous proof of Indian involvement in the situation that Pakistan is confronted with today at the hands of the terrorists and militants. NWFP Governor Owais Ghani (who formerly held the office of Governor Balochistan) has persistently pointed towards the Indian involvement in Pakistan ’s predicaments in Balochistan and Tribal Areas. Former President Pervez Musharraf handed over documentary evidence of Indian mischief in Balochistan to US President George W. Bush during his visit to the region in 2006. Yet we have opted to yield to New Delhi on matters of vital national interests in pursuit of the policy of appeasement. While India is bent upon undermining Pakistan ’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, we are facilitating India to consolidate economically, which in turn will help boost its military might.

The transit facility for Indian tradeto Afghanistan has long remained a controversial issue and Pakistan had resisted it by linking it with the resolution of the Kashmir issue. The agreement to this effect between Zardari and Manmohan Singhis, therefore, unwarranted and represents outright violation of Pakistan ’s principled stand. The linkage of transit tradeto Kabul with the settlement of the Kashmir dispute had provided Pakistan an edge to contain India ’s cherished plan to dominate the region economically. After the Musharraf-Shaukat Azizduo trampled the nation’s resolve not to enter into trade withIndia before the resolution of the Kashmir issue, Mr Zardari’s nod to providetransit facility to New Delhi for trade withAfghanistan is certainly one up in the process of compromises of the national interests. Cunning as it is, India will obviously expand its tradeto the Central Asian countries to realize its long cherished dream to monopolise trade in the region. And Kashmir dispute has obviously been thrown into the back burner.

The resumption of the Pak-India composite dialogue was hardly an issue since the talks were never stalled or broken. The process was only in abeyance due to the political situation in Pakistan . The two governments had already announced that their foreign secretaries will initiate the fifth round of the composite dialogue soon. The agreement to resume the composite dialogue was, therefore, hardly an issue. However, it’s quite pertinent that during the last four years, no progress, whatsoever, has been made on any of the outstanding issues between the two countries. The dialogue process is, in fact, India ’s deliberate tactic to keep Pakistan silent on the Kashmir issue, as Islamabad ’s moral, political and diplomatic support to the Kashmiris’ struggle for the restitution of their right to self determination embarrasses New Delhi . It’s thus Indian strategy to keep Pakistan quiet through the so-called dialogue process, which it remains determined not to let it succeed. While not a single issue has been addressed since the initiation of the dialogue process four years ago, New Delhi has created more issues by taking in hand the construction of Kishenganga and Baghlihar dams in violation of the Indus Basin Treaty.
Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s assertion that India is bound by the Treaty is not different from his so called ‘resolve’ to address the Kashmir issue that persists between the two countries over the past six decades. Mr Manmohan has a strange stance on the issue: He says he is ‘committed’ to address the Kashmir issue, yet he is determined to see that borders are changed. He is also not ready to reduce troops from occupied Kashmir or to let the Kashmiripeople have relief from the repression and oppression at the hands of over seven hundred thousand troops. It’s Indian trick to mislead the Pakistani leadership as well as the world community. India is, in fact, not interested in the resolution of the Kashmir issue, but only wants to keep Pakistan comforted with the continuation of the dialogue process. India is convinced that there is no military solution to the Kashmir issue and, therefore, its strategy is to keep the issue in a limbo. India ought to be, however, mindful that the strategy is not going to help her in the ultimate analysis. India will have to recognize the ground reality that no nation can be kept under subjugation indefinitely by dint of military might.

Zardari treason: India granted transit rights through Pakistan to Afghanistan RUPEE NEWS: Recording History, Narrating Archives, Profound Strategic Analysis: Noticias de Rupia | Nouvelles de Roupie | Rupiennachrichten | ??????? ????? |
I thought it was a bilateral issue between India and Pakistan.

Good to see a Bangladeshi is also interested in a bilateral matter between India and Pakistan.

Not sure of the reason though. Must be for GK i believe.

But why should he support calling a democratically elected leader of another country a traitor?:crazy::undecided::eek::undecided: :confused:
Must be for GK i believe.

But why should he support calling a democratically elected leader of another country a traitor?:crazy::undecided::eek::undecided: :confused:

What is GK?

That is not my title. It was chosen by Moin Ansari and Brig. Usman Khaled who are both Pakistanis.
What is GK?

That is not my title. It was chosen by Moin Ansari and Brig. Usman Khaled who are both Pakistanis.

I should have known that you won't know what is GK.

You have betrayed your lack of one numerous times. :lol::lol:
The issue is whether the report is true or not. That is my query.

Bangladesh has been trying to prevent transit facility to India through its territory to the North East on the grounds of national security. India is also giving nothing in return to Bangladesh in terms of strategic concessions like a transit facility to Nepal and Bhutan.

In Bangladesh the conclusion is that India calls it's demand a transit facility but in reality it wants a corridor which will affect our sovereignty and national interests and security.

It is somewhat of a surprise over here in Bangladesh that Pakistan would agree to transit through its territory to Afghanistan for India's benefit.
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"I should have known that you won't know what is GK." (VINOD)

You made GK sound like a person or a location.

No not for general knowledge but for specific regional concerns.
The issue is whether the report is true or not. That is my query.
Answered in # 5

Bangladesh has been trying to prevent transit facility to India through its territory to the North East on the grounds of national security. India is similarly giving nothing in return to Bangladesh in terms of strategic concessions like transit facility through India to Nepal and Bhutan.

In Bangladesh the conclusion is that India calls it's demand a transit facility but in reality it wants a corridor which will affect our sovereignty and national interests and security.

It is somewhat of a surprise over here in Bangladesh that Pakistan would agree to transit through its territory to Afghanistan for India's benefit.

Hidden agenda coming out actually not related to topic posted.
The issue is whether the report is true or not. That is my query.

Bangladesh has been trying to prevent transit facility to India through its territory to the North East on the grounds of national security. India is also giving nothing in return to Bangladesh in terms of strategic concessions like a transit facility to Nepal and Bhutan.

In Bangladesh the conclusion is that India calls it's demand a transit facility but in reality it wants a corridor which will affect our sovereignty and national interests and security.

It is somewhat of a surprise over here in Bangladesh that Pakistan would agree to transit through its territory to Afghanistan for India's benefit.

The Afghans will also benefit from that and they are your fellow Muslims.

Any concern for them?

You want to harm Afghanistan just to spite India? Doesn't seem a good global citizenship.

Also Bangladesh being an LDC in South Asia demands and gets preferential treatment from other relatively advanced economies like India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka etc. I think that should be continued and enhanced.

Should that be stopped just because that will supposedly benefit Bangladesh more. That would be narrow thinking I suppose.

We should talk of promoting greater regional integration instead of continuing the hatreds of the past.

What say Munshiji?
Transit facilities through a nation is not infringement of sovereignty in any way. Zardari granted transit for Indian trade, not Indian military.

And he commenced talk on Kashmir. Isnt that what everyone wants? Peace between india and pakistan? halting the talks just creates more tension.

i dont see how these actions make him a traitor.
From my understanding Afghanistan has been used as a base by RAW to create unrest in Pakistan in its tribal belt and Balochistan. Does not make sense from a security perspective for Pakistan to do this. This is why I raised the question about the story's authenticity.
It is not me that called Zardari a traitor. It was two Pakistanis who chose the title and posted it across the internet. I had not seen this story anywhere else before so I was confused if it was accurate.
Munshiji, you are overly concerned with RAW.

You know there is a reason why they say: War is too important a matter to be left to the generals.

I guess people with this kind of thinking miss the woods for the trees. A narrow focus on just a specific aspect at the expense of all others won't take the region forward.
Indians blame the ISI and DGFI for all the ills in South Asia. It is natural that Bangladeshis and Pakistanis would be distrustful of RAW activities and highlight those when it comes to light.

I am also getting a little surprised why so many Indians are defending a Pakistani leader. That would be enough to bury any leader in Bangladesh.
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