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German Army Continues to Swallow Its Neighbors

Germans are simply far superior to the French. Even as far back as Roman times, French were totally defeated by Rome but the German tribes never were.

No need to be such an idiot all the time.


Any idea of what he did to Germany (more specifically what we call Germany today)? Do you know where the current German civil code even comes from?

@AUSTERLITZ you may want to educate this fool if you have a little time.
No need to be such an idiot all the time.


Any idea of what he did to Germany (more specifically what we call Germany today)? Do you know where the current German civil code even comes from?

@AUSTERLITZ you may want to educate this fool if you have a little time.

I can never be the moron that you have proven to be.

Napoleon was an aberration in the inglorious history of French military "prowess".

France is a military joke and can never be compared to true martial countries like Germany or Japan.
I can never be the moron that you have proven to be.

Napoleon was an aberration in the inglorious history of French military "prowess".

France is a military joke and can never be compared to true martial countries like Germany or Japan.
Are you for real?
I can never be the moron that you have proven to be.

It's an honour coming from the likes of you. I would be terribly worried if you called me intelligent or smart.

Napoleon was an aberration in the inglorious history of French military "prowess".

Want more examples? Or will they be other "aberrations"? Try read up on Yorktown for example.

France is a military joke and can never be compared to true martial countries like Germany or Japan.

As certified by a BeeDee clown.
Funny coming from the forum nutcase.

An IQ BeeDee simian saying this?...ouch it hurts so much!

Anyways keep representing BeeDees in all variety and manner of threads....you lot do 99% of the job for me as to what your basket case truly is....if you can get past the 70% poverty that follows you like the Dhaka stench described here:


But yeah, obviously you are the expert on French military history! Take a bow BD troll!
An IQ BeeDee simian saying this?...ouch it hurts so much!

Anyways keep representing BeeDees in all variety and manner of threads....you lot do 99% of the job for me as to what your basket case truly is....if you can get past the 70% poverty that follows you like the Dhaka stench described here:


But yeah, obviously you are the expert on French military history! Take a bow BD troll!

Says the clinically insane that comes from an artificial entity.
Are you for real?

They like to think so. But most of the world just ignores them or at best classifies them as a much poorer version of India and Indian community.

So try your best to excuse their ignorance (their upbringing, education and attitude sucks given their massive inferiority complex). I mean look at this particular specimen going into repeat/broken record mode right now.

If they persist and the spit and stench gets too much, a couple hard slaps to the back of their head works wonders I found (but they may start drooling and only repeating themselves like this retard here).
Are you joking here?

Germany has crushed France in every war in the 20th century - 1 million UK troops saved France in WW1.

Germans are simply far superior to the French. Even as far back as Roman times, French were totally defeated by Rome but the German tribes never were.

France and its army was the backbone of the Allies forces during the WWI, and the victory over German was achieved under the command of the Marshal of France,Ferdinand Foch,supreme allied commander.

If France was incapable of winning any wars,it would have ceased to exist since a long time ago. Seeing how many powers tried to obliterate us through the centuries. @Nilgiri @AUSTERLITZ
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