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GEO News reporter "badly" injured by PTI

Indeed your personal opinion is trash.

Anyone keeping up with news will read about Imran one day or the other. It's not like i read up how many children he had or whatnot. The personal life issue is a state's matter, not a personal. Per state, he can not hold public office.

^^^^ This guy lectures others about English? Shut up with your own poor English, @WishLivePak. :omghaha:

Whether Imran can hold public office or not, he is absolutely right to lead protests for the sake of a judicial commission which is impartial, can investigate electoral fraud, and can punish those responsible for rigging.

If he can get this created, he will be a hero of Pakistan.

how can a picture be biased? Do you want me to put a head of Nawaz in there so my picture isn't bias?

Does this guy have a learning disability?

Can he not tell the difference between
(a) "a picture which is biased" and
(b) "the fact that @WishLivePak puts this picture of Imran Khan in his avatar shows his own bias?

It's (b) which is the issue, and is true; though with his typical confusion @WishLivePak keeps talking about (a).
Where did I indicate/ call you as a PMNL supporter? PLEASE quote me on that!

I don't see at all how your bringing up of PMLN's supporters point of view and the validity of that view is in any war RELEVANT to that which I posted about, just to save you time and not allow you any room to make any judgement yourself.. I'll tell you. I called PTI boys in this thread out for defending what we saw on camera or brushing it off.

Then, you come in mentioning PMLN, which has nothing at all to do with what I said, not once but twice.

So! You tell me now...

Are you:

A) Implying that my view has anything to do with PMLN?
B) Posting way off topic in the context of the reply for God knows what reason?

You should also start getting sick of making assumptions, looking for worst in people is very easy but it does cloud your judgement.

That's actually quite ironic that part about making assumptions, either my assumptions as correct or you've said something incredibly stupid, OR I've missed something which would then be incredibly stupid of me. Only three logical outcomes I see here.

Forget my dark, pessimistic and depressed view of people in general. I had no problem with you or your posts until you replied to me in a very weird way, so like I said, it's either like I said, or if it isn't, you'd need to come up with what I'm missing in this picture, perhaps something you thought of while writing that post that either wasn't conveyed in text or my clouded blind judgemental perspective seemed to miss.

Asking you a simple question doesn't make me put a pmnl tag on you contrary to the popular belief.

Asking an irrelevant question where the only logic that follows from it being asked implies the above, makes your entire premise void.

And finally you haven't really answered my question so I'll try to give you another analogy. TTP in today's attack, some of them were wearing security forces uniform to get easier access, how can the same strategy not have been used by rival political parties for political scoring?

No, I am sorry if I didn't make it BLINDINGLY clear enough to you.

I NEVER BLAMED PTI. Understand that.. twice I've said it now.

However, the crowd was filled with PTI supporters, which was the reason for it's existence in the first place. Agree?
It naturally follows that you cannot RULE OUT the possibility that a PTI supporter of that crowd not acting on some grand conspiracy did partake in that, it could also be true that it was a rogue element within the PTI crowd, no conspiracy. Or it could be your conspiracy scenario, or the deluded scenario by other PTI boys that it was staged and overly dramatic.

Now, same logic needs to be applied to the recent attack, so they had FC uniform. Does that mean we rule out involvement from FC individuals? Of course not, only on proper investigation can we say where they obtained these uniforms, from who and then draw conclusions based on logic and empiricism. Can I blame FC as a whole? Certainly not (and note here, for the nth time, I did not blame PTI as an organization or an entity, I merely suggested that it could be that elements from within PTI are responsible).

So, from all this barking I'm doing here. My point is simple if you wan't to blame PTI as an organization, you may chose to cite the general hatred for Geo network and many accusations of biased/unfair coverage, previous related and unrelated incidents, the incitement from a very high level. That alone, however, is not conclusive, so to accuse you need to have sound evidence, which some argue is the video footage, the counter to that is that the only conclusive event footage is not from a third party and is not complete and unadulterated.

If you wan't to say that PTI has nothing to do with this, then again, the burden of proof is on YOU! Your claim, you provide evidence. And vice versa...

So from that, I see nothing at all wrong in my statements, and nothing that I see that would lead you to need you to ask me again. I made it clear, the evidence suggests it happened in a PTI crowd, we're led to believe that it could have been PTI supporters but we can't be sure, and we also have the clear conviction to do so by way of demonizing Geo that has been going on for a while.

So no. The false logic you're talked against can't be applied, I agree with you. What I don't see is, why you're asking me for a conclusive statement and asking me this particular question, when nothing I've said claimed otherwise.

p.s. I tried not to sound to pissed off, forgive me if I do seem angry. My blood is boiling today.

First I think we agree on some points with maybe one particular one where we have a disagreement or different opinion. Let me know where I am wrong and why you think I am wrong

We agree that it was wrong of people be it anyone to harass media/ ambulance/ women or anyone at all. Yes?
We agree if the right person is caught should be taught a lesson not to repeat in future. Yes?
We agree that people should have a little more respect for these people due to the tense situation around. Yes?

here's the one I have beef with,

Do we agree on the point that the culprit can be anyone from PTI or PMNL or any other faction? Or its definitely undoubtedly a PTI person. Let me know why I am wrong on this one, which has been my question all along to you.

And one thing I want to stress on, I didn't blame/accuse PMNL entirely as definite and proven culprits. I have every time said "it could be staged", which means It can also very well be some dimwit PTI person.

You yet have to quote me on where I said you were a PMNL supporter

And please instead of another 2 page analysis I would just like the quote.

I NEVER BLAMED PTI. Understand that.. twice I've said it now.

And I never said you blamed PTI either, not once not twice. Idk from which cloud you are pulling these statements out of.

Your blood is boiling probably due to school massacre and understandably too, almost every Pakistani is feeling the same but you could limit the usage of stupid stupid stupid and just answer in some plain terms as I have. No need to get personal esp as a moderator whom people look towards as an example.
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