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Gen Sharif to speak on terrorism at Davos meeting


Aug 3, 2008
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ISLAMABAD: Former army chief retired General Raheel Sharif, who enjoys an impressive record of successfully leading a war against terrorism, has been invited to the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, where he will speak on the subject of terrorism.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif will lead the Pakistani delegation to the meeting, which will be chaired jointly by Brian T. Moynihan of the Bank of America, award-winning documentary maker Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, Helle Thorning-Schmidt, Frans van Houten and Meg Whitman.

This is the first time that a former army chief of Pakistan has been invited to speak at the WEF. Earlier, Gen Pervez Musharraf addressed the forum, but in his capacity as the head of a state.

A spokesperson for the WEF confirmed on Friday that retired Gen Sharif would speak at two sessions of the event to be held on January 17.

The session entitled “terrorism in the digital age” will feature debates on the “fragmented struggles” against Al Qaeda, the militant Islamic State group and Boko Haram; responsible leadership in international security; and resilience to the global network.

It will discuss ways to deal with terrorist organisations that are increasingly using sophisticated digital networks to signal allegiance to a wider movement, attack their enemies and manage resources.

Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy among the co-chairpersons of the event
The session will also be attended by Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Director of Counterterrorism Jean-Paul Laborde, Nigerian Vice President Yemi Osinbajo, Prince Turki Al-Faisal Al-Saud, and Europol Director Rob Wainright. Louise Richardson, vice-chancellor of the University of Oxford, will moderate the session.

The second session will be titled “Global security context” and discussions will deal with the issue of “the noteworthy changes and emerging trends reshaping the international security agenda”.

During the debate, dimensions of the recalibration of US security priorities, geostrategic shifts, and future conflict domains will be dealt with.

Besides Gen Sharif, the speakers will include Victor L.L. Chu of the First Eastern Investment Group, Hong Kong, Germany’s Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen and Prince Turki Al-Faisal Al-Saud. The session will be moderated by Robin Niblett, the director of the Chatham House, United Kingdom.

The Davos meeting will also deal with issues like “A new security framework for Asia”, “Global security risk”, “Investing in peace”, “Future of warfare”, and “Harnessing regional cooperation in South Asia”.

Other participants from Pakistan will be Minister of State for National Health Services Saira Afzal Tarrar, Mosharraf Zaidi and Arif Naqvi.

More than 2,500 participants from nearly 100 countries will meet and participate in over 300 sessions.

The theme of the meeting calls on global leaders to renew the systems that have supported international cooperation in the past by adapting them to today’s complex and multi-polar world in ways that foster genuinely inclusive and equitable growth.

Chinese President Xi Jinping will also attend the meeting and deliver a speech, offering Chinese remedies for the world’s economic ailments.

Published in Dawn January 14th, 2017
It's seems like the entire world recognizes the gains and successes Gen RS has made in the war against terrorism (eg. khawaarji fithna).

The Gen. has made the Pak armed forces one of the world's most battle hardened effective force against terrorism and terrorist entities.

This fact is actually a huge thorn in India's backside... their entire strategy was to destabilize and destroy pakistan from within using proxy terrorists.... i.e. the jahil khawaarji who will take from the Indians to kill their own kin.
The Indians are fuming ... and the rest of the world is in awe ... because they had written pakistan off.

But never forget the brave jawaan the men of Steele who gave their lives for Pakistan's tomorrow..

The world including the Indians have always underestimated the Pakistani resolve, our fighting spirit, and the "jazba" we have.
Who is speaking against?

? "Who is speaking against" ?

If you meant, "who is he speaking against?" ... then that would be nobody. He is taking about the achievements made and the way the Pak forces neutralized the terrorist threat and pushed them back into Afghanistan. So I guess he is speaking against the terrorists and not any other nation.

But we can always read between the lines... i.e the enablers are pretty obvious.
Pakistan needed Gen. Raheel, but unfortunately he wanted retirement & may be didn't realise his importance for Pakistan. The bottom line is, he should had stayed & continued serving Pakistan.
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