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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

You listen to me - I am a Mod.

I have books on these topics that contain lot of information. But this is a discussion suited for another thread.

This thread should not be derailed.
Can you enforce the rules here to keep the thread in topic? I’ve been following this for updates but most of the replies here are eye sores filled with arguing who invented modern bathrooms.
LIE, it's much older and it was (is) PALLYwood.
@LeGenD, this isn't helping the Palestinian cause in any way when cheap LIES are easy to expose!
Thanks for the pointer.

Facts will be established.

Can you enforce the rules here to keep the thread in topic? I’ve been following this for updates but most of the replies here are eye sores filled with arguing who invented modern bathrooms.
This forum does not have shortage of you know.
Is there anyone to regulate this forum. I have repeated 3 times the real rules for Dindus .
If we need your opinion, we will give it one to you. In meantime, don't repeat yourself so many times.
I have noticed you and I kinda acknowledge that you existe, isn't there the whole point for you?

Is your opinion needed with your one-sided blind knowledge?
A Former Indian diplomat, and expert on the region, explaining it for those that want to only look at the past few days and not look back at what started last year.

Btw, on the question of a potential mediator; China looks to be the only one with the neutrality and heft to get both sides to agree to something.

45:18-47:35 India, because of its statement, will not be seen as a good interlocutor (as stated by the former Indian ambassador himself)

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No one takes indians seriously they are like the straydogs barking from the sidelines.

It is funny how these Hindujstanis want to be more Israeli than Israelis themselves. Dirty black rats. LOL

Hindutva: "Saaaaar, let me fight for Israeli cause!!!!"
Israel: "Nigga, thanks. We will fight on our own."
No it won’t go on forever. But both sides will have to get used to higher casualties. And both will have to pay a higher price to do what they are doing. The one willing to pay the highest price will win.
Well, nothing last forever, in reality we are all probably just waiting on the big bomb to drop and end it all.

But this is going to be an issue let just say will probably not solved in probably my lifetime and next. And if anyone do solved it and without dropping the big one, he/she probably deserve a Nobel peace prize.
The illusion of security people have (especially Muslims) is completely shattered when you realise that the west who preaches human rights 24/7 is casually watching by and actively supporting & justifying a genocide.

It bends its morals arbitrarily to whatever it feels like and realistically has the power to even genocide others if it really wants. No one would care as Palestine has shown.
Palestinians will fight till death. Glorious death. They do not fear it.
Hamas' battle plan will be that of an Apache resistance. They will resist the zionist, and through resistance they will know who Hamas are. And they will find the evidence of Hamas' resistance in the disemboweled, dismembered, and disfigured bodies of their fellow zionist swine left behind. And the zionist won't be able to help themselves but to imagine the resistance their fellow swine endured at Hamas' hands, and at Hamas' boot heels, and the edge of Hamas' knives. And the zionist will be sickened by Hamas, and the zionist will talk about Hamas, and the zionist will fear Hamas. And when the zionist closes their eyes at night and they're tortured by their subconscious for the evil they have done, it will be with thoughts of Hamas they are tortured with. Sound good?

Now..... no need to get your knickers in a twist you filthy jew-whore.
Hilarious how his “fair and equitable” solution perfectly lines up with the ethnic cleansing goal of a genocidal ethno state.
Israelis are carpet bombing civilians all over eastern Gaza border. So according to Western politicians it's permissable to carpet bomb Israeli Jews too, right ? Is it also permissable to bomb Israeli synagogues full of worshippers? And drop white phosphorus on civilians ?

They publish the location where they think Hamas has built up. Ask civilians to vacate before they bomb. As I watched on BBC. So civilians get enough time to relocate.
What did she mean without a major alert, as soon as they started pouring over the border they were aware of it.
But they were unprepared to deal with the scale and the locations of the invasion.
It's not like they "snuck in"
Look,Israel logically has Gaza under heavy surveillance from the air and land. They probably fly UAVs over Gaza all the time. They have outposts,they have cameras,they have radars to detect missiles,sensors,they have crazy spy equipment. And supposedly....nothing worked. And after getting attacked at the outposts and guardhouses and bases nearby,nobody notified the Army Command? Or the bases deeper in the city? That's what she means I think.
Look,Israel logically has Gaza under heavy surveillance from the area and land. They probably fly UAVs over Gaza all the time. They have outposts,they had cameras,they have radars to detect missiles,sensors,they have crazy spy equipment. And supposedly....nothing worked. And after getting attacked at the outposts and guardhouses and bases nearby,nobody notified the Army Command? Or the bases deeper in the city? That's what she means I think.
Still going? Good work.
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