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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

TV said that the intelligence and Armed Forces had "fallen" on readiness and abilities,because of the months of internal political divisions. But I think that's just stupid. It's as if the entire defence was "switched off".
Yes, something is off here.
Ah but now they act surprised that the IDF is bombing Gaza and destroying entire buildings and streets.

No one is surprised, it's predictable

But whether you are killed day by day and live under a brutal apartheid occupation or you get killed in a massive assault it means the same thing

Palestinians being killed day to day, means Israeli live relatively normal lives

Atleast this way Israel never gets to be a normal society or state

Israeli power is linear,, ie regardless of changing weapons it is in charge, the Palestinians as a occupied people are at the bottom suffering,, right

So that's why Palestinian resistance must revolve around constantly pushing it's population, increasing their numbers and endlessly soaking up the pressure and punishment

Faith has a lot to do with this, Muslim determination to fight back regardless of costs over generations until you can defeat the enemy

Think Muslims wars against crusades, Mongols, even recently Azerbaijan -Armenia

Giving up is pointless, just Keep going soaking up all the punishment

So you would think what's the point, the wider Muslim population is now 2 BILLION plus, these conflicts mass Incite that population against Jews and it makes normal relations with Israel incredibly toxic and difficult and in places around the world smaller Jew populations can come under pressure from large Muslim migrant communities

At some point the Israelis will crack, even today their politics isn't great
It's the U.S that really keeps them going with funding and support, and it the U.S we have to change and woke little loser kids ie the adults of tomorrow's we have to effect

These are demographic that Israel isn't performing great with
Indeed. There is plot involved in this.

Netanyahu is up to something.
This has to be confirmed though,it might be an older video or from a movie or something.

I'm not saying they are above doing such a thing,but I've seen so much misinformation during the first months of the war in Ukraine...
Why should Israel risk launching an offensive campaign with hundreds of thousands of soldiers when they can spam bombs and MLRS into the Gaza strip?

With such a densely populated area and lack of an air defense system, Israel only needs to build a few thousand MOABs to flatten this area.

Or another option is to build a thermobaric weapon system similar to the TOS-1A and fire hundreds of thousands of them into the Gaza strip. It will turn this entire area into an oven. This solution is cheaper and more effective than sending soldiers into urban warfare.

That's like saying why didn't they just nuke the Viet Kong

I mean they killed plenty of you little yellow fcukers and made your women into prostitute's but fundamentally it's a WAR CRIME and international laws come into play

Especially the ability to take the high road in other situations

Oh so if we suprise attack turkey or arab states with conscripion, we can murder ALL the men?
Lets do it on a holiday so that they are unarmed and unprepared!

Completely “moral” ofcourse according to your sick twisted logic.

Didn't you guys send 6 million Jews to the ovens?????

Why the fcuk are the Palestinians suffering for your crimes

Hamas claims four Israeli captives have been killed in strikes on Gaza Strip​

Hamas has claimed four Israeli captives have been killed in strikes on the Gaza Strip.

"The bombardment overnight and today on the Gaza Strip led to the killing of four of the enemy's captives and their captors," said Abu Ubaida, spokesman of the Hamas armed wing.

According to IDF spokesperson, Lieutenant Colonel Richard Hecht, "dozens" of Israelis have been taken hostage by Hamas militants.
This is Hitler like rhetoric. US is being embarrassed badly and will look like pariah state. This is very bad for the US to have a Jewish supremacist say such things. If US doesn't backtrack quickly and clarify it's position, we are going to wake up to a whole more dangerous world. Jews may be targeted all around the world if they don't start restraining their Hitler ISIS fanatics.
This is nothing new. Been happening for years. The media here will just block any images of Israeli war crimes. Palestinian suffering will not be broadcasted.

Israel to cut off its water supply to Gaza Strip​

Israel is to cut off the water it supplies to the Gaza Strip, following Hamas's attack.

The announcement was made by Israel's infrastructure minister, Israel Katz.

"What was in the past, will no longer be in the future," he said in a social media post announcing the cut-off.

It comes after Israel's defence minister said he has ordered a total blockade of Gaza - leaving them with "no electricity, no food and no fuel".

Yoav Gallant described it as a "complete siege" of the Gaza Strip.

The world's most moral army. If you don't have morality against your enemies, then you don't have morality at all.

Terrible and unfortunate..
Is there anyone to regulate this forum. I have repeated 3 times the real rules for Dindus .
If we need your opinion, we will give it one to you. In meantime, don't repeat yourself so many times.
I have noticed you and I kinda acknowledge that you existe, isn't there the whole point for you?
The best solution would be for the people in Gaza to leave for Egypt and for Israel to take over Gaza, demolish it and establish new settlements in that area. This would be the only proper and fair solution for all parties involved. The people in Gaza would have a better life in Egypt, while Israel and Palestine could finally reach a peace agreement.
Even better solution, why don’t all Israelis move to the Nevada desert. Win win for all.. Palestinians live in peace.. Arabs in peace and zionists will live in peace and make Nevada into their promised land.. they could have a homeland many times bigger than their current tiny state..surrounded by subservient gentiles.. who knows they could satisfy their thirst for land grabbing by taking over the whole of Nevada.. I am sure Uncle Sam would not mind…
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