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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

There are two Jewish run countries in the world, Israel and USA, both with roughly 6 million Jews. So, Palestinians and Americans have that in common--being ruled by Jews.

The Palestinians have self-respect and never accepted Jewish rule and are struggling to free themselves. However, the Americans have accepted slavery. Their kissing of Jewish a$$ seems to know no bounds.

During the time of slavery there were the loyal slaves, called Uncle Tom, who served his white master and oppressed fellow blacks. Now we have Uncle Sam who serves his Jewish master and oppresses fellow whites. He makes war and fights and dies for his Jewish master. He becomes gay or transvestite. He shares his women with others. He loses his religion. His children watch transsexual perverts dance naked in school. His women act in **** movies. All for the shekels his Jewish master gives him.

It may be called poetic justice. The white master has become the slave of the Jewish master. He will make war on anyone who looks at his Jewish master the wrong way. He's the best and most loyal slave that Jewish money can buy.

No, Uncle Sam will not be neutral. He will fight to the death for his Jewish master.

Big post .aptly put

And when the boss was sick , Uncle Tom would say “ We sick boss “
When the boss was hurt , Uncle Tom would say “We hurting boss “

Uncle Tom was so brainwashed and programmed just as in present times .
How Israel was duped as Hamas planned devastating assault

"Hamas gave Israel the impression that it was not ready for a fight," said the source close to Hamas.

Hamas used an unprecedented intelligence tactic to mislead Israel over the last months, by giving a public impression that it was not willing to go into a fight or confrontation with Israel while preparing for this massive operation.

"This is our 9/11," said Major Nir Dinar, spokesperson for the Israeli Defence Forces. "They got us."

"They surprised us and they came fast from many spots - both from the air and the ground and the sea."

An Israeli security source acknowledged Israel's security services were duped by Hamas.

"They caused us to think they wanted money," the source said. "And all the time they were involved in exercises/drills until they ran riot."

The Operation Day

When the day came, the operation was divided into four parts, the Hamas source said, describing the various elements.

The first move was a barrage of 3,000 rockets fired from Gaza that coincided with incursions by fighters who flew hang gliders over the border, the source said. Israel has previously said 2,500 rockets were fired at first.

Once the fighters on hang-gliders were on the ground, they secured the terrain so an elite commando unit could storm the fortified electronic and cement wall that divides Gaza from the settlements and which was built by Israel to prevent infiltration.

The fighters used explosives to breach the barriers and then sped across on motorbikes. Bulldozers widened the gaps and more fighters entered in four-wheel drives, scenes that witnesses described.

A commando unit attacked the Israeli army's southern Gaza headquarters and jammed its communications, preventing personnel from calling commanders or each other, the source said.

The final part involved moving hostages to Gaza, mostly achieved early in the attack, the source close to Hamas said.

Source: Reuters
do you still believe any country will physically support them?

All representatives who are celebrating the killings of innocent Israeli people.

They will soon be crying in the name of humanity.

And if any country tries to directly join, the USA will bet free hands to do whatever they can.

Killings of innocent people of both sides is very bad scenario expects Hamas... I hope no one will be left after this from HaMAS
Haha. You think the PLO is a country? Dude, you don't even have the slightest idea of what you're talking about, and stop pontificating like a so-called expert!

The Palestinian people have been experiencing this oppression for decades. The fact that your media does not show it does not mean that this atrocity is not happening. But this time the Israelis are start to feeling some similar things.
So because they served in the army and are called up as reserves in case of war,they are active soldiers? They are "legitimate" targets? What about their kids? Didn't you see the videos of Hamas going door to door exterminating entire families?

They're not. But they also don't think that everyone in Israel is a Zionist. And when I say Zionist,I don't mean the person who believes that Israel has the right to exist as a State,but the ones who want to rule the world and exterminate all Palestinians.

In this case, the civilians are NOT ALL innocent. Jewish home owners in these areas have voluntarily joined a strategic occupation and control of a fellow group of Human Beings. Slowly bulldozing through Palestinian territory over time to rebuild Jewish communities on the freshly conquered Palestinian war torn land. Almost as an ACT of Isreali realestate patriotism or something. They are LITTERALLY LIVING ON the front line of this new battle. A line that continously disects and separates
Palestinian communities from eachother
Certainly the Jewish home owners culpability is utterly negligeable compared to the US /
Isreali war planners who ensure the continuation of this methodical Palestinian geocide, but never the less. These Jewish home "owners" are NOT ignorant of their role and participation in the on going conflict. Their victim status is NOT on the same Level let’s say of a 911 office worker. If anything they use Jewish settler fools as human Shields in an insane genocidal conquest and removal of a people from their land. Called the Palestinians!!!
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Israeli's are literally Nazi's. Even US is not sure how to proceed. Whole international community wants end to Israeli vicious genocide against Palestinians. Gas prices are up thanks to these Israeli extremists triggering a regional war.

Bro, do you have any relatives inside Gaza? There are reports that communications have been cut off.
They are military age and military trained settlers complicit in an ongoing occupation, so yes.
My initial post was pretty clear: "All adults in Israel from 18-60". Which part of this are you struggling with?
One could argue that teenagers to old men can easily be part of Hamas,you get the point?

With this way of thinking,you just think of everyone as potential soldiers and don't care about exterminating them.

Slowly bulldozing through Palestinian territory over time to rebuild Jewish communities on the freshly conquered Palestinian war torn land. Almost as an ACT of Isreali realestate patriotism or something. They are LITTERALLY LIVING ON the front line of this new battle. A line that continously disects and separates
Palestinian communities from eachother
However not all these towns and cities were settlements.
Haha. You think the PLO is a country? Dude, you don't even have the slightest idea of what you're talking about, and stop pontificating like a so-called expert!

The Palestinian people have been experiencing this oppression for decades. The fact that your media does not show it does not mean that this atrocity is not happening. But this time the Israelis are start to feeling some similar things.

I am waiting to hear the news..

Advocates of Palestinians, does anyone have balls to support them as similar to Ukraine as they are getting?

Or can Max do LIP service?

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