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Funeral Cermony of Mumtaz Qadri

The problem has got out of hand tremendously

1. First the Christian women was in prison , government could not free her by disapproving the allegations

2. It failed with protecting rights of minority

3. The government official died by hands of his security guard member

4. Torture of the official's son (This is very disturbing the images on the site)
Pictures of his son Shabaz Taseer, surfaced as I was just googling more info on his father


Apparently his son was kidnapped and tortured some time back

5. Government killed this guy with out first making sure the "Mullah's declare this guy as Murderer"

Reforms are needed on the Blasphemy law becasue when Mohammad p.b.u.h was himself alive , he never killed anyone just becasue anyone verbally abused him , it is documented people disrespected him in his presence and showed mercy and ignored their filth
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As far as i know and feel, Pakistanis cannot be swayed. They are pretty independent and thoughtful opinionated people.

Try to convince a JaTT Sufi about something in a rural area of Punjab. You will have a hell of a job to do then.

In Punjab and Kashmir, most local people in the villages are connected to religious families since the time of Baba Fareed RA. This legacy is too hard to uproot. And most of these people were hurt by Taseers public sentiments and stunts.

That is the reason why most do not have sympathy for Taseer and have sympathy for his killer.
Not really

The problem has got out of hand tremendously

1. First the Christian women was in prison , government could not free her by disapproving the allegations

2. It failed with protecting rights of minority

3. The government official died by hands of his security guard member

4. Torture of the official's son (This is very disturbing the images on the site)
Pictures of his son Shabaz Taseer, surfaced as I was just googling more info on his father


Apparently his son was kidnapped and tortured some time back

5. Government killed this guy with out first making sure the "Mullah's declare this guy as Murderer"

Reforms are needed on the Blasphemy law becasue when Mohammad was himself alive , he never killed anyone just becasue anyone verbally abused him , it is documented people disrespected him in his presence and showed mercy and ignored their filth
And we now have hundreds of thousands of stupid zombies now who want to be the next Mumtaz Qadris
Why nobody is talking about Aasia Bibi. Why is that her case is still pending. Isn't that selective justice.
Not terrorists, but with blasphemy laws. Many Pakistanis think what Qadri did was right. Terrorists use Pak people's love for their religion for their own gains.
This same crowd would tear you apart if you yelled out pro-taliban/terrorist chants.
I will not be surprised if most of these Qadri supporters support TTP.
LeJ supporters no doubt and they all grouped like TTP and various factions, you give them more space they start praising TTP Daesh whatever.

Listen to the video at least 5 times and see what you are missing :)
Also tell me the part where he says no FIR can be registered against them!

Happy watching the video!
Which language do you understand, can't understand urdu? moron watch from start in first two three minuets, stop wasting my time I know there to cure for zombie effected. Peace
This just goes to prove that there is no dearth of idiots in Pakistan. Lift a Rock and you will find dozens of these qadri type Morons crawling out of there.
What you selling ??? You are just another "Manjan Farosh" roaming around as self employed Moral Police.

Come back when you can justify such acts according to Quran and Hadith otherwise you are just another one of those people who replaced their Brains with Green Pagris.
This just goes to prove that there is no dearth of idiots in Pakistan. Lift a Rock and you will find dozens of these qadri type Morons crawling out of there.

i dont think it is an exaggeration to make the claim that 90%+ of Pakistan (in the urban areas alone) support Qadri

rural areas is a different matter (even better)
Stop being in denial people all walks of life attended the funeral. Secondly I work in University and 90 % people around me are supporting Qadri. The anger is to high

Around you :lol: that explains a lot. Please dont waste my time unless you can justify acts of Qadri in light of Hadith and Quran. I have been asking for answers to this Question and yet no one has answered yet. So i believe you will be another one of those who will vanish into thin air now that i have asked you as well.
I will not be surprised if most of these Qadri supporters support TTP.

They dont support TTP, but they support Paak Fauj

They consider TTP as khawarij. Pakistan's top na'at khawans were at the janaza. They have expressed feelings for TTP many times.

TTP is the opposite of being a Sufi.
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This is no surprise, it was very much expected. a vast majority of people had no understanding of the real case and that is why so many people showed up. This shows two things
1. Despite government knowing this kind of response from people, it did not shied away from implementing the court's decision
2. It did not tried to suppress this by secretly burying the dead body itself
3. Allowing people to express their feelings

I see this as, government being confident, and democratic. This is how the nations learn grow. This is how institutions become strong. Court decided the case on merit, and government implemented it openly and they both did it without any fear of repercussions. People came out in large numbers because the media failed to follow the case and present the real facts to people in daily news instead they were all busy competing to be the first one to break the useless and many a times fake news first.

Let people attend his funeral as this is their basic right/responsibility, in a weeks time I will be over. Molvi's have been under a lot of pressure lately and this was their opportunity to show strength.

Things are moving in the right direction and we may witness some more show of strength events like these, but they will not deter us from our path.
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