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Funeral Cermony of Mumtaz Qadri

He should not have been buried as a muslim. He should have been left in an unmarked grave with no worth. The government has made him the terrorists dream come true.

His Mazar to be built on the out skirt of the Islamabad. Land has been acquired already.
Nuke us, please.
I dont want Pakistan to exist anymore, we're not more a threat to the world than we are to ourselves.
Oh come on, Imran Farooq's funeral was just as big with hundreds of thousands of people lining up the streets to pay last respects. Actually Edhi sahab said Imran Farooq's funeral crowd was the largest since Jinnah sahabs. So the size of the crowd proves absolutely zilch. :coffee:

Salman Taseer didn't even commit blashpemy, so what exactly are these people calling a murderer a hero? Jahil qaum.

Lunis bro
This time Barelvis showing muscle , shias will do the same when it comes to them .. High time for GOP to teach religious parties who is boss here .. Make this country a republic
Show me a single example of a Sunni Barelvi aalim saying follow pirs and shaikh blindly even if they are against Quran and Sunnah?

There is nothing like this.. its Wahabi invention to kill innocents..

Translation:Narrated by Ibne Umar (rd) who consider them (khawarij) Worst among the creations, because they use those veses of Holy Quran which was revealed for Kuffaars (non-believers) against Muslims and Make their Qital (killing) Permissible.”

2nd for Tawwasul read this article.. It have quotes of Quran, Hadiths, Tafseer with Scan pages and Translation..


btw this thread not belong to our discussion, we are going off topic...
This is not the forum to discuss such matters as majority of people here are illiterate to basic Islamic laws. So kindly dont give them any chance to insult your beliefs and personalities you love.
Please delete those pictures as they are against forum rules. Religious discussions are not allowed here. Hopefully you understand. Thanks

done :)

Seen it all, heard it all. If you want to understand Hadits read the context/background, read other related Hadits in Bukahri and Muslim, see how it's fits with each other. Than make sure your interpretation doesn't contradict straight forward verses of Quran. I can copy/paste 1000's of pages and links if you want, but like you said, it's off-topic so I will stop here. You can google it yourself, cuz you will not learn anything if your purpose is mere arguing instead if learning.

As @SaG E Jillani88 said this is not a forum to discuss these kind of religious matters...
It is a sad commentary on the state of our nation when this many people show up in support of a criminal. It is clear that what this man did was a crime according to both state and religious law. While we can certainly blame the people for their ignorance, it is the individuals who lead these people who are the real culprits here.

These so call "ulama e kiram" are either ignorant of the very basic principles of shariah, or willfully mislead people for their own benefit. It is unfortunate that due to such individuals genuine scholars and scholarship are discredited and ridiculed. The pseudo scholars have done immeasurable damage to our society.
Mental sickness of is too high on this thread. Everyone is an Aalim and Giving Fatwa.

Burger bache AC bedrooms mein beth kr raja bazar aur saddar mein kitni awaam ho gi k andaze laga rhe hain,

Liberal Fascists Salman Taseer ko apna peer sabit karne par tule hue hain,

Islamists apne point of view ko sahi sabit krne pr tule hue hain chahe kisi bhi had pr jaana pare.

@waz @WAJsal This shittt need to be sort out after all its a defence forum. IMO Ban this topic and be like pemra.
Islam does not deny basic rights to a human. As per Islam every human deserves a respectful burial. So What you are saying is against Islam.
In special cases when the person is out of the fold of Islam burying is not done. This spells doom and only doom for Pakistan. They have turned a villain into a hero. I am strongly against the respect and sympathy a murderer has received.





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