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Four most world's polluted cities belong to India: WHO


Feb 2, 2007
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NEW DELHI - India has the four most polluted cities in the world, World Health Organisation (WHO) said in a report on Friday.

Air pollution is the world's biggest environmental problem and New Delhi has the highest levels of all cities around the globe, according to WHO, with 3.2 years of life lost for the average Indian because of it, Aljazeera reported.

As the UN marks World Environment Day on Friday, WHO has highlighted the problem of deadly air pollution and the need to tackle it to save lives. About eight million people die each year globally because of poor air quality-a figure which continues to rise.

For every 100,000 people, 155 die in India of chronic respiratory disease, the highest rate in the world. Report said that air pollution had reduced India's life expectancy by 3.2 years.

Four most world's polluted cities belong to India: WHO
List of 10 most polluted cities compiled by WHO


Polluted cities of the world

Currently, air pollution is one of the biggest crises facing the world. According to a World Health Organization (WHO) report, in 2010, some 223,000 people around the world died from lungcancer as a result of air pollution. The highest number of death has taken place in China and East Asia.

The Middle East and North Africa is the world's most polluted region, which has a mean level of over 130 mcg (micrograms) per cubic meters. Southeast Asia ranks second in the list.

The World Health Organization has released a report of the world's top 10 polluted cities. Here are the world's 10 worst cities for air pollution.

Lahore, Pakistan

The historic city of Lahore is also one of the most polluted cities of the world. According to a report in 2003, Lahore is the third most polluted city in Pakistan and ranks tenth in the world.

Kanpur, India
Kanpur also has a high rate of air pollution with an average of 209 mcg per cubic meters. It is famous for its leather industries and the emission is very high. It ranks 9th in the list.

Yasuj, Iran

Yasuj is the fourth most contaminated city of Iran and the 8th most polluted city of the world according to the WHO list. Its average level of pollution is 215 mcg per cubic meters.

Gaborone, Botswana

Gaborone is the most polluted city of Botswana and ranks 7th in this list.

Peshawar, Pakistan

Peshawar has been rated to be the second most contaminated city of Pakistan and the 6th most polluted city of the world.

Kermanshah, Iran

On an average, about 5 million people are affected by pollution every day in the developing world. Kermanshah is the most polluted city in Iran and ranks 5th in the WHO list of most polluted cities of the world. The rate is 229 mcg per cubic meters.

Quetta, Pakistan

25 percent of the all deaths in the developing countries are a result of poisoning related to polluted environment. Quetta is the most polluted city of Pakistan and the 4th most polluted city of the world.

This place is jointly shared by Ludhiana, which is also the most polluted city of India according to reports. The pollution was so high that the government issues ban on the industrial pollution in 2010, which was later, lifted in February 2011.

Sanandaj, Iran

At No.3 in the list of most polluted cities is the capital of Kurdish Culture and Kurdistan Province. Sanandaj has an annual mean level of 254 mcg per cubic meters according to 2009 data.

Ulan Bator, Mongolia

Ulan Bator city of Mongolia is at second spot among the world's most polluted cities, with an annual mean figure of 279 mcg per cubic meters. According to a study done by the Public Health Institute of Ulan Bator, the number of people sickened by respiratory disease increased 45 percent between 2004 and 2008.

Ahvaz, Iran

Ahwaz, in southwest Iran produces the country's most oil, is topped the most polluted cities in the world, with an annual mean level of 372 mcg per cubic meters
Particles released by burning petrol and diesel for car and motorcycle combustion, or coal, fuel wood, charcoal and animal waste for heating and cooking kills almost 2 million people every year.
Of the World's 20 Most Polluted Cities, 13 are Indian


On this year's World Environment Day, let's have a look at where India stands in the list of most polluted places. As many as 13 Indian cities, including national capital Delhi, are among the top 20 most polluted ones across the globe.

Vapi in Gujarat and Sukinda in Odisha are also among the top 10 most environmentally-degraded zones in the world. Besides, the Ganga and the Yamuna have also been listed among the top 10 most polluted rivers in the world.

China, which has been ahead of India in several sectors, including economy, lags behind this time around. Only three Chinese cities have been named among the top 20 most polluted ones and has just one polluted river, and it is nowhere in the list of the 10 most environmentally-degraded zones across the globe,
Hindustan Times reports.

India and China's growth seems to have affected the environment in both the countries. While China stands first in carbon emission across the world, India maintains the third position.

Why India has more number of polluted cities than China?

China is way ahead of India in managing the impact of furiously growing economy, which affected its rivers and air. However, over the time, China managed to clean several of its polluted rivers and controlled air pollution by imposing strict rules.

"Beijing's air pollution has dipped 40 per cent since 2000 as we have taken steps to phase out polluting vehicles and put checks on building heating systems," Beijing municipal officer Li Kunsheng had said at an event in Delhi earlier this year.

While China managed to bring down the pollution level in its national capital, India failed to even control the rapidly growing air pollution, which in Delhi has risen by 20 percent since 2000. And the environment activists believe that this is going to get worse if government doesn't act immediately.

"In India, environment degradation is a runaway problem impinging on public health an exacerbating poverty... We need to act and act fast ... otherwise the health cost would be enormous," Delhi-based NGO's director general Sunita Narain said.

In the 290 rivers across India, water in 66 percent of the stretches has high amounts of organic pollution, making it unfit for aquatic life.

"Increasing flow of untreated waste water from cities into these rivers is the reason for our rivers getting polluted," Central Pollution Control Board chairman and special secretary in the environment ministry Shashi Shekhar said.

Among all the polluted cities in India, there's one where people can still breathe clean air, Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu, while there are others who are trying to change the situation of the country.

The cities that are working towards providing better environment conditions are Bengaluru, Gujarat and Kolkata.

Union Environment Minister Prakash Javadekar is also bringing up policies such as "development without destruction" and system to focus on "self-regulation" and strengthen the "polluter-pay principle" by imposing heavy penalty on those violating environmental laws.

World Environment Day: Of the World's 20 Most Polluted Cities, 13 are Indian

India has taken notice of the issue, and has started working on it using Chinese model if I am not wrong.. Hopefully the people also respect their government's wishes and the reality is that they need to really work on keeping their areas cleaner
The Lahore issue is old, and things have improved dramatically, view the city on Google earth and look at the ratio of green now and with the help of our turkish brothers we have used their model which has really helped keep our cities cleaner
The Blacksmith Institute in collaboration with Green Cross Switzerland recently evaluated the most dangerous pollution problems we face today. As a result, they put together this top ten list of the most deadliest factors we face:

1. Groundwater Contamination

2. Industrial Mining Activities 3. Metals Smelters and Processing 4. Radioactive Waste and Uranium Mines 5. Untreated Sewage 6. Urban Air Quality 7. Used Lead Acid Battery Recycling 8. Contaminated Surface Water 9. Indoor Air Pollution 10. Artisanal Gold Mining

It is truly troubling to realize that many people have built their homes nearby these major pollutants. The World Health Organizationhas released numerous reports stating that life expectancy is still below the age of 40 in many countries. Yet there are 16 countries where the citizens can expect to live past 80 years old. Although contributing factors include war and civil strife, one of the biggest factors is disease. Many countries still lack proper sanitation and trash removal, leaving its hungry citizens to dig through polluted waste to find food. The contrast between developing nations and developed nations is far reaching, even though developed countries like the United States are major polluters. Overall there are many factors that contribute to the cleanliness and health of a city. Allow this pictorial list to display the devastating differences between the cities that have put a system in place to deal with pollution and waste and the cities that have relatively little pollution management in effect. Here is the top 10 most polluted cities in the world vs. the top 10 cleanest cities in the world:

The 10 most polluted cities in the world

1. Linfen, China
Type of Pollution: Coal Source of Pollution:Industrial and Automotive Emissions Linfen, China is not only the most-polluted city in China, but also the world. It includes many coal mines. Although legal coal mines create a lot of pollution, it is the city’s illegal coal mines that do the most damage, since they do not follow anti-pollution regulations. The city’s air is constantly soiled with burning coal.

2. Tianying, China
Type of Pollution: Lead and heavy metals Source of Pollution:Mining and Processing Tianying accounts for more than 50 percent of China’s total lead production. Because there are not many standards that regulate lead production in China, a lot of lead ends up in the city’s soil and water. Ultimately, the lead ends up in the bloodstream of children. Lead has been shown to decrease IQ in children.

3. Sukinda, India
Type of Pollution: Hexavalent Chromium Source of Pollution:Chromite Mines Hexavalent Chromium is a carcinogenic type of steel used for leather tanning. In Sukinda, India, studies show that the drinking water includes more than double the international standard of Hexavalent Chromium. An Indian health group estimates that nearly 85 percent of deaths in mining areas are due to diseases that stem from chromium exposure.

4. Vapi, India
Type of Pollution: Chemicals and metals Source of Pollution:Industrial estates Vapi, India might be higher on this list if it weren’t for its slow growth. The city’s groundwater has been found to contain mercury levels almost 100 times higher than the World Health Organization’s recommended amount. Heavy metals can be found in the city’s crops and air.

5. La Oroya, Peru
Type of Pollution: Sulfur dioxide, lead, copper, zinc Source of Pollution:Metal mining and processing La Oroya, Peru has the dubious distinction of being a city where 99 percent of children’s lead blood levels that are higher than the acceptable limits. According to the World Health Organization, the lead level is three times the acceptable limit. The lead is likely to stay in the soil for centuries to come.

6. Dzerzhinsk, Russia
Type of Pollution: Chemicals and toxic byproducts, such as sarin and vx gas Source of Pollution:Chemical Weapon Manufacturing The Guinness Book of World Records named Dzerzhinsk, Russia as the most chemically polluted city in the world. Nearly 300,000 tons of chemical waste was improperly dumped here between 1930 and 1998. The city’s death rate exceeds its birth rate by 260 percent.

7. Norilsk, Russia
Type of Pollution: Air pollution such as particulates and sulfur dioxide Source of Pollution: Nickel and Metal Mining and Processing Norilsk is the location of the world’s largest heavy metal smelting plant. More than four million tons of dangerous chemicals are released into the city’s atmosphere every year. It is difficult to find even a single living tree within 30 miles of the city.

8. Chernobyl, Ukraine
Type of Pollution: Radiation Source of Pollution:Nuclear meltdown When the Chernobyl nuclear plant melted down in 1986, it sent 100 times more radiation into the air than the nuclear bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined. The area is still contaminated and is expected to stay that way for thousands of years. The 20-mile area around Chernobyl remains uninhabitable.

9. Sumgayit, Azerbaijan
Type of Pollution: Organic chemicals, heavy metals and oil Source of Pollution:Industrial and petrochemical complexes When the factories in Sumgayit, Azerbaijan were still operational, they released upwards of 12,000 tons of harmful emissions – like mercury – each year. Even though the majority of the factories have closed their doors, the pollution is still there. There is no work to speak of being done to clean up the area.

10. Kabwe, Zambia
Type of Pollution: Cadmium and lead Source of Pollution:Lead processing and mining High levels of lead were first discovered in Kabwe, Zambia in 1902, but little has been done to protect citizens since the discovery. Zambian children average between five and ten times more lead concentration in their blood than what the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency allows. Approximately $40 million from the World Bank has been allocated to aid in a clean-up project in this area.
Of the World's 20 Most Polluted Cities, 13 are Indian


On this year's World Environment Day, let's have a look at where India stands in the list of most polluted places. As many as 13 Indian cities, including national capital Delhi, are among the top 20 most polluted ones across the globe.

Vapi in Gujarat and Sukinda in Odisha are also among the top 10 most environmentally-degraded zones in the world. Besides, the Ganga and the Yamuna have also been listed among the top 10 most polluted rivers in the world.

China, which has been ahead of India in several sectors, including economy, lags behind this time around. Only three Chinese cities have been named among the top 20 most polluted ones and has just one polluted river, and it is nowhere in the list of the 10 most environmentally-degraded zones across the globe, Hindustan Times reports.

India and China's growth seems to have affected the environment in both the countries. While China stands first in carbon emission across the world, India maintains the third position.

Why India has more number of polluted cities than China?

China is way ahead of India in managing the impact of furiously growing economy, which affected its rivers and air. However, over the time, China managed to clean several of its polluted rivers and controlled air pollution by imposing strict rules.

"Beijing's air pollution has dipped 40 per cent since 2000 as we have taken steps to phase out polluting vehicles and put checks on building heating systems," Beijing municipal officer Li Kunsheng had said at an event in Delhi earlier this year.

While China managed to bring down the pollution level in its national capital, India failed to even control the rapidly growing air pollution, which in Delhi has risen by 20 percent since 2000. And the environment activists believe that this is going to get worse if government doesn't act immediately.

"In India, environment degradation is a runaway problem impinging on public health an exacerbating poverty... We need to act and act fast ... otherwise the health cost would be enormous," Delhi-based NGO's director general Sunita Narain said.

In the 290 rivers across India, water in 66 percent of the stretches has high amounts of organic pollution, making it unfit for aquatic life.

"Increasing flow of untreated waste water from cities into these rivers is the reason for our rivers getting polluted," Central Pollution Control Board chairman and special secretary in the environment ministry Shashi Shekhar said.

Among all the polluted cities in India, there's one where people can still breathe clean air, Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu, while there are others who are trying to change the situation of the country.

The cities that are working towards providing better environment conditions are Bengaluru, Gujarat and Kolkata.

Union Environment Minister Prakash Javadekar is also bringing up policies such as "development without destruction" and system to focus on "self-regulation" and strengthen the "polluter-pay principle" by imposing heavy penalty on those violating environmental laws.

World Environment Day: Of the World's 20 Most Polluted Cities, 13 are Indian

:(:( its true..we need strong people and govt efforts to decrease pollution but with high aspirations of developing cities its not likely to happen soon.
wrong thread...Fast has nothing to do with pollution! Unless you mean to say its fine we are polluted as long as we are fast ...who cares few die in the process? :undecided:

You people always have habit of starting troll thread,so our response

When India send Mars orbiter, then u people start poverty thread, when india makes land mark deal with any other countries you people start toilet thread and the list goes on.

Shall i start a thread every day like these Mr.Troll !

Top Ten Most Dangerous Cities In The World | ASecureLife.com
so our response
derailing isnt a response it is the same as trolling

You people always have habit of starting troll thread,so our response

When India send Mars orbiter, then u people start poverty thread, when india makes land mark deal with any other countries you people start toilet thread and the list goes on.

Shall i start a thread every day like these Mr.Troll !

Top Ten Most Dangerous Cities In The World | ASecureLife.com
May I also point out when Pakistan shake hands with Afghanistan, who was crying about it and rejecting it as though they have a say?

Who was telling China they dont agree with Pak- China corridor when they had nothing to do with it? Really....Then who jailed a pigeon- talk about phobia!
List of 10 most polluted cities compiled by WHO


Polluted cities of the world

Currently, air pollution is one of the biggest crises facing the world. According to a World Health Organization (WHO) report, in 2010, some 223,000 people around the world died from lungcancer as a result of air pollution. The highest number of death has taken place in China and East Asia.

The Middle East and North Africa is the world's most polluted region, which has a mean level of over 130 mcg (micrograms) per cubic meters. Southeast Asia ranks second in the list.

The World Health Organization has released a report of the world's top 10 polluted cities. Here are the world's 10 worst cities for air pollution.

Lahore, Pakistan

The historic city of Lahore is also one of the most polluted cities of the world. According to a report in 2003, Lahore is the third most polluted city in Pakistan and ranks tenth in the world.

Kanpur, India
Kanpur also has a high rate of air pollution with an average of 209 mcg per cubic meters. It is famous for its leather industries and the emission is very high. It ranks 9th in the list.

Yasuj, Iran

Yasuj is the fourth most contaminated city of Iran and the 8th most polluted city of the world according to the WHO list. Its average level of pollution is 215 mcg per cubic meters.

Gaborone, Botswana

Gaborone is the most polluted city of Botswana and ranks 7th in this list.

Peshawar, Pakistan

Peshawar has been rated to be the second most contaminated city of Pakistan and the 6th most polluted city of the world.

Kermanshah, Iran

On an average, about 5 million people are affected by pollution every day in the developing world. Kermanshah is the most polluted city in Iran and ranks 5th in the WHO list of most polluted cities of the world. The rate is 229 mcg per cubic meters.

Quetta, Pakistan

25 percent of the all deaths in the developing countries are a result of poisoning related to polluted environment. Quetta is the most polluted city of Pakistan and the 4th most polluted city of the world.

This place is jointly shared by Ludhiana, which is also the most polluted city of India according to reports. The pollution was so high that the government issues ban on the industrial pollution in 2010, which was later, lifted in February 2011.

Sanandaj, Iran

At No.3 in the list of most polluted cities is the capital of Kurdish Culture and Kurdistan Province. Sanandaj has an annual mean level of 254 mcg per cubic meters according to 2009 data.

Ulan Bator, Mongolia

Ulan Bator city of Mongolia is at second spot among the world's most polluted cities, with an annual mean figure of 279 mcg per cubic meters. According to a study done by the Public Health Institute of Ulan Bator, the number of people sickened by respiratory disease increased 45 percent between 2004 and 2008.

Ahvaz, Iran

Ahwaz, in southwest Iran produces the country's most oil, is topped the most polluted cities in the world, with an annual mean level of 372 mcg per cubic meters
Particles released by burning petrol and diesel for car and motorcycle combustion, or coal, fuel wood, charcoal and animal waste for heating and cooking kills almost 2 million people every year.

you must be kidding about lahore lol . lahore is very clean and beautiful city you can compare it with your banglore ;)
India is developing and the good thing with Indians is they try to learn from their mistakes..it may take time but I am hopeful India will be much cleaner in 25_ years.
We can't compare Pakistan and India

On one hand,we(pakistanis) have a history of having the best sanitation system in the world 5,000 years earlier to which even today one indian city is not able to reach.

On the other hand,we have india having 13 cities in the index of top 20 polluted cities.
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