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Four most world's polluted cities belong to India: WHO

no idea what that means!
International Yoga Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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You people always have habit of starting troll thread,so our response

When India send Mars orbiter, then u people start poverty thread, when india makes land mark deal with any other countries you people start toilet thread and the list goes on.

Shall i start a thread every day like these Mr.Troll !

Top Ten Most Dangerous Cities In The World | ASecureLife.com

dont you people bring everything related to Pakistan with bomb blast
You asked for medication i gave you an international day.By d way what preparations you r doing in Islamabad to observe this day.
Did you read my post...medication was for the reference you used to try and subdue to WHO article ....
NEW DELHI - India has the four most polluted cities in the world, World Health Organisation (WHO) said in a report on Friday.

Air pollution is the world's biggest environmental problem and New Delhi has the highest levels of all cities around the globe, according to WHO, with 3.2 years of life lost for the average Indian because of it, Aljazeera reported.

As the UN marks World Environment Day on Friday, WHO has highlighted the problem of deadly air pollution and the need to tackle it to save lives. About eight million people die each year globally because of poor air quality-a figure which continues to rise.

For every 100,000 people, 155 die in India of chronic respiratory disease, the highest rate in the world. Report said that air pollution had reduced India's life expectancy by 3.2 years.

Four most world's polluted cities belong to India: WHO

What Delhi or India as a whole is responding to such acute pollution problem?

NYT writer is absolutely right: Delhi is literally a shithole; but so is all of India - Firstpost
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