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Four most world's polluted cities belong to India: WHO

NEW DELHI - India has the four most polluted cities in the world, World Health Organisation (WHO) said in a report on Friday.

Air pollution is the world's biggest environmental problem and New Delhi has the highest levels of all cities around the globe, according to WHO, with 3.2 years of life lost for the average Indian because of it, Aljazeera reported.

As the UN marks World Environment Day on Friday, WHO has highlighted the problem of deadly air pollution and the need to tackle it to save lives. About eight million people die each year globally because of poor air quality-a figure which continues to rise.

For every 100,000 people, 155 die in India of chronic respiratory disease, the highest rate in the world. Report said that air pollution had reduced India's life expectancy by 3.2 years.

Four most world's polluted cities belong to India: WHO
Countries with the worst air pollution ranked by World Health Organization
Pakistan is worlds most polluted nation.
Here are the 10 most polluted countries in the world.
1. Pakistan

Average PM2.5 pollution: 101 ug/m3

With a population of almost 180 million urban air pollution in Pakistan causes thousands of adult deaths each year.

A World Bank report found that outdoor air pollution alone causes more than 80,000 hospital admissions per year; nearly 8,000 cases of chronic bronchitis, and almost five million cases of lower respiratory cases in children under the age of five.


Too dangerous to even breathe in Pakistan. Source: AFP

2. Qatar

Average PM2.5 pollution: 92 ug/m3

With a population of 2 million people and growing, Qatar also faces increased pollution from its high rate of construction and busy air traffic making it the second most polluted country in the world.


Qatar has one of the world’s busiest air routes. Source: AP

3. Afghanistan

Average PM2.5 pollution: 84 ug/m3

The Afghanistan government estimates that air pollution is responsible for 3000 deaths every year in the capital Kabul.

With a population of almost 30 million, Afghanistan suffers from traffic congestion, dust and the geographical limitations of a mountainous city.

The city’s swelling size has led to illegal homes powered by diesel generators or for those who can’t afford electricity, they burn tires and plastic bags for fuel.

4. Bangladesh

Average PM2.5 pollution: 79 ug/m3

Home to nearly 155 million people, the air quality has fallen nearly 60 per cent in the last 10 years. In fact three Bangladeshi cities are in the top 25 cities with the poorest air quality.


The highly polluted tannery area of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Source: AP

5. Iran

Average PM2.5 pollution: 76 ug/m3

With a population of more than 76 million, four cities in Iran make the top 10 list of most polluted cities in the world. A combination of poor political decisions, substandard gasoline and traffic congestion means that its residents inhale a deadly mix of rubber particles, asbestos, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and carbon monoxide.


The heavily polluted city of Tehran, Iran. Source: AFP

6. Egypt

Average PM2.5 pollution: 74 ug/m3

The average resident of Cairo breathes in more than 20 times the acceptable level of air pollution every day according to WHO. The growing number of cars, factories and power plants, and the use of old heating methods such as burning coal and wood are considered to be the main man-made sources of air pollution.


Ancient pyramids engulfed by smog in Egypt. Source: News Corp Australia

7. Mongolia

Average PM2.5 pollution: 64 ug/m3

It’s population may only be 2.7 million but Mongolia’s long, cold winters that can drop to minus 40 degrees Celsius means that many Mongolians burn coal for cooking and heating creating a huge air pollution problem. Its capital Ulaanbaatar is one of the most polluted cities in the world.


Freezing winter temperatures means many Mongolians resort to open fire heating. Source: News Corp Australia

8. United Arab Emirates

Average PM2.5 pollution: 61 ug/m3

It may be one of the richest regions in the world, but it has made its fortune from the oil and gas industries that are notoriously filthy. With a population of more than 9 million, Dubai launched an annual “car free day” in 2010 to try and tackle its problems with congestion and pollution.


All that money can’t buy clean air in the UAE. Source: Supplied

9. India

Average PM2.5 pollution: 59 ug/m3

In the winter of 2013, air pollution in New Delhi was 60 times higher than the level considered safe according to India’s Center for Science and Environment (CSE) and it had the highest rate of air pollution in the world according to WHO.

Pollution from construction sites, industrial emissions, open fires, vehicle emissions and a staggering population of 1.2 billion put India at number nine on the list.

10. Bahrain

Average PM2.5 pollution: 57 ug/m3

Air pollution is not entirely relegated to the world’s developing nations. The high income country of Bahrain may only have a population of 1.3 million but it scraped in at number 10 on the list due to its high levels of pollution from energy production, dust, smoke and industrial emissions.
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derailing isnt a response it is the same as trolling

May I also point out when Pakistan shake hands with Afghanistan, who was crying about it and rejecting it as though they have a say?

Who was telling China they dont agree with Pak- China corridor when they had nothing to do with it? Really....Then who jailed a pigeon- talk about phobia!

You are talking as if every of your members always stick to the topic.If news sharing is whole idea, then why no one start with above chinese topic, the problem is, if you don't like a news even it is big it will not come as thread, even some one sneeze in india, it become a very big topic and multiple threads in this forum.
We can't compare Pakistan and India

On one hand,we(pakistanis) have a history of having the best sanitation system in the world 5,000 years earlier to which even today one indian city is not able to reach.

On the other hand,we have india having 13 cities in the index of top 20 polluted cities.
We cannot compare Pakistan and India.you are right. Plz checkt # 16 that shows you mirror my Pakistani friend.
You are talking as if every of your members always stick to the topic.If news sharing is whole idea, then why no one start with above chinese topic, the problem is, if you don't like a news even it is big it will not come as thread, even some one sneeze in india, it become a very big topic and multiple threads in this forum.
Are chinese no.1 in pollution? I see india's name ....

Talk about sneezing where is our pigeon?

You guys do stupid things and blame us for your appearance in news from Afghanistan and Pakistan shaking hands for intellegence and Pakistan and China making a deal for Pak-China corridor....Nowhere is india related yet it goes and decides to make news by rejecting/ objecting/ complaining/ whining about both :tup:
Even Pakistan is world no. 2
in water pollution
Pollution endangers not only a person’s health, but also the environment where he lives. As regards the dangers of pollution, here is a list of the top 10 most polluted countries in the world:

Peru – The environmental problems in Peru are soil erosion, soil pollution, water and air pollution, and deforestation. In Peru, water pollution is caused by industrial waste and oil-related waste.

Pakistan – The main problem in this country is potable water and sanitation. Approximately 80% of the population do not have flush toilets in Pakistan.

Kuwait – The Gulf War caused major damage to this country. Oil pollutes a huge part in the deserts of Kuwait. Most children acquired leukaemia, due to the radiation of depleted uranium.

Saudi Arabia – The oil spills caused by the Gulf War triggered severe pollution in various bodies of water in this country. With the rapid growth of population in Saudi Arabia, the sewage systems are inadequate, and the underground water is also contaminated and unfit for human use.

Ethiopia – Ethiopia experiences environmental problems that cause the agricultural balance to be unstable. Also, chemical pollution in this country has caused severe diseases.

Russia – Industrial and secret military factories in Russia cause air pollution and the depletion of the ozone layer.

Indonesia – Indonesia experiences garbage disposal dilemmas, due to improper industrial planning.

India – The Indian waters are polluted with billions of waste materials.

China – There is scarcity in safe drinking water in China. About 500 million people suffer from diseases caused by contaminated water.

United States – The United States is the world’s biggest culprit of green house effect and global warming.
The Top 10 Most Polluted Countries | Top Ten:s
Are chinese no.1 in pollution? I see india's name ....

Talk about sneezing where is our pigeon?

You guys do stupid things and blame us for your appearance in news from Afghanistan and Pakistan shaking hands for intellegence and Pakistan and China making a deal for Pak-China corridor....Nowhere is india related yet it goes and decides to make news by rejecting/ objecting/ complaining/ whining about both :tup:

When some one claim our water's are highly polluted, be prepared to embrace where it goes !
Lol Nair,you should humble to them as they are no.1 air polluted and no. 2 water polluted nation in the world.

Even they will come and claim that they kept a filter to clean indian waters to pakistan or deny consumption of indus water
When some one claim our water's are highly polluted, be prepared to embrace where it goes !
If someone backs it up with WHO reports....I am not sure why you are still in denial...go sue WHO instead of becoming a internet warrior! :tsk: what a waste!
If someone backs it up with WHO reports....I am not sure why you are still in denial...go sue WHO instead of becoming a internet warrior! :tsk: what a waste!

So then accept that you are consuming a very dirty indian water.
Lahore, Pakistan

The historic city of Lahore is also one of the most polluted cities of the world. According to a report in 2003, Lahore is the third most polluted city in Pakistan and ranks tenth in the world.
U wot m8? Even Peshawar has improved significantly.
Even they will come and claim that they kept a filter to clean indian waters to pakistan or deny consumption of indus water

Top 5 most polluting countries

Anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions are the main cause of climate change. Its effects on global warming are devastating, and it is becoming increasingly urgent to reduce these emissions and curb the pressure that humans exert on the planet. The situation is so critical that, by the International Energy Agency's assessment, if we continue not to remedy it emissions will be up 130% by 2050.

The most polluting countries seem to be aware of the need to reduce their emissions but, despite agreements like the Kyoto Protocol, these carbon dioxide emissions continue to rise.

Do you know which the planet’s most polluting countries are?


China, with the most polluted cities in the world

China: The terrible condition of the air in its cities is just one example of how this country, growing at breakneck speed, does not exercise sufficient control over its emissions. Development of this kind must take account of environmental risks, given that in just a few years it has overtaken the United States in terms of tons of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere.

United States: Being a great power also has its downside, as is the case of the United States. Not only is it one of the worst countries in terms in of CO2 emissions, but also with regard to water pollution and endangered species. The Obama government wishes to announce strong measures to cut back on these carbon emissions, in a country that has more than 600 electric power stations.

Brazil: Another of the countries experiencing greatest economic development in recent years, once again, accompanied by an increase in greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere. This is added to by the speed of deforestation of the Amazon region, one of the world's biggest green lungs. Brazil is also among the top countries in terms of endangered species and water pollution.
Indonesia: This has quickly become one of the world's most polluting countries. Furthermore, it is destroying forests at breakneck speed, so much so that it has reached 40% deforestation in less than 50 years. This Asian country has emission levels similar to those of European countries, and Jakarta, its capital, is one of the most polluted cities. As an example, we have only to visit the areas surrounding the Citarum River, one of the most polluted rivers in the world.
Japan: Fukushima is just the tip of the iceberg in a country where pollution getting worse day by day. The Japanese government set a target of a 3.8% reduction in emissions by 2020. Despite this, in February 2014 the highest rate of pollution was reached in increasingly large areas of the country, and the authorities had to recommend the use of masks and limit trips abroad.

Other countries with high emission rates are Russia, India, Germany, Australia and Canada. Most of the emissions that reach the atmosphere come from coal (43%), followed by oil (33%). Countries must rapidly direct their development toward clean and renewable energy, to curb emissions and avoid the dark forecast for 2050.
Yes to development, but always in a sustainable way!
Top 5 most polluting countries
So then accept that you are consuming a very dirty indian water.
How am I consuming it? RIP indian logic :tsk:


Top 5 most polluting countries

Anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions are the main cause of climate change. Its effects on global warming are devastating, and it is becoming increasingly urgent to reduce these emissions and curb the pressure that humans exert on the planet. The situation is so critical that, by the International Energy Agency's assessment, if we continue not to remedy it emissions will be up 130% by 2050.

The most polluting countries seem to be aware of the need to reduce their emissions but, despite agreements like the Kyoto Protocol, these carbon dioxide emissions continue to rise.

Do you know which the planet’s most polluting countries are?


China, with the most polluted cities in the world

China: The terrible condition of the air in its cities is just one example of how this country, growing at breakneck speed, does not exercise sufficient control over its emissions. Development of this kind must take account of environmental risks, given that in just a few years it has overtaken the United States in terms of tons of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere.

United States: Being a great power also has its downside, as is the case of the United States. Not only is it one of the worst countries in terms in of CO2 emissions, but also with regard to water pollution and endangered species. The Obama government wishes to announce strong measures to cut back on these carbon emissions, in a country that has more than 600 electric power stations.

Brazil: Another of the countries experiencing greatest economic development in recent years, once again, accompanied by an increase in greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere. This is added to by the speed of deforestation of the Amazon region, one of the world's biggest green lungs. Brazil is also among the top countries in terms of endangered species and water pollution.
Indonesia: This has quickly become one of the world's most polluting countries. Furthermore, it is destroying forests at breakneck speed, so much so that it has reached 40% deforestation in less than 50 years. This Asian country has emission levels similar to those of European countries, and Jakarta, its capital, is one of the most polluted cities. As an example, we have only to visit the areas surrounding the Citarum River, one of the most polluted rivers in the world.
Japan: Fukushima is just the tip of the iceberg in a country where pollution getting worse day by day. The Japanese government set a target of a 3.8% reduction in emissions by 2020. Despite this, in February 2014 the highest rate of pollution was reached in increasingly large areas of the country, and the authorities had to recommend the use of masks and limit trips abroad.

Other countries with high emission rates are Russia, India, Germany, Australia and Canada. Most of the emissions that reach the atmosphere come from coal (43%), followed by oil (33%). Countries must rapidly direct their development toward clean and renewable energy, to curb emissions and avoid the dark forecast for 2050.
Yes to development, but always in a sustainable way!
Top 5 most polluting countries
Yup that website is more accurate than WHO ...Next time you need medication due consult them :tup:
How am I consuming it? RIP indian logic :tsk:

Yup that website is more accurate than WHO ...Next time you need medication due consult them :tup:
Ya on June 21 i.e on international yoga day ,we will perform suryanamaskar together and do the perfect medication mam.
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