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Fifth Of India's Underwater Fleet Out Of Action

Your whole understanding is flawed,the chinese navy is much larger ofcourse but we laugh because it has no power projection capability in the IOR.All those huge numbers of subs can't operate so far from their home bases except a handful noisy nuke subs which even our diesel fleet outnumbers.
We have carriers and much more exp at that. And our surface ships are every bit as capable.We also have more naval warfare experience and do more exrecises.Neither is our command hindered by political commisars.
Any chinese task force entering IOR,will be attacked from our unsinkable carrier at andaman with sukhois and p-8is from the air raining hell.Subs from underneath and surface ships as well.
We laugh at the comparison because u fools always make paper comparsions rather than consider the actual realistic scenario that involves geography.Without taking geography into account the paper figures are meaningless.

You are 100% right. IN had already placed an order for 12 P-8Is which it firstly told as 10 P-8Is. Now in such a scenario IN might going to directly place a bigger order of another 18 P-8Is to have about a total of:
30 P-8Is till 2020.

Also there is a higher possibility that IN might going to place a direct order for:
6 Amur
6 U-214

That might be delivered to IN before 2020 as well.
Well,what I said what about the pathetic mindset of many Pakistani and Chinese members on that thread who were celebrating the death of Indian sailors,at least learn from your own compatriots,see many Pakistani members ave expressed their condolences in that thread.

Sorry,We do not require your advice on such things,mean while try to Induct a destroyer to your navy that has more tonnage than our Kamorta class corvette.

I don't expect the citizen of a country that doesn't have much of shipbuilding capability and only have the capability to assemble parts of a 2500 tonne Chinese frigate to understand anything about shipbuilding ,Here in India,in Cochin Shipyard we have the experience in building 100,000 tonne tankers and have the capability to build 125,000 tonne ships .

We have designed and developed our own ships like Kolkata class destroyers ,Shivalik class friates,Delhi class destroyers and even our nuclear submarines.

So first look at the capability of your own country,before you start to criticize others acheivements,have a look at your own country.

Lol. Look at this 17 year old expert on Indian-everything. Whether it's the Navy (who have yet to recover from the shame of losing their most advanced and well-equipped nuclear-powered submarine in 20 feet of water), the Air Force or the Army, this champion of Indians everywhere is found everywhere copy-pasting inaccurate, future wet-dreams from all around the Indian web. "Sorry, We do not require your", L M A O, who the hell is 'we'? You and your stuffed toy? You don't speak for your street, lest your entire country. And have some shame fanboy. I can understand it hurts watching 250 million dollars of "state-of-the-art", stationary submarine sink in ten minutes, but thumping your chest and stroking your ego shows that you are, not strong, but weak and grimacing from the gash which the torpedoes tore open in your sides... Your pride is hurt, it's okay to let your guard down. Get off PDF, cry a little, weep for the dead, hug your GSLV stuffed-toy, show that you are grieving. It is only respectful. Take my advice. It'll make you look like more of a man and less of a chump.
You are 100% right. IN had already placed an order for 12 P-8Is which it firstly told as 10 P-8Is. Now in such a scenario IN might going to directly place a bigger order of another 18 P-8Is to have about a total of:
30 P-8Is till 2020.

Also there is a higher possibility that IN might going to place a direct order for:
6 Amur
6 U-214

That might be delivered to IN before 2020 as well.

Your are assuming too much!! First of all India will go for a max 24 P-8Is by 2020 and not 30 and secondly no matter what but India can't induct more than 6 scorpene subs by 2020. May be we can order 6 more submarines but we can't induct them before 2022-23. Though India could lease another akula class submarine in the mean time. So total fleet by 2020 might be
5-6 Scorpene class SSK.
5-6 Kilo class SSK.
2 Akula class SSN.
3 Arihant class SSBN.
Your are assuming too much!! First of all India will go for a max 24 P-8Is by 2020 and not 30 and secondly no matter what but India can't induct more than 6 scorpene subs by 2020. May be we can order 6 more submarines but we can't induct them before 2022-23. Though India could lease another akula class submarine in the mean time. So total fleet by 2020 might be
5-6 Scorpene class SSK.
5-6 Kilo class SSK.
2 Akula class SSN.
3 Arihant class SSBN.

You might be right but the current scenario indicates that IN needs:
6 Scorpene class SSK
6 Amur
6 U-214
You might be right but the current scenario indicates that IN needs:
6 Scorpene class SSK
6 Amur
6 U-214

well India needs a minimum 19 submarine fleet while it has 14 now and 15-16 by 2020 but with greater capability because of nuclear subs and new scorpenes.
Lol. Look at this 17 year old expert on Indian-everything. Whether it's the Navy (who have yet to recover from the shame of losing their most advanced and well-equipped nuclear-powered submarine in 20 feet of water), the Air Force or the Army, this champion of Indians everywhere is found everywhere copy-pasting inaccurate, future wet-dreams from all around the Indian web. "Sorry, We do not require your", L M A O, who the hell is 'we'? You and your stuffed toy? You don't speak for your street, lest your entire country. And have some shame fanboy. I can understand it hurts watching 250 million dollars of "state-of-the-art", stationary submarine sink in ten minutes, but thumping your chest and stroking your ego shows that you are, not strong, but weak and grimacing from the gash which the torpedoes tore open in your sides... Your pride is hurt, it's okay to let your guard down. Get off PDF, cry a little, weep for the dead, hug your GSLV stuffed-toy, show that you are grieving. It is only respectful. Take my advice. It'll make you look like more of a man and less of a chump.

Very typical reaction,I knew your reacton would be like this when you are faced with the facts,get lost pathetic fanboy!

I was pointing about lack of action by the moderators,when some lowlifes were celebrating the tragic death of Indian sailors,You just wanted to troll here-and you even advised us to stop dreaming of blue water capabilities and started to criticize our Vikrant class project.

I know you would not even give a proper reply,I've given you a clear picture of India's ship building capabiities

And yes,India would be a blue water navy this decade-You'll see 2 40,000 tonne aircraft carriers,more stealth destroyers and Frigates and more Arihant class Nuclear Submarines.

FYI I am not 17 years old,And I know much more than an idiot who calls a space shuttle as a 'wind tunnel model of an aircraft' :omghaha:

And before you start trolling about GSLV and Indian Aircraft carrier,Look at your own country that cannot build anything that comes even close :omghaha:
well India needs a minimum 19 submarine fleet while it has 14 now and 15-16 by 2020 but with greater capability because of nuclear subs and new scorpenes.

6 Scorpene class SSK
6 Amur
6 U-214

Addtionally there will be:
4 Arihant calss as well.
Very typical reaction,I knew your reacton would be like this when you are faced with the facts,get lost pathetic fanboy!

I was pointing about lack of action by the moderators,when some lowlifes were celebrating the tragic death of Indian sailors,You just wanted to troll here-and you even advised us to stop dreaming of blue water capabilities and started to criticize our Vikrant class project.

I know you would not even give a proper reply,I've given you a clear picture of India's ship building capabiities

And yes,India would be a blue water navy this decade-You'll see 2 40,000 tonne aircraft carriers,more stealth destroyers and Frigates and more Arihant class Nuclear Submarines.

The only picture you've given me is of your asininity.

FYI I am not 17 years old,And I know much more than an idiot who calls a space shuttle as a 'wind tunnel model of an aircraft' :omghaha:

3 weeks later you still have not realized the significance of what I said. I was mocking you. Sheesh. Open your eyes. India's manned-missions are decades away. It has taken you 30 years to get to a failed GSLV launch. It will take you another 30 to send monkeys to space.

If you're older than 17 and have still to start your diploma (so that you can chase your dream of working at the ISRO) you are lagging behind. Get off PDF and make something of yourself.

First of all the submarine was a diesel electric one . Not a nuclear-powered submarine.

I stand corrected.
3 weeks later you still have not realized the significance of what I said. I was mocking you. Sheesh. Open your eyes. India's manned-missions are decades away. It has taken you 30 years to get to a failed GSLV launch. It will take you another 30 to send monkeys to space.

Now thats idiocy at its best.

of the 14 submarine left only maximum 8-10 will be operational at any time . And that too is an optimistic scenario.
We are seriously short of subs now. Given current status our submarine arm not capable to take on Chinese ...Let's be realistic. But do we have any choice ? Buying new subs off the shelves - is that option available to us ? I mean is it tenable given the state of economy ?

dude stop comparing yourself with china.
they are at a whole another level then you.

not only don't your submarines stand up to china but every other part of your military as well.
Lol. Look at this 17 year old expert on Indian-everything. Whether it's the Navy (who have yet to recover from the shame of losing their most advanced and well-equipped nuclear-powered submarine in 20 feet of water), the Air Force or the Army, this champion of Indians everywhere is found everywhere copy-pasting inaccurate, future wet-dreams from all around the Indian web. "Sorry, We do not require your", L M A O, who the hell is 'we'? You and your stuffed toy? You don't speak for your street, lest your entire country. And have some shame fanboy. I can understand it hurts watching 250 million dollars of "state-of-the-art", stationary submarine sink in ten minutes, but thumping your chest and stroking your ego shows that you are, not strong, but weak and grimacing from the gash which the torpedoes tore open in your sides... Your pride is hurt, it's okay to let your guard down. Get off PDF, cry a little, weep for the dead, hug your GSLV stuffed-toy, show that you are grieving. It is only respectful. Take my advice. It'll make you look like more of a man and less of a chump.

Correction ! INS Sindhu rakshak was not a nuclear powered submarine . It was Diesel-electric powered submarine ...
Sub Fire A Major Setback for Indian Navy

NEW DELHI — In a major setback to the Indian Navy’s already depleted submarine strength, a Russian-made kilo-class submarine, INS Sindhurakshak, caught fire at the naval dockyard in Mumbai at midnight Aug. 13 and partially sank, with all 18 crew members declared dead.

Navy officials said the submarine caught fire following explosions but the cause of the explosion is not known. A Defence Ministry source said it seems standard operating procedures may not have been followed. A board of inquiry has been ordered to ascertain the cause of the fire.

The Navy source said the submarine has been badly damaged and is likely lost.

This really highlights the lack of discipline and the lack of professionalism of the Indian Navy.
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