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Fellow Pakistanis, Lets prepare for possible Corona virus outbreak Together!!!


Oct 26, 2009
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United Arab Emirates
The recent outbreak of corona virus in mainland China, Iran, Korean Peninsula and many other countries around the globe have raised alarms throughout the world. While there are national and international authorities that are currently fighting the outbreak and Researchers around the world are trying day and night to find a cure or vaccine for the virus. We the Civil Society should also join the effort in containing this potential pandemic. And Generally it applies to whole world, Specifically the civil society of the Lesser Developed Countries have increased Responsibility in this regard.

At least for the time being when the global outbreak is active and spreading we should be extra cautious. We can collectively take following steps. I am trying to keep it as short as possible for everyone to go through easily.

Remember even for now we are safe from the outbreak. We should start taking preemptive measures beforehand and play our part to stop its spread.

1-Reduce Body contact to the Minimum.

Customary Body contacts should be reduced to minimal like Hand Shakes, Hugs and other skin to skin contact. Salutations should be made from safe distance.

2-Reduce intake of Animals related Food Product.

Farm and Home Grown Animals are usually Safer to consume. But The Condition in which animals are raised in most third world countries is far from perfect. Those who are in Animal Farming business should start extra preventive measure for sanitation and cleanliness of the environment and health of their livestock. While Farm Animals have minimum risk of viruses, avoid eating wild animals like hunted meat at all costs.

3-Don’t touch your Face (Nose, Eyes, Mouth, Lips.)

Don’t unnecessarily touch your face. Any virus that is in contact with your hands have much higher chance to travel to your body via your face (Eyes, Nose, Mouth).

4-Wash your hands Before every meal, after coming to your home and at least 3 times a day.

Always wash and sterilize your hands after you come home from outside, after using toilet, before eating something, and in general Three Times a Day

5-Avoid going to Hospitals as much as possible (Unless you have a medical condition of yourself).

Unless you have to visit hospital for medical treatment of you or your family, reduce visits to hospitals as low as possible. i.e. going for a distant relative or a friend and spending time there. Hospital Staff should be very very careful these days. Always wear face mask and Gloves. Quarantine Contagious Patients from the rest. Stop people from visiting the hospitals in flocks. Allow fewer visitors etc.

6-Clean your homes with disinfectants more often

Clean your floors, Yards, Rooms with Disinfectants at least once a week.

7-Special Care for Young ones.

If you have kinds, always sanitize your hands before picking them up. Keep your House clean at all times with disinfectants. Make them wear footwear and don’t allow them to go outside without adult supervision. Some neighborhoods in our country are extremely non hygienic with open sewage canals and dirty streets. Residents of those areas should specially keep their children inside.

8-Use face mask when you are outside

Preferably cover your mouth with face mask or a cloth when you are in crowded places or when riding bike etc

9-Thoroughly Clean the food purchased from the market and try to eat cooked food as much as possible.

Try to cook every food before eating. And Clean any food and vegetable purchased from market before eating. Don’t intake fruits that have rot on them.

10-Don’t Ignore any unusual symptoms you are having regarding your health

If you are feeling unwell, go see the doctor immediately instead of waiting it to get better or going for customary home remedies. Also insist for your family and friend if they are avoiding doctor despite being sick.

11-Reduce Travelling and people to people contact as much as you can
Don't travel to areas and countries that are hot zone of outbreak specifically. And Generally limit the mobility and travel only when required to minimize exposure

12-Spread the awareness and help those who cannot afford hygiene

Buy Face masks, Gloves and Hand Sanitizes for your family & Friends as well as those you know who cannot afford them. Spread awareness in public. It is our responsibility as a society.

Also a Request to the people in Hygiene Products Industry. Please don't start making profit from coming high demands of face masks gloves and disinfectants etc. Spread this message as much as you can.
3 positive cases of corona virus in Peshaware
2 male and one female.
Good hygiene is key. Wash your hands with soap, keep away from ill people, wear a mask if you have a cold, reduce travel you don't need to do.
I live in Peshawar and there are alot of rumors of cases. May Allah have mercy on us.
Hope for the best. Prepare for the worse.
Do you have a link? Its not reported in any news I saw. Please don't spread unverified news
Maybe news channel don't know.
3 confirmed cases in KTH PESHAWAR diagnosed positive for corona virus. one female in hospital was in Dubai.
Only info I could gather was that there was some suspected cases in Peshawar. Nothing officially confirmed. I will wait and see. Lot of fake news out there.
The recent outbreak of corona virus in mainland China, Iran, Korean Peninsula and many other countries around the globe have raised alarms throughout the world. While there are national and international authorities that are currently fighting the outbreak and Researchers around the world are trying day and night to find a cure or vaccine for the virus. We the Civil Society should also join the effort in containing this potential pandemic. And Generally it applies to whole world, Specifically the civil society of the Lesser Developed Countries have increased Responsibility in this regard.

At least for the time being when the global outbreak is active and spreading we should be extra cautious. We can collectively take following steps. I am trying to keep it as short as possible for everyone to go through easily.

Remember even for now we are safe from the outbreak. We should start taking preemptive measures beforehand and play our part to stop its spread.

1-Reduce Body contact to the Minimum.

Customary Body contacts should be reduced to minimal like Hand Shakes, Hugs and other skin to skin contact. Salutations should be made from safe distance.

2-Reduce intake of Animals related Food Product.

Farm and Home Grown Animals are usually Safer to consume. But The Condition in which animals are raised in most third world countries is far from perfect. Those who are in Animal Farming business should start extra preventive measure for sanitation and cleanliness of the environment and health of their livestock. While Farm Animals have minimum risk of viruses, avoid eating wild animals like hunted meat at all costs.

3-Don’t touch your Face (Nose, Eyes, Mouth, Lips.)

Don’t unnecessarily touch your face. Any virus that is in contact with your hands have much higher chance to travel to your body via your face (Eyes, Nose, Mouth).

4-Wash your hands Before every meal, after coming to your home and at least 3 times a day.

Always wash and sterilize your hands after you come home from outside, after using toilet, before eating something, and in general Three Times a Day

5-Avoid going to Hospitals as much as possible (Unless you have a medical condition of yourself).

Unless you have to visit hospital for medical treatment of you or your family, reduce visits to hospitals as low as possible. i.e. going for a distant relative or a friend and spending time there. Hospital Staff should be very very careful these days. Always wear face mask and Gloves. Quarantine Contagious Patients from the rest. Stop people from visiting the hospitals in flocks. Allow fewer visitors etc.

6-Clean your homes with disinfectants more often

Clean your floors, Yards, Rooms with Disinfectants at least once a week.

7-Special Care for Young ones.

If you have kinds, always sanitize your hands before picking them up. Keep your House clean at all times with disinfectants. Make them wear footwear and don’t allow them to go outside without adult supervision. Some neighborhoods in our country are extremely non hygienic with open sewage canals and dirty streets. Residents of those areas should specially keep their children inside.

8-Use face mask when you are outside

Preferably cover your mouth with face mask or a cloth when you are in crowded places or when riding bike etc

9-Thoroughly Clean the food purchased from the market and try to eat cooked food as much as possible.

Try to cook every food before eating. And Clean any food and vegetable purchased from market before eating. Don’t intake fruits that have rot on them.

10-Don’t Ignore any unusual symptoms you are having regarding your health

If you are feeling unwell, go see the doctor immediately instead of waiting it to get better or going for customary home remedies. Also insist for your family and friend if they are avoiding doctor despite being sick.

11-Reduce Travelling and people to people contact as much as you can
Don't travel to areas and countries that are hot zone of outbreak specifically. And Generally limit the mobility and travel only when required to minimize exposure

12-Spread the awareness and help those who cannot afford hygiene

Buy Face masks, Gloves and Hand Sanitizes for your family & Friends as well as those you know who cannot afford them. Spread awareness in public. It is our responsibility as a society.

Also a Request to the people in Hygiene Products Industry. Please don't start making profit from coming high demands of face masks gloves and disinfectants etc. Spread this message as much as you can.
face mask that used be Rs. 5 is now being sold at Rs 30 and that too in black.. I v been using daily long before Coronavirus....
Only info I could gather was that there was some suspected cases in Peshawar. Nothing officially confirmed. I will wait and see. Lot of fake news out there.
I confirmed with my source KTH in Peshawar has 3 cases. May Allah help us.
face mask that used be Rs. 5 is now being sold at Rs 30 and that too in black.. I v been using daily long before Coronavirus....

We have stockpiled 15,000 masks to donate to hospitals and vulnerable communities as a precaution against disaster profiteering.
and 15k is enough??
This is on a personal level, not government... I hope you understand, problem with Pakistanis is we openly criticise but don’t do anything to provide a solution.

If you are not helping, you are part of the problem. Let’s work on solutions, yes :).
This is on a personal level, not government... I hope you understand, problem with Pakistanis is we openly criticise but don’t do anything to provide a solution.

If you are not helping, you are part of the problem. Let’s work on solutions, yes :).
I thought it is govt 's reserved masks.. misunderstood... anyways i have done my part by forcing colleagues into wearing masks.... further i have ordered masks for office so they won't have to buy
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